Grupo de Ingeniería Microelectrónica

Grupo de Ingeniería Microelectrónica

Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica, Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática Universidad de Cantabria
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GIM>investigación>proyecto>CA701 H-INCEPTION...
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Financia:Minetur (AlphaSIP) 
Socios:Industrial: STMicroelectronics FR (Project Leader), Atrenta FR, AlphaSIP ES, Continental Automotive FR, Coventor FR, Dizain-Sync NL, Magillem FR, Oce NL. Academic:EPFL CH,IMEC NL,INL FR, TUD NL, UPMC FR, UC ES, UNIZAR ES. 
Presupuesto:40000€ Año comienzo:2013  final:2015 
Director:Eugenio Villar 
Temas: Diseño de sistemas embebidos HW/SW
Personas: Eugenio Villar
Víctor Fernández
Descripción:New types of emerging applications require microelectronics which closely interact with the surrounding environment in different physical domains (optical, mechanical, acoustical, biological, etc.). The main challenge is to correctly specify, dimension and verify these multi-domain microelectronics assisted systems, to avoid unnecessary errors and redesigns which hamper product quality and thus time to market. Heterogeneous INCEPTION (“H-INCEPTION”) aims at developing and deploying a novel unified design methodology and tools to address the system-level design and verification need for these systems. This will be deployed inside the European Industry with an ecosystem, delivering all design technology ingredients, from design and verification methodology to the essential modeling languages and simulation engines. H-INCEPTION will enable the industrial partners to create multi-domain virtual prototypes by introducing abstract modeling techniques and fast system simulation concepts. A rich consortium from 5 countries composed of semiconductor and fabless companies, equipment suppliers, EDA vendors, research institutes and universities cover different fields and applications domains such as automotive, wireless, avionics and biomedical will all contribute to the creation and validation of this unified design methodology and ecosystem.  

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