Photonics Engineering Group

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Revistas Internacionales
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Brillouin Distributed Fiber Sensors: an overview and applications; Journal of Sensors, 2012
Development and integration of xerogel polymeric absorbance micro-filters...; OPT EXPRESS; 2012
Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy; fundamentals, applications...; ISRN Spectroscopy; 2012
Sample Fiber Bragg Grating Spectral synthesis; OPT EXPRESS; 2012
X-Ray Fluorescence and Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy analysis...SPECTROCHIM ACTA B; 2012
LIBS de doce estatuillas de bronce expuestas en el Museo...; Óptica Pura y Aplicada, 2012
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy application to control...SPECTROCHIM ACTA B; 2012
Sensor system based on a Brillouin fiber laser for remote in series fiber...IEEE Sens. J.; 2012
Pre-processing techniques of thermal sequences applied on line wlding monitoring; Qirt J.; 2012
Raw Material Classification by means of Hyperspectral Imaging and...; IEEE Sens. J.; 2012
Quasi distributed hybrid Brillouin fiber laser sensor system; Meas. Sci. Technol.; 2012
L-Band Multiwavelength Single-Longitudinal Mode Fiber Laser...; J. Lightwave Technol.; 2012
Welding diagnostics by means of particle swarm optimization and feature...; Journal of Sensor; 2012
Multi-technique study of a ceramic archaeological artifact and its content; Spectrochim Acta A; 2012
Spectral and Optimized Marks for Qualitative Material Discrimination; IEEE Sens. J; 2012
Combined fluorescence and reflectance spectroscopy for in vivo quantification...J Biomed Opt.; 2011
Decimeter Spatial Resolution by Using Differential Pre-Excitation BOTDA...; IEEE Sens J.; 2011
Efficient dynamic events discrimination technique for fiber distributed...; Opt Express; 2011
Defect detection with CCD-spectrometer and photodiode-based arc-welding...J Mater Process Tech; 2011
On-Line Role-Play As a Teaching Method in Engineering Studies; J Sci Educ Technol.; 2011
Sensor for the detection of protective coating traces on boron steel with...; IEEE Sens. J.; 2012
Currents and Trends on Fiber Sensing Technologies for Structural Health Monitoring;; 2011
Fiber Optic Sensors in Structural Health Monitoring (Tutorial Invited); JLT; 2011
Remote (155 km) Fiber Bragg Grating Interrogation Technique Combining ...IEEE Photonic Techn L; 2011
Stability comparison of two quadruple-wavelength switchable erbium-doped...; Opt Fiber Tec; 2010
Sensores de fibra óptica modulados en intensidad (Optical Fiber sensors... Eciperú; 2010
Infrared thermography processing based on higher-order statistics; NDT&E Int.; 2010
Resilent long-distance sensor system using a multiwavelenght Raman laser; Meas Sci Technol.; 2010
Automated classification of breast pathology using local measures of broadband...; JBO; 2010
Temperature sensing in multiple zones based on Brillouin..., Journal of Phy.:conference Series, 2009
Spectral scatter scanning system for surgical margin detection, 2009
Methodology for all-fiber opt6ical active devices by compsing...Microw Opt Techn Let.; 2010
Bragg grating written in Tapered Solid-Core Photonic Crystal Fibers, IEEE Photonic Techn L, 2010
Experimental characterization of spectral effective... Meas Sci Technol.; 2010
Hyperspectral imaging sustains production-process competitivenes; SPIE Newsrooms; 2010
Brillouin gain spectrum tailoring technique by using fiber...; Mircrow Opt Techn Let; 2010
Stabilization of dual-wavelength erbium doped ring fiber lasers by...; IEEE Photonic Techn L; 2010
Brillouin frequency shift of standard optical fibers set in water vapor medium; Optics Letters; 2010
Defect Detection in Arc-Welding Processses by Means of the Line-ton-Continuum...; Sensors; 2009
Feasibility study of imaging spectroscopy to monitor the quality of online...; Applied Optics; 2009
Gas Sensor Besed on Photonic Crystal Fibres in the 2v3 and v2+v3 Vibrational Bands...; Sensors ;2009
Comparision of the stability performance or ring resonator...; IEEE J. Quantum Elect.; 2009
High Temperature Long Period Grating thermo-mechanically written, Sensors; 2009
Stability comparision of two ring resonator structres for multiwavelenght fiber...; JLT; 2009
Use of plasma spectrum RMS signal for arc-welding diagnostics; Sensors; 2009
Technique to develop active devices by modifying Brillouin gain spectrum; Electronics Letters, 2009
Automated Identification of Tumor Microscopic Morphology, based upon Macroscopically...JBO; 2009
Ultrasensitive UV-Tunable Grating in all solid photonic Bandgap Fibers; Optics Comnunications, 2009
Optical spectral signatures of liquids by means of fiber optic...Jour.Europe.Optic.Soci. 2009
Multi-Line Fit Model for the Detection of Methane at v2+2v3 Badn using Hollow-Core...Sensors; 2009
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