Photonics Engineering Group

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ROTDR signal enhancement via deep convolutional denoising autoencoders trained with domain...
POF-based specklegram sensor postprocessing comparative: methods for extracting breath and heart rat
Refl ected power-based 2D bending sensor using femtosecond laser FBG inscription in multicore fiber
Hybrid Mach-Zehnder Interferometer manufactured by femtosecond laser multiscan technique
Micro-drilled optical fiber for enhanced laser strain sensors
Astigmatism compensation for waveguide inscription in optical fiber by femtosecond lasers
Automated skin lesion segmentation with kernel density estimation
OCT inspection of degenerative and rheumatic tendinous cords
Safe and private pedestrian detection by a low cost fiber-optic specklegram
In-Fiber Mach-Zehnder Interferometer inscribed with femtosecond laser for high temperature sensing
Non-contact vibration analysis using speckle-based techniques
Feasibility study of strain and temperature discrimination in a BOTDA system via artificial neural n
Brillouin optical time-domain analyzer with a fiber ring laser working on the SLM regime
Experimental demonstration of a Brillouin optical frequency-domain reflectometry (BOFDR) sensor
Influence of saturable absorbers on fiber ring laser sensors
Collagen birefringence assessment in heart chordae tendineae through PS-OCT
Sectorial-Perturbation Analysis of Fiber Specklegram Using Machine Learning Techniques
OFS Quasi-Distributed Transducer for Wind Blade Monitoring
Ultra-high temperature distributed sensor based on Raman and multimode gold-coated fiber
High-temperature distributed sensor based on Raman and multimode standard telecom fiber
High-temperature distributed sensor system via BOTDA and multimode gold-coated fiber
Brillouin Frequency Shift estimation in BOTDA via subpixel processing
Reflection-based Fiber Specklegram Sensor
Thermal annealing of tilted fiber Bragg gratings
Fiber Bragg Grating regeneration temperature in standard fibers
Ultra-long and highstability Random laser based on EDF gain-media and Rayleigh scattering...
Fiber Specklegram Sensors sensitivities at high temperatures
Common frequency suppression method for fiber specklegram perimeter sensors
Overcoming nonlocal effects and Brillouin threshold imitations in Brillouin distributed sensors
Interference of speckle patterns projected by multimode fibers
Iterative Otsu’s method for OCT enhanced delineation in the aorta wall
Colorimetric analysis for on-line arc-welding diagnostics by means of plasma optical spectroscopy
Experimental demonstration of a leakage monitoring system for large diameter water pipes...
Automatic strain detection in a Brillouin Optical Time Domain Sensor using Principal Component...
OCT for anomaly detection in aortic aneurysm resection
Temperature and Pressure transducer based on FBG for large diameter water pipes
Polarimetric DBR fiber laser sensor for strain-temperature discrimination
OCT assessment of aortic wall degradation for surgical guidance
Wavelength Domain Multiplexed fiber specklegram sensor
Species discrimination in plasma welding spectra by means of Principal and Independent Component...
Speckle POF sensor for Detecting Vital Signs of Patients
Identification of vessel wall anomalies in thoracic aortic aneurysms through optical coherence...
Temperature Level Fiber Sensor Network
Radial processing scheme of speckle patterns for sensing applications
LPG in perfluorinated GI-POF for concentration measurement in liquids
Switchable fiber optic laser system for high and low-strain fiber optic sensors remote multiplexing
Measurement of displacement in the micrometer range using speckle pattern correlation...
Simplified sensor design for temperature-strain discrimination using Fiber Bragg Gratings...
Fiber Bragg Grating sensors for on-line welding diagnostic
Optical Coherence Tomography Assessment of Vessel Wall Degradation in Aneurysmatic Thoracic Aortas
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