Photonics Engineering Group

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Complementary use of active Infrared Thermography and Optical Coherent...; 2020 PDF Imprimir E-Mail
Francisco Madruga, Stefano Sfarra, Eusebio Real, Gianfranco Gargiulo, Olga M. Conde, y José M. López‐Higuera
Complementary use of active Infrared Thermography and Optical Coherent Tomography in Non-Destructive Testing inspection of ancient marquetries

Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation Vol.39, Nº 39, pp. 1-8; ISSN: 0195-9298; 16/05/2020; DOI:
Índice de impacto: 1,995, Puesto 15 de 32 en Ciencia de los materiales, caracterización y prueba; Cuartil: 2, Tercil: 2, Decil: 5
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