Photonics Engineering Group

Inicio arrow Publicaciones arrow Revistas Internacionales arrow Automatic Ankle Angle Detection by Integrated RGB and Depth Camera System...2021
Automatic Ankle Angle Detection by Integrated RGB and Depth Camera System...2021 PDF Imprimir E-Mail
Guillermo Díaz-San Martín, Luis Reyes-González, Sergio Sainz-Ruiz, Luis Rodríguez-Cobo and José M. López-Higuera

Automatic Ankle Angle Detection by Integrated RGB and Depth Camera System

Sensors, Vol.2021, Nº 21, pp. 1-21; ISSN: 
1424-8220; 09/03/2021; DOI:
Índice de impacto: 3,576, Puesto 14 de 64 en Instrumentos e Instrumentación; Cuartil: 1, Tercil: 1, Decil: 3
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