Photonics Engineering Group

Miguel Mulet Parada PDF Imprimir E-Mail

Miguel Mulet Parada obtained an M.Eng. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Imperial College, London in 1996. In 2000, he obtained a D. Phil degree from the University of Oxford for his research on the automated analysis of echocardiographic data done at the Medical Vision Lab of the Engineering Science Department led by Prof. Mike Brady. Miguel was part of the original founding team of OMIA, which later became Mirada Solutions until its sale to CTI Molecular Imaging. At Mirada, he took part in technical and business development functions, lead the Cardiology project and managed the process to obtain market authorisation for the Fusion 7D product in the U.S. and Europe. He also has an MBA degree from the Said Business School at the University of Oxford and currently lives in Madrid, Spain.

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