Photonics Engineering Group

Inicio arrow Publicaciones arrow Revistas Internacionales arrow Gas Sensor Besed on Photonic Crystal Fibres in the 2v3 and v2+v3 Vibrational Bands...; Sensors ;2009
Gas Sensor Besed on Photonic Crystal Fibres in the 2v3 and v2+v3 Vibrational Bands...; Sensors ;2009 PDF Imprimir E-Mail

Gas Sensor Besed on Photonic Crystal Fibres in the 2v3 and v2+v3 Vibrational Bands of Methane

Ana M. Cubillas, Jose M. Lazaro, Olga M. Conde, Merco N. Petrovich, Jose M. Lopez-Higuera

Sensors, Vol.9, Nº , pp. 6261-6272; ISSN: 1424-8220; 10/08/2009
Indice de impacto: 1,821, Puesto 11 de 56 en Instrumentos e Instrumentación

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