Photonics Engineering Group

Inicio arrow Publicaciones arrow Revistas Internacionales arrow Sensor for the detection of protective coating traces on boron steel with...; IEEE Sens. J.; 2012
Sensor for the detection of protective coating traces on boron steel with...; IEEE Sens. J.; 2012 PDF Imprimir E-Mail

Sensor for the detection of protective coating traces on boron steel with Aluminium-Silicon covering by means of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and support vector machines

F. Anabitarte, J. Mirapeix, O.M. Conde, J.M. López-Higuera, A. Cobo

IEEE Sensors Journal; Vol. 12, Nº1; pp. 64-70;  ISSN: 1530-437X; 01/01/2012
Índice de impacto: 1,52, Puesto 17 de 58 en Instrumentos e Instrumentación; Cuartil: 2, Tercil: 1.

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