Microelectronics Engineering Group

Microelectronics Engineering Group

Electronics Technology, Systems and Automation Engineering Department University of Cantabria
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   Full record
Title:Low Frequency Architecture for Multi-Lamp CCFL Systems with Capacitive Ignition
Type:International Conference
Where:IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exhibition. Austin-Texas. USA
Authors: Montu Doshi
Jianjian Bian
Regan Zane
Francisco J. Azcondo
R&D Lines: Design of electronic circuits for industrial applications
Projects: Sistemas de alimentación para lámparas de descarga y equipos de electroer...
PDF File:
Abstract:This papers presents a low frequency architecture for driving parallel cold cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFLs) in large screen LCD TV backlighting applications. Key to the architecture is a proposed capacitive coupling approach for the ac lamp ignition. Te ystem consist of a single high voltage converter, an ac lamp ignition circuit, current regulation devices and a single primary controller. The topology is capable of driving an arbitrary number of parallel lamps with independent accurate lamp current regulation, while maintaining high efficiency and achieving significant size, weight, and cost reduction when compared to typical high frequency ac ballast design. Experimental results for a pair of parallel 800V 40cm CCFLs demonstrate simultaneous ignition and dc current regulation.
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