Microelectronics Engineering Group

Microelectronics Engineering Group

Electronics Technology, Systems and Automation Engineering Department University of Cantabria
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Santander Info

   Full record
Title:Automatic generation of modifiable platform models in SystemC for Automatic System Architecture Exploration
Type:International Conference
Where:XXIV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS 2009, Zaragoza, Spain
Authors: Héctor Posadas
Gerardo de Miguel
Eugenio Villar
R&D Lines: Design and verification of HW/SW embedded systems
Projects: FP7 216693 MULTICUBE
PDF File:see file
Abstract:Early Design Space Exploration (DSE) is crucial to achieve optimal designs in large, configurable embedded systems. In platform-based design, the exploration process must cover two areas: selecting the base platform and customizing the configuration parameters. Although exploring the optimal parameters' configuration is a well-known topic, there is a lack of works exploring both areas together. There are no mechanisms to describe all the platform possibilities or simulation infrastructures capable of supporting automatic DSE of both areas. This work proposes a XML-based methodology oriented to describe and automatically create system models of fully configurable systems. The XML descriptions are adequate to be handled by common multi-objective exploration tools. The simulation infrastructure developed automatically creates the models of the different possible architectures and obtains their performance features to perform the exploration. To allow efficient architecture exploration, the high-level system model is automatically built at run-time, avoiding recompiling times.
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