Microelectronics Engineering Group

Microelectronics Engineering Group

Electronics Technology, Systems and Automation Engineering Department University of Cantabria
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Title:Initial Performance and Power Estimation Prototype Tool
Type:Report, Study or Opinion by order
Where:Deliverable D2.1.1 of the FP7 216693 MULTICUBE Project
Authors: Héctor Posadas
Gerardo de Miguel
Eugenio Villar
R&D Lines: Design of HW/SW Embedded Systems
Projects: FP7 216693 MULTICUBE
PDF File:
Abstract:The main goal of this deliverable is the creation of an initial prototype tool for performance and power estimation following the Multicube specifications. The prototype tool is called Multicube-SCoPE. The current, initial version of Multicube-SCoPE is composed of SCoPE v1.1.0 and the plug-in M3P v1.0.2. The M3P is a SCoPE plug-in providing the Multicube required new features to interface the Multicube tools. Additional work has been performed in SCoPE in order to support these new features, resulting in a new SCoPE version v1.1.0. More in general, Multicube-SCoPE initial prototype provides new functionalities for automatic system model generation and configuration, and automatic metric reporting. The tool will be updated with new optimizations to reduce simulation times and new features to accurately model the Multicube use-cases, producing the final version of the prototype at M24 (D2.1.2).

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