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Electronics Technology, Systems and Automation Engineering Department University of Cantabria
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Santander Info

   Full record
Title:Draft Roadmap Definition
Type:Report, Study or Opinion by order
Where:Deliverable D6.3 the FP7-216807 SATURN Project
Authors: Eugenio Villar
Pablo Peñil
et. al.
R&D Lines: Design and verification of HW/SW embedded systems
Projects: FP7 216807 SATURN
PDF File:
Abstract:The purpose of this document is to provide a draft roadmap for the technology being developed on the SATURN project. It defines the planned deliverables for the project and the phasing of the development on a year by year basis. The detail stops at this level as it was felt unnecessary and delivered little value in taking to further decomposition. The second part of the document describes how it is intended to exploit the technology and knowledge both during and after the project has finished. Input for this is provided by both the technology partners (Extessy and Artisan) and the Universities (Paderborn and Cantabria) each describing their plans for exploitation. There is also a statement of intent by the partners on how they will jointly market the technology in the future. A table detailing an approximate timetable for exploitation is provided along with a statement regarding the potential to feed the technology into future standardization.
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