Microelectronics Engineering Group

Microelectronics Engineering Group

Electronics Technology, Systems and Automation Engineering Department University of Cantabria
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Title:CPD Design Flow & Modelling Framework
Type:Report, Study or Opinion by order
Where:Deliverable DT2.4.1 of the Artemis Scalopes project
Authors: Daniel Calvo
Eugenio Villar
Phillipe Millet
Saeid Azmoodeh
Francisco Barat
et all
R&D Lines: Design and verification of HW/SW embedded systems
Projects: Artemis SCALOPES
PDF File:
Abstract:In this report, a preeliminary version of the high-level modelling framework is described. This infrastructure will allow generating automatically SystemC models for system simulation, using as input the system descriptions that result of the application of the
methodology that has been proposed in the current document.
By using the resulting infrastructure, the following aspects will be improved:
o Composability: The system performance could be characterized in the first stages of the design flow integrating IP-XACT models for native
o Predictability: By using SCoPE with the CPD models that are being implemented, modeling the execution of software applications on a concrete hardware platform will be possible. Thus, software can be designed, tested and validated in close interaction with the hardware.
o Dependability: By using SCoPE, potential system failures can be early detected, ruling out implementations or design alternatives that may involve re-designing the complete system.
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