Microelectronics Engineering Group

Microelectronics Engineering Group

Electronics Technology, Systems and Automation Engineering Department University of Cantabria
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   Full record
Title:UML/MARTE Modelling for Design Space Exploration of Mixed-Criticality Systems on top of Time-Predictable HW/SW Platforms
Type:National Conference
Where:Jornadas de Computación Empotrada (JCE15)
Authors: Fernando Herrera
Pablo Peñil
Eugenio Villar
R&D Lines: Design and verification of HW/SW embedded systems
Embedded Systems Specification
Projects: FP7 611146 CONTREX
PDF File:
Abstract:The UML language and the standard MARTE
profile have been proposed for the modelling of complex
embedded and electronic systems. Mixed criticality systems
are posing a new class of modelling and design problem.
This paper addresses the modelling in UML/MARTE of
mixed criticality systems. Specifically, the paper focuses on
systems where criticalities refer to the impact of the
violation of functional and extra-functional requirements,
and on how to model HW/SW platform elements
supporting the time-predictability required by mixed-
criticality systems. The paper also shows how to produce
such models under a single-source approach which enables
an efficient design space exploration (DSE). The presented
modelling approach is supported by a framework
supporting the automatic production of input models
feeding a criticality aware DSE methodology
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