Grupo de Ingeniería Microelectrónica

Grupo de Ingeniería Microelectrónica

Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica, Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática Universidad de Cantabria
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   PUBLICACIONES en las que participa: "Miguel Angel Allende" ordenadas por línea de investigación
   Diseño de circuitos electrónicos de aplicación industrial
conferencia C. Diez, F. Azcondo, M. Allende
"Sub-optimal PWM Control Integrated Circuit for Induction Motor Drives"
XIII Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference (DCIS98). Madrid. 1998-11
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   Métodos de test de circuitos integrados digitales y mixtos
revista J. Miguel, David Rivas, Y. Lechuga, M. Allende, M. Martínez
"A novel computer-assisted design tool for implantable MEMS pressure sensors"
Microprocessors and Microsystems. Eselvier. Aceptada
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conferencia J. Miguel, David Rivas, M. Allende, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez
"Low-Power Analog Front-End for Intelligent Stents"
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conferencia David Rivas, J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, M. Allende, M. Martínez
Proceedings of the 26th micromechanics and microsystems Europe Workshop. 2015-09
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conferencia J. Miguel, David Rivas, M. Allende, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez
"Implantable MEMS Pressure Sensors Modelling Tool"
Proceedings of the Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD2015). 2015-08
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conferencia David Rivas, J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, M. Allende, M. Martínez
"Energy-Efficient Implantable Transmitter for Restenosis Monitoring with Intelligent-Stents"
37th Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2015). 2015-08
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conferencia J. Miguel, David Rivas, Y. Lechuga, M. Allende, M. Martínez
"Oscillation-based Approach Applied to a Low-Power Analog Front-End for an Implantable Cardiac Device"
Proceedings of the 20th International Mixed-Signal Testing Workshop (IMSTW 2015). 2015-08
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conferencia J. Miguel, David Rivas, M. Allende, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez
"Pressure-based intelligent stent for restenosis control"
2015 11th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME 2015). 2015-06
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revista Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Allende, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Fault detection in switched current circuits using built-in transient current sensors"
Journal of Electronic Testing-Theory and Applications 21 (6): 583-598. 2005-12
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conferencia Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Allende, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Experimental Analysis of Transient Current Test Based on dIDD Variations in S2I Memory Cells"
XIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS2004). Bordeaux (France). 2004-11
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conferencia R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Allende, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Experimental Evaluation of a Built-in Current Sensor for Analog Circuits"
XIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS2004). Bordeaux (France). 2004-11
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conferencia M. Allende, F. J. Llacer, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Partial Scan Insertion Tool for Highly Sequential Digital Circuits"
1st IEEE International on-line Testing Workshop. Nice (F). 1995-07
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   Formación de ingenieros en técnicas de diseño y test de circuitos VLSI
conferencia M. Martínez, M. Allende, R. Mozuelos, S. Bracho
"Microelectronics Distance Program with Extended Practical Work"
European Workshop on Microelectronics Education(EWME'2008). Budapest (Hungria). 2008-05
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conferencia M. Allende, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Microelectronic Interactive Distance Course with On-line Measurement Laboratory"
3rd WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Education. Vouliaghmeni(Gr). 2006-07
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revista M. Allende, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Microelectronics Interactive Distance Course with Advanced Experiments on MOS Transistors in an On-line Measurement Laboratory"
WSEAS Transaction on Advances in Engineering Education, issue 5, Vol 3, 263-268. 2006-05
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libro_c M. Allende, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Distance access to test equipment in an on-line IC test course"
Microelectronics Education, EWME 2002. Universidad de Vigo (España) Marcombo Boixareu Editores. 2002-05
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conferencia_n R. Mozuelos, M. Allende, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Laboratorio Remoto de Test: Caracterización de un Convertidor Analógico - Digital"
V Congreso de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica (TAEE 2002). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 2002-02
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conferencia M. Allende, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"On line IC test course with distance access to test equipment"
2nd IEEE Latin American Test Workshop. Cancún (Mexico). 2001-02
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conferencia_n L. González, M. Allende, S. Bracho
"Un Método para la Enseñanza Práctica de los Filtrros SC en las Asignaturas de Laboratorio"
III Congreso de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica (TAEE´98). Madrid. 1998-09
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