Microelectronics Engineering Group

Microelectronics Engineering Group

Electronics Technology, Systems and Automation Engineering Department University of Cantabria
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 Métodos de Test Funcionales y Estructurales: Aplicacion al Autotest de Circuitos Mixtos de Alta Velocidad
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Title:Métodos de Test Funcionales y Estructurales: Aplicacion al Autotest de Circuitos Mixtos de Alta Velocidad
Budget:90508€ Years, begin:2007  end:2009 
Director:Salvador Bracho 
R&D Lines:  
Staff: Yolanda Lechuga
Román Mozuelos
Miguel Angel Allende
Mar Martínez
Salvador Bracho
Description:The design and fabrication of mixed analog-to-digital circuits require more and more efficient post-production test methods, amongst which tests incorporating DfT and BIST design techniques can be highlighted.
According to the latest ITRS report (2005), it is necessary to carry out more research on DfT techniques, with the aim of achieving the efficiency necessary to make these techniques applicable to the above-mentioned post-production processes.
The growing number of mixed circuit applications, and within these analog-to-digital converters, have led to increasingly more demanding specifications above all in terms of high conversion rates, both in communication systems and in the increasingly frequent use of Microsystems with sensors.
In this project we propose studying the application of the most frequently used test methods in functional-type to the high-speed, analog-to-digital converters embedded in Systems on Chip (SoC). At the same time we propose incorporating structural-type test methods, including proposals for testable design, DfT or BIST, applicable to different architectures of high-speed, analog-to-digital converters, which improve on the overall proposal for testing these converters.
To achieve this we must study deeply both the test methods and the structures of testable design and BIST, to obtain the maximum performance from them in the test process. We will then develop a DfT approximation to incorporate the structural test of the high-speed, analog-to-digital converters along with the functional test methods currently being applied.
The flash and folded ADC converters provide a good solution for carrying out a high-speed, analog-to-digital conversion. Nowadays a lot of research is being carried out on these converters in order to increase their resolution and at the same time to improve the rest of their performance. Adding testable design and self test structures is a challenge, which if successful, could improve efficiency in manufacture and use of these circuits.
This project includes the design of the demonstrators necessary to verify the proposed test methods, where the advantages in terms of test of using hybrid functional-structural tests will be highlighted, while maintaining the performance of this type of circuits.
In summary, in this project, the design and test of high-speed, folded, analog-to-digital converters will be dealt with, including self test structures, while maintaining performance, with special emphasis of conversion speed.

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