Microelectronics Engineering Group

Microelectronics Engineering Group

Electronics Technology, Systems and Automation Engineering Department University of Cantabria
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   PUBLICATIONS originated within the project: "ESPRIT 26971 CoMES..." ordered by date
Report, Study or Opinion by order R. Rodríguez, E. Villar
"Contribución al Deliverable D.3.1.B: "Evaluation of co-simualtion of the space application""
Deliverable D.3.1.B of the ESPRIT 26971 CoMES project. 1999-12
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Report, Study or Opinion by order R. Rodríguez, E. Villar
"Contribución al Deliverable D.2.2.B: "Architecture design and performance evaluation""
Deliverable D.2.2.B of the ESPRIT 26971 CoMES project. 1999-10
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Report, Study or Opinion by order R. Rodríguez, E. Villar
"Contribución al Deliverable D.3.1.A: "Specification of the case study detailed design""
Deliverable D.3.1.A of the ESPRIT 26971 CoMES project. 1999-09
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International Conference B. Foucault, J.P. Calvez, X. Lobao, S. Olcóz, E. Villar
"CoMES: CoDesign Methodology for Embedded Systems"
proc. European Multimedia, Microprocessor Systems and Electronic Commerce Conference, EMMSEC'99, Stockholm, Sweden. 1999-06
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Report, Study or Opinion by order E. Villar
"Contribución al Deliverable D.2.2.A: "Functional design of the case study""
Deliverable D.2.2.A of the ESPRIT 26971 CoMES project. 1999-04
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