
The Biomedical Engineering Group (IBioMed) gives different subjects into the several plans in which their members taught at the University of Cantabria (UC).


- Optical Transmission and Commutation

- Basics of Biomedical Engineering (optative)

- Biosensors

- Optical Sources in Medical Applications

- Technologies in Biomedical Applications

- New Technologies in Sustainable Development

- The interdisciplinarity challenge in today's world

- Technological Advances in Health

- Sustainable Development

- Design and Verification of Integrated Circuits

Previous subjects:

- Engineering and Health

- Basics of Biomedical Engineering (elective)

- Basics of Biomedical Optics

- Emergent Information and Communications Technologies

- Optical Communication Systems (extincted)

- Laboratory of Electronic and Photonic Components (extincted)

Bachelor and Master thesis

The Biomedical Engineering Group (IBioMed) offers Bachelor and Master thesis.

- Bachelor and Master thesis supervised or co-supervised by members of IBioMed Group

- Offered Bachelor and Master thesis

Master Courses

The Biomedical Engineering Group (IBioMed) gives a series of Master courses into several programs.

University Master in Medical Imaging and Robotics (Program):

- Medical imaging basics and techniques

- Advanced optical imaging techniques

- Endoscopic systems, optical fiber probes and catheterism

- Bioinstrumentation I

- Bioinstrumentation II

- Diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine

University Master and Doctorate in Communications and Information Technologies in mobile networks (Program):

- Radio over fiber

Doctorate Courses

The Biomedical Engineering Group (IBioMed) gives a series of PhD courses into several programs.

University Master and Doctorate in Communications and Information Technologies in mobile networks (Program):

- Radio over fiber

Electronics Technology, Systems and Automation Engineering Department Doctorate Program (TEISA):

- Non-linear optical effects: Techniques and materials

- Matricial methods for the analysis of photonic devices and networks

Doctoral Thesis

Inside the Biomedical Engineering Group (IBioMed), Doctoral Theses can be realized in order to obtain the Doctor's degree by the University of Cantabria.

- Finished theses

- Theses in accomplishment

- Offered thesis

Summer courses

The Biomedical Engineering Group (IBioMed) participates in the following summer courses:

- New technologies for skin health