Microelectronics Engineering Group

Microelectronics Engineering Group

Electronics Technology, Systems and Automation Engineering Department University of Cantabria
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Title:Built-In Sensor Based on the Time-Variation of the Transient Current Supply in Analogue Circuits
Type:International Conference
Where:16th Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference, DCIS 2001. Oporto (Portugal)
Authors: Román Mozuelos
Mar Martínez
Salvador Bracho
R&D Lines: Test methods of digital and mixed integrated circuits
Projects: Métodos de diseño para test y test de tensión e intensidad en circuitos d...
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Abstract:In the memory cells of the analogue switched circuits, there are some types of faults which are very difficult to detect using either voltage or current based test methods. However, it is possible to detect these faults by means of the changes in the slope of the dynamic current supply, IDDT. In this work, we present a Built-In Current Sensor (BICS) which is able to process the highest frequency components in the dynamic current supply of the circuit under test (CUT). The BICS uses an inductance made from a gyrator and a capacitor to carry out the current to voltage conversion. Moreover, the proposed test method improves the fault coverage in continuous circuits, as can be seen when it is applied to the detection of faults in an operational amplifier.
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