Microelectronics Engineering Group

Microelectronics Engineering Group

Electronics Technology, Systems and Automation Engineering Department University of Cantabria
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Title:A Framework for Heterogeneous Specification and Design of Electronic Embedded Systems in SystemC
Type:International Paper
Where:ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, Special Issue on Demonstrable Software Systems and Hardware Platforms, V.12, Issue 3, N.22
Authors: Fernando Herrera
Eugenio Villar
R&D Lines: Design and verification of HW/SW embedded systems
Projects: IST 033511 ANDRES
PDF File:
Abstract:This work proposes a methodology which enables heterogeneous specification of complex, electronic systems in SystemC supporting the integration of components under different Models of Computation (MoCs). This feature is necessary in order to deal with the growing complexity, concurrency and heterogeneity of electronic embedded systems. The specification methodology is based on the SystemC standard language. Nevertheless, the use of SystemC for heterogeneous system specification is not straightforward. The first problem to be addressed is the efficient and predictable mapping of untimed events, required by abstract MoCs over the Discrete-Event MoC on which the SystemC simulation kernel is based. This mapping is essential in order to understand the simulation results provided by the SystemC model of those MoCs. The specification methodology proposes the set of rules and guidelines required by each specific MoC. Moreover, the methodology supports a smooth integration of several MoCs in the same system specification. A set of facilities are provided covering the deficiencies of the language. These facilities constitute the methodology-specific library called HetSC. The methodology and the associated library have been demonstrated to be useful for the specification of complex, heterogeneous embedded systems supporting essential design tasks such as performance analysis and SW generation.
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