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Microelectronics Engineering Group

Electronics Technology, Systems and Automation Engineering Department University of Cantabria
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Title:The SATURN Methodology for the Co-Verification of Embedded Systems(Final Version)
Type:Report, Study or Opinion by order
Where:Deliverable D3.5 the FP7-216807 SATURN Project
Authors: Wolfgang Mueller
Da He
Fabian Mischkalla
Pablo Peñil
Eugenio Villar
R&D Lines: Design and verification of HW/SW embedded systems
Projects: FP7 216807 SATURN
PDF File:
Abstract:This document presents the final version of the SATURN methodology for UML-based co-design, -simulation, and -synthesis of mixed HW/SW systems. As such, the document outlined the processes and tools applied in the SATURN design flow.
The SATURN methodology is based on the application of several UML profiles at different phases of the design flow. The workflow integrates modelling standards like SysML, MARTE and the Testing Profile for requirements engineering and combines them with the target platform specific SATURN profiles which combines SysML, synthesizable SystemC profile and the HetSC profile for the exploration and the implementation phase.
Aim of the deliverable
The aim of the document is to act as a manual or work instruction for the industrial valuators’ to use on the SATURN project whilst working on the proposed case studies.
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