Microelectronics Engineering Group

Microelectronics Engineering Group

Electronics Technology, Systems and Automation Engineering Department University of Cantabria
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Title:A MDD Methodology for Specification of Embedded Systems and Automatic Generation of Fast Configurable and Executable Performance Models
Type:International Conference
Where:ESWeek 2012 Compilation Proceedings, CoDes+ISSS’12, ACM
Authors: Fernando Herrera
Héctor Posadas
Pablo Peñil
Eugenio Villar
F. Ferrero (GMV)
R. Valencia (GMV)
R&D Lines: Design and verification of HW/SW embedded systems
Projects: FP7 IP 247999 COMPLEX
PDF File:see file
Abstract:This paper presents the COMPLEX UML/MARTE modeling methodology and its related framework for automatic generation of executable performance models. The modeling methodology supports Model-Driven Development (MDD), required by industrial flows, and a novel set of modeling features specifically suitable for Design Space Exploration (DSE), a crucial design activity. The COMPLEX framework has other advantages for DSE. The COMPLEX tooling enables the automatic generation of an executable and configurable model for fast performance analysis without requiring engineering effort. The COMPLEX tooling automates the production of an easily portable text-based representation of the UML/MARTE model. This representation is read by the underlying simulation infrastructure, which automatically builds a fast performance model supporting the evaluation of different configurations of the system. An important aspect of this performance analysis framework is that it supports a system-level text-based front-end, which is produced from the COMPLEX UML/MARTE model, and which avoids the development of SW implementations, HW refinements, or the implementation of HW/SW interfaces. Moreover, neither code regeneration, nor recompilation is required for any DSE iterations, and thus, the time taken in the exploration is mostly due to model simulation.
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