Welcome to the Multicube-SCoPE project website! This project has
been developed by GIM-TEISA department at the
University of Cantabria (GIM-TEISA-UC) and funded by the FP7 EU Project
This FP7 EU project aims at the development of a
design exploration flow covering several abstraction levels based on
the application of several multiobjective design space exploration
techniques by means of a multi-objective exploration engine and multilevel simulation tools to achieve
automatic architectural (hardware) and run-time (software) optimizations of MPSoCs.
Multicube-SCoPE is an evolution of SCoPE oriented to Design Space Exploration (DSE). Multicube-SCoPE is a fast system performance analyzer capable of supporting dynamically configurable XML system descriptions. Multicube-SCoPE automatically provides the system metrics required to drive the DSE process. Multicube-SCoPE is the result of combining two elements: the new SCoPE version (v1.1.5) and the M3P plugin for SCoPE.
M3P, is an open source
developed by the GIM-TEISA-UC to integrate SCoPE within the multicube
project design flow. It is the extension of the SCoPE System-level Simulator
which allows the simulation tool to communicate with a
multicube Explorer performing the DSE
using the XML interface defined within the multicube
project to exchange system configuration and system metrics data.