Grupo de Ingeniería Microelectrónica

Grupo de Ingeniería Microelectrónica

Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica, Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática Universidad de Cantabria
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 ECSEL 737494-2 MegaMart2
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Título:ECSEL 737494-2 MegaMart2
Financia:H2020 & MinEco 
Socios:Softeam, Thales, Smarttesting, ClearSy, Armines, Univ. Pau, Atos, Univ. Oberta de Catalunya, Schneider Electric, Ikerlan, Fentiss, Tekne, Univ. degli Studi dell’Aquila, Intecs, Ro Tech., Abo Univ., Ainacom, Space Systems, Nokia, VTT, Conformiq, Bombardier 
Presupuesto:361344€ Año comienzo:2017  final:2020 
Director:Eugenio Villar 
Temas: Diseño y verificación de sistemas embebidos HW/SW
Personas: Eugenio Villar
Héctor Posadas
Descripción:MegaM@Rt will create a framework incorporating methods and tools for continuous development and validation leveraging the advantages in scalable model-based methods to provide benefits in significantly improved productivity, quality and predictability of large and complex industrial systems.
European industry faces stiff competition on the global arena. The electronic systems become more and more complex and call for modern engineering practices to tackle productivity and quality. The model-driven technologies promise significant productivity gains, which have been proven in several studies. However, these technologies need more development to scale for real-life industrial projects and provide advantages in runtime. MegaM@Rt brings the model-driven engineering to the next level in order to help European industry to reduce development and maintenance costs as well as to reinforce productivity and quality.
The specific scientific and technological objectives include development of:
a) scalable methods and tools for modelling of functional and non-functional properties such as performance, consumption, security and safety with mechanisms for representation of results of runtime analysis.
b) scalable methods and tools for application validation at runtime including scalable methods for models@runtime, verification and online testing.
c) infrastructure for efficient handling and management of numerous, heterogeneous and large models potentially covering several functional and non-functional domains.
d) holistic traceability
1) capable to link and manage models and their elements from different tools as well as
2) suitable for large distributed cross-functional working teams.
e) specific demonstrators and validate MegaM@Rt technologies through 10 complementary industrial case studies.  

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