Grupo de Ingeniería Microelectrónica

Grupo de Ingeniería Microelectrónica

Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica, Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática Universidad de Cantabria
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   PUBLICACIONES ordenadas por fecha
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Revista Internacional J. Miguel, David Rivas, Y. Lechuga, M. Allende, M. Martínez
"A novel computer-assisted design tool for implantable MEMS pressure sensors"
Microprocessors and Microsystems. Eselvier. Aceptada
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Conferencia Internacional
"Runtime reconfigurable system for decommissioned satellite identification and capture"
DCIS 2021. Aceptada
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Revista Internacional Morillas Pérez J, Mechó Meca S, Caballero Galindo G, J. Pérez
"Validation of the effectiveness of augmented reality-assisted vascular puncture: An experimental model "
Journal of Vascular Access. 2023-02
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Revista Internacional Angel Alvarez, V. Fernández, Balazs Matuz
"An efficient NB-LDPC decoder architecture for space telecommand links"
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. 2021-04
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Revista Internacional V. Fernández, Carlos Abad, Angel Alvarez, I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Pre-silicon FEC decoding verification on SoC FPGAs"
IEEE Communications Letters. 2021-01
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, J. Merino, E. Villar
"Data flow analysis from UML/MARTE models based on binary traces"
DCIS 2020 (accepted). 2020-11
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Revista Internacional E. Villar, J. Merino, H. Posadas, R. Henia (Thales TRT), L. Rioux (Thales TRT)
"Mega-Modeling of complex, distributed, heterogeneous CPS systems"
Microprocessors and Microsystems (accepted). 2020-08
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Conferencia Internacional V. Muttillo, G. Valente, L. Pomante, H. Posadas, J. Merino, E. Villar
"Run-time Monitoring and Trace Analysis Methodology for Component-based Embedded Systems Design Flow"
IEEE proc. of the 2020 Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2020. 2020-08
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Conferencia Internacional M. Hussein, R. Nouacer, Y. Ouhammou, E. Villar, F. Corradi, C. Tieri, R. Castiñeira
"Key Enabling Technologies for Drones"
IEEE proc. of the 2020 Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2020. 2020-08
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Revista Nacional J. Pérez, Angels Salvador, Josep Vidal, Unai Sanchez, Nuria Pastor, Ruthy Acosta, Silvia Narejos, Danielle Morrison, Francesc Lopez
"Telemedicine in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic"
Atención Primaria. 2020-04
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Conferencia Internacional Angel Alvarez, I. Ugarte, V. Fernández, P. Sánchez
"Design Space Exploration in Heterogeneous Platforms Using OpenMP"
DCIS 2019. 2019-11
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar
"Megamodeling of complex, distributed, heterogeneous CPS systems"
Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things - CPS&IoT’2019, Budva, Montenegro, 2019. 2019-09
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Capítulo de libro Angel Alvarez, I. Ugarte, V. Fernández, P. Sánchez
"OpenMP Dynamic Device Offloading in Heterogeneous Platforms"
Fan X., de Supinski B., Sinnen O., Giacaman N. (eds) OpenMP: Conquering the Full Hardware Spectrum. IWOMP 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11718. Springer, Cham. 2019-08
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Conferencia Internacional
"OpenMP Dynamic Device Offloading in Heterogeneous Platforms"
IWOMP 2019. 2019-08
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Conferencia Internacional Á. Díaz, E. Villar, P. Sánchez
"Integrated Framework for Reusable Multi-Level Embedded System Verification"
Work-in-Progress Session, DAC, San Francisco. 2018-06
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar
"Model-Driven Analysis of Security, Reliability, Test, Privacy, Safety and Trust of IoE Services "
Surrealist Workshop of the IEEE European Test Symposium, Bremen, Germany. 2018-05
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar
"Model-Driven Analysis and Design of IoT Systems"
DATE Workshop W06: Embedded Software for Industrial IoTs, ESIIT 2018. 2018-03
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Conferencia Internacional Á. Díaz, E. Villar, Daniel Peña
"Short and Long Distance Marker Detection Technique in Outdoor and Indoor Environments for Embedded Systems"
XXXI Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS 2017. 2017-11
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Capítulo de libro F. Herrera, J. Medina, E. Villar
"Modeling Hardware/Software Embedded Systems with UML/MARTE: A Single-Source Design approach"
in Soonhoi Ha and Jürgen Teich (Eds): "Handbook of Hardware/Software Codesign", Springer. 2017-09
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Revista Internacional Á. Díaz, H. Posadas, P. Peñil, P. Sánchez
"High-level Design of Wireless Sensor Networks for Performance Optimization under Security Hazards"
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN). 2017-09
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, L. Diaz, E. Villar
"Static Write Buffer Cache Modeling to Increase Host-compiled Simulation Accuracy "
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD). 2017-09
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Conferencia Internacional J. Medina (UC-ISTR), E. Villar
"Towards MARTE++: An Enhanced UML-based Language to Model and Analyse Real-Time and Embedded Systems for the IoT Age"
Forum on Specification and Design Languages, Verona, 2017. 2017-09
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Revista Internacional H. Hassan, L. T. Yang, J. Xue, E. Villar
"Special issue on: “Heterogeneous architectures for Cyber-physical systems (HACPS)”"
Microprocessors and Microsystems N.52, Elsevier, pp. 333–334. 2017-07
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Revista Internacional K. Grüttner, R. Görgen, S. Schreiner, F. Herrera, P. Peñil, J. Medina, E. Villar, et al.
"CONTREX: Design of embedded mixed-criticality CONTRol systems under consideration of EXtra-functional properties"
Microprocessors and Microsystems, V.51, pp. 39-55, doi=10.1016/j.micpro.2017.03.012. 2017-06
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Capítulo de libro F. Mallet, E. Villar, F. Herrera
"MARTE for CPS and CPSoS"
in S. Nakajima, J.P. Talpin, M. Toyoshima and H. Yu (Eds.): "Cyber-Physical System Design from an Architecture Analysis Viewpoint: Communications of NII Shonan Meetings", Springer, pp.81-108, doi="10.1007/978-981-10-4436-6. 2017-05
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Revista Internacional P. González, P. Sánchez
"Towards a Verification Flow Across Abstraction Levels: Verifying Implementations Against Their Formal Specification"
TCAD. 2017-03
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Capítulo de libro E. Villar, P. Martínez
"Positioning System for Recreated Reality Applications based on high performance Video-Processing"
in A. Molnos, C. Fabre (Eds.):"Model-Implementation Fidelity in Cyber Physical System Design", pp.201-230, Springer. 2016-12
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Revista Internacional Á. Díaz, P. Sánchez
"Simulation of Attacks for Security in Wireless Sensor Network"
Sensors 2016, 16(11), 1932; doi: 10.3390/s16111932. 2016-11
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Conferencia Internacional Angel Alvarez, I. Ugarte, P. Martínez, V. Fernández
"HW-SW Codesign of a Positioning System. UML to Implementation Case Study"
DCIS16. 2016-11
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Revista Internacional H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Using Professional Resources for Teaching Embedded SW Development"
Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, V. 11, I. 4, IEEE, pp. 248 – 255. 2016-11
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Conferencia Internacional Á. Díaz, A. Nicolás, I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Designing embedded HW/SW systems with OpenMP"
FDL Forum on specification & Design Languages September 12-14, 2016 Bremen, Germany. 2016-09
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Conferencia Internacional R. Gorgen, K. Gruttner, F. Herrera, P. Peñil, J. Medina, E. Villar, G. Palermo, W. Fornaciari, C. Brandolese, D. Gadioli, et. al.
"CONTREX: Design of Embedded Mixed-Criticality CONTRol Systems under Consideration of EXtra-Functional Properties "
19th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2016, IEEE. 2016-09
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Revista Internacional Á. Díaz, P. Sánchez
"Security Estimation in Wireless Sensor Network Simulator"
Journal at Circuits, Systems, and Computers (JCSC). 2016-07
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Conferencia Internacional P. González, Á. Díaz, P. Sánchez
"Discovering and Validating Concurrency Specification from Test Executions"
International Workshop on Validating Software Tests Osaka. 2016-03
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Revista Internacional David de la Fuente, P. Peñil, Jesús Barba, H. Posadas, Juan Carlos Lopez, P. Sánchez
Multimedia Tools & Applications. 2016-03
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, E. Villar
"Fidelity of native-based performance models for Design Space Exploration"
MiFi Workshop in DATE 2016 in 2016-03
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, E. Villar
"CONTREP: A single-source framework for UML-based Modelling and Design of Mixed-Criticality Systems"
University Booth in DATE 2016. 2016-03
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Conferencia Internacional
"Modeling, Analysis, and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems in the Electronics Century"
Shonan Meeting, Kanagawa, Japan. 2016-03
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera
"UML/MARTE modelling for mixed-criticality systems"
Tutorial "CONTREX: Virtual Integration Testing for Mixed-Criticality Systems under Consideration of Power and Temperature Constraints" in HIPEAC 2016. 2016-01
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Capítulo de libro P. Sánchez, P. González, Ralf Huuck
"An Approach to Static-Dynamic Software Analysis"
Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems. Revised Selected Papers of FTSCS 2015. Volume 596 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science pp 225-240. Springer. 2016-01
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Conferencia Internacional P. Peñil, H. Posadas, Julio Medina, E. Villar
"UML-Based Single-Source Approach for Evaluation and optimization of Mixed-Critical Embedded Systems "
XXX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS 2015, IEEE. 2015-11
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Revista Internacional V. Fernández, Andrés Mena, Cédric Ben Aoun, Francois Pêcheux, Luis J. Fernández
"Virtual Prototyping of Pressure Driven Microfluidic Systems with SystemC-AMS Extensions"
Microprocessors and Microsystems, Volume 39, Issue 8, Pages 854–865. 2015-11
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Patente Internacional E. Villar, P. Martínez, F. Alcalá, P. Sánchez, V. Fernández
"Método y sistema de localización espacial mediante marcadores luminosos para cualquier ambiente"
Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, OEPM. 2015-11
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, V. Fernández, I. Ugarte
"Teaching a Hardware Description Language with an Affordable, Easy-to-use Robotic Arm"
IEEE International Symposium on Computers in Education, SIIE. 2015-11
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Using Professional Design Contests for the Development of Realistic Teaching Activities in Embedded Systems Design"
IEEE International Symposium on Computers in Education, SIIE. 2015-11
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Conferencia Internacional A. Quevedo, G. Callico, S. López, R. Sarmiento, A. Nicolás, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"System Level Methodology based on VIPPE applied to the implementation of a Scalable Video Decoder on the ZynQ platform"
Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS 2015. doi: 10.1109/DCIS.2015.7388604. 2015-11
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Conferencia Internacional J. Miguel, David Rivas, M. Allende, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez
"Low-Power Analog Front-End for Intelligent Stents"
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Conferencia Internacional Y. Lechuga, R. Casanueva, M. Martínez
"Analisys of teaching methodologies for electronics in non-specialized engineering Studies"
Proceedings of the XXX Conference on Design of Systems and Integrated Circuits. DCIS 2015. 2015-11
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Revista Internacional J. Wan, C-F. Lai, S. Mao, E. Villar
"J. Wan, C-F. Lai, S. Mao and E. Villar: "Editorial: Innovative circuit and system design methodologies for green cyber-physical systems”, "
Microprocessors and Microsystems, V.39, Elsevier, pp. 1231–1233. 2015-11
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Conferencia Internacional P. González, P. Sánchez
"An Approach to Static-Dynamic Software Analysis"
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods. 2015-10
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Conferencia Internacional P. González
"Timed Automata for Modelling Caches and Pipelines"
Proceedings Workshop on Models for Formal Analysis of Real Systems, MARS 2015,volume 196, of EPTCS, pages 37-45 (EPTCS).. 2015-10
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Revista Internacional H. Posadas, P. Peñil, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"Automatic synthesis of communication and concurrency for exploring component-based system implementations considering UML channel semantics"
Journal of System Architecture, V.61, I.8, pp.341–360. 2015-09
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Conferencia Nacional F. Herrera, P. Peñil, E. Villar
"UML/MARTE Modelling for Design Space Exploration of Mixed-Criticality Systems on top of Time-Predictable HW/SW Platforms"
Jornadas de Computación Empotrada (JCE15). 2015-09
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Conferencia Internacional P. Peñil, P. Sánchez, David de La Fuente, Jesús Barba, Juan Carlos López, Xerach Peña
"Building a Dynamically Reconfigurable System Through a High-Level Development Flow"
Forum on specification & Design Languages (FDL 2015). 2015-09
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, P. Peñil, E. Villar
"Enhancing Analyzability and Time Predictability in UML/MARTE Component-based Application Models"
Forum on specification & Design Languages (FDL 2015). 2015-09
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Capítulo de libro D. Fuente, J. Barba, J. C. López, J. Caba, P. Peñil, P. Sánchez
"Building a dynamically reconfigurable system through a high-level development flow"
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume 385, 2016, Pages 51-73 Forum on specification and Design Languages, FDL 2015; Barcelona DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31723-6_3. 2015-09
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Conferencia Internacional David Rivas, J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, M. Allende, M. Martínez
Proceedings of the 26th micromechanics and microsystems Europe Workshop. 2015-09
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Conferencia Internacional A. Nicolás, P. Sánchez
"Parallel native-simulation for multi-processing embedded systems"
18th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2015. 2015-08
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Conferencia Internacional J. Miguel, David Rivas, M. Allende, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez
"Implantable MEMS Pressure Sensors Modelling Tool"
Proceedings of the Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD2015). 2015-08
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Conferencia Internacional David Rivas, J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, M. Allende, M. Martínez
"Energy-Efficient Implantable Transmitter for Restenosis Monitoring with Intelligent-Stents"
37th Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2015). 2015-08
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Conferencia Internacional J. Miguel, David Rivas, Y. Lechuga, M. Allende, M. Martínez
"Oscillation-based Approach Applied to a Low-Power Analog Front-End for an Implantable Cardiac Device"
Proceedings of the 20th International Mixed-Signal Testing Workshop (IMSTW 2015). 2015-08
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, P. Peñil, E. Villar
"A model-based, single-source approach to design-space exploration and synthesis of mixed-criticality systems"
18th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems, SCoPES 2015, ACM. 2015-06
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Conferencia Internacional J. Miguel, David Rivas, M. Allende, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez
"Pressure-based intelligent stent for restenosis control"
2015 11th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME 2015). 2015-06
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Capítulo de libro P. González, P. Sánchez
"Framework for embedded system verification"
Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2015). 2015-04
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, Ingo Sander, Kathrin Rosvall, Edoardo Paone, Gianluca Palermo
"An Efficient Joint Analytical and Simulation-based Design Space Exploration Flow for Predictable Multi-Core Systems"
7th Workshop on Rapid Simulation and Performance Evaluation: Methods and Tools. RAPIDO´15. 2015-01
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Conferencia Internacional L. Diaz, E. González, E. Villar, P. Sánchez
"VIPPE: Parallel simulation and performance analysis of complex embedded systems"
HiPPES4CogApp: High Performance, Predictable Embedded Systems for Cognitive Application. 2015-01
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Conferencia Internacional J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, Jose R. Berrazueta
"Fault Modeling of Implantable MEMS sensors"
Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices. BIODEVICES 2015. 2015-01
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Revista Internacional H. Posadas, A. Nicolás, P. Peñil, E. Villar, Florian Broekaert, Michel Bourdelles, Albert Cohen, Mihai T. Lazarescu, Luciano Lavagno, Andrei Terechko, Miguel Glassee, Manuel Prieto
"Improving the Design Flow for Parallel and Heterogeneous Architectures running Real-Time applications: The PHARAON FP7 project"
Microprocessors and Microsystems,V.38, I.8, Part B, pp. 960–975. 2014-11
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Conferencia Internacional A. Nicolás, P. Peñil, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Automatic Deployment Of Component-Based Embedded Systems From UML/MARTE Models Using MCAPI"
XXIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS 2014. 2014-11
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Conferencia Nacional Javier González Bayón, P. Sánchez, Javier Barreda
"Efficient Implementation of Pattern Matching Recognition in Heterogeneus Architectures"
XXIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS 2014. 2014-11
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Capítulo de libro Á. Díaz, J. González, P. Sánchez
"Wireless Sensor Networks: Virtual Platform for Performance Analysis and Attack Simulation"
Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 B. Candaele et al. (eds.), Trusted Computing for Embedded Systems, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1770-9__12. 2014-11
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Capítulo de libro Á. Díaz, J. González, P. Sánchez
"Low power Wireless Sensor Networks: Secure applications and remote distribution of FW updates with key management on WSN"
Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 B. Candaele et al. (eds.), Trusted Computing for Embedded Systems, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1770-9__12. 2014-11
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, F. Herrera, E. Villar
"Using JIGSAW-type collaborative learning for integrating foreign students in embedded system engineering"
Special session on Education, in the Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Circuits (DCIS). 2014-11
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Conferencia Internacional J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez
"A MEMS Design Tool for Blood-Pressure Sensing"
Proceedings of the Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Circuits (DCIS 2014). 2014-11
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Conferencia Internacional L. Diaz, E. González, E. Villar, P. Sánchez
"VIPPE, parallel simulation and performance analysis of multi-core embedded systems on multi-core platforms"
XXIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS 2014. 2014-11
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Revista Internacional H. Posadas, P. Peñil, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"Automatic synthesis of embedded SW for evaluating physical implementation alternatives from UML/MARTE models supporting memory space separation"
Microelectronics Journal, V.45, I.10, pp.1281–1291, doi: 10.1016/j.mejo.2013.11.003. 2014-10
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Conferencia Internacional P. González, Á. Díaz, L. Diaz, P. Sánchez
"Profiling and optimizations for Embedded Systems"
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Conferencia Internacional L. Diaz, E. González, E. Villar, P. Sánchez
"VIPPE: Native simulation and performance analysis framework for multi-processing embedded systems"
Proceedings of the JCE-Sarteco 2014. 2014-09
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Conferencia Internacional A. Nicolás, P. Peñil, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Automatic Synthesis over multiple APIs from UML/MARTE Models for easy Platform Mapping and Reuse"
Proceedings of the EuroMicro DSD Conference, IEEE, 2014. 2014-08
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Conferencia Internacional J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez
"CMD, an automated design program for blood pressure sensing capacitive MEMS"
11th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN14). 2014-07
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Conferencia Internacional L. Diaz, P. Sánchez
"Host-compiled Parallel Simulation of Many-core Embedded Systems"
San Francisco, DAC2014. 2014-06
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Conferencia Internacional V. Fernández, Elier Wilpert, Henrique Isidoro, Cedric Ben Aoun, Francois Pecheux
"SystemC-MDVP Modelling of Pressure Driven Microfluidic Systems"
3rd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), Montenegro. 2014-06
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Conferencia Internacional J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Modeling of Faulty Implantable MEMS Pressure Sensors"
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2014). 2014-05
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Conferencia Internacional P. Peñil, L. Diaz, P. Sánchez
"Sytem-level design framework for many-core architectures "
Workshop 3PMCES 2014. 2014-03
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Conferencia Internacional L. Lavagno (PoliTo), M. Lazarescu (PoliTo), H. Posadas, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"Parallel and Heterogeneous Architectures for Real-Time Applications"
University Booth, DATE 14, Dresden. 2014-03
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Capítulo de libro F. Herrera, P. Peñil, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Model-Driven Methodology for the Development of Multi-level Executable Environments"
J. Haase (Ed.): "Models, Methods and Tools for Complex Chip Design", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, V.265, Springer. 2014-01
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Revista Internacional F. Herrera, H. Posadas, P. Peñil, E. Villar, F. Ferrero (GMV), R. Valencia (GMV), G. Palermo
"The COMPLEX methodology for UML/MARTE modeling and design-space exploration of embedded systems"
Journal of Systems Architecture, V.60, N.1, Elsevier, pp.55–78. 2014-01
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Conferencia Internacional E. Ebeid (U.Ver.), F. Fummi (U.Ver.), D. Quaglia (U.Ver.), H. Posadas, E. Villar
"A Framework for Design-Space Exploration and Performance Analysis of Networked Embedded Systems"
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Rapid Simulation and Performance Evaluation: Methods and Tools, ACM. 2014-01
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar, A. Nicolás, P. Peñil, H. Posadas
"Modeling and SW Synthesis for Heterogeneous Embedded Systems in UML/MARTE"
Tutorial SD1: "High-Level Specifications to Cope With Design Complexity" in ASP-DAC 2014, Singapore . 2014-01
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Conferencia Internacional A. Nicolás, H. Posadas, P. Peñil, E. Villar
"Automatic Concurrency generation through Communication Data Splitting based on UML-MARTE Models"
XXVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, San Sebastian, Noviembre, 2013 . 2013-11
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Revista Internacional K. Grüttner, P.A. Hartmann, K. Hylla, S. Rosinger, W. Nebel, F. Herrera, E. Villar, C. Brandolese, W. Fornaciari, G. Palermo, C. Ykman-Couvreur, D. Quaglia, F. Ferrero (GMV), R. Valencia (GMV)
"The COMPLEX reference framework for HW/SW co-design and power management supporting platform-based design-space exploration"
Microprocessors and Microsystems, V.37, N.8-C, Elsevier, pp.966-80. 2013-11
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Conferencia Internacional David de La Fuente, Jesús Barba, P. Peñil, P. Sánchez, Julio Daniel Dondo, María José Santofimia
"Easy Modeling and Fast Exploration of Multimedia Heterogeneous Applications with UML/MARTE."
DCIS.. 2013-11
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Conferencia Internacional J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez
"Fault injection in an implantable MEMS-based pressure sensing device"
Proceedings of the 28th Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference (DCIS 2013). 2013-11
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Conferencia Internacional J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez
"Fault Injection in an Implantable MEMS-Based Pressure Sensing Device"
Proceedings of 28th Design of Circuitos and Integrated Systems Conference DCIS 2013. 2013-11
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Conferencia Nacional P. Peñil, H. Posadas, A. Nicolás, E. Villar, D. Calvo (TED)
"Code Synthesis of UML/MARTE models for physical platforms considering resource-specific codes"
IV Jornadas de Computación Empotrada, Sarteco 2013. 2013-09
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Conferencia Internacional P. Peñil, P. Sánchez, D. de la Fuente, J. Barba, J.C. López
"UML/MARTE methodology for automatic SystemC code generation of OPENMAX multimedia applications "
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2013, IEEE. 2013-09
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Conferencia Internacional R. Fernández, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Early performance evaluation of Multi-OS embedded platforms using native simulation"
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2013, IEEE, doi: 10.1109/DSD.2013.131. 2013-09
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, E. Villar, et al.
"EU FP7-288307 PHARAON project: Parallel and heterogeneous architecture for real-time applications"
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2013, IEEE, doi: 10.1109/DSD.2013.47. 2013-09
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Revista Internacional R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Behavioral model of folded and interpolated ADCs for test evaluation—Case study: Structural DfT method"
Microelectronics Journal, Volume 44, Issue 5, May 2013, Pages 382–392. 2013-05
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, P. Peñil, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"System synthesis from UML/MARTE models: The PHARAON approach"
Electronic System Level Synthesis Conference, ESLsyn, 2013, IEEE. 2013-05
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Conferencia Internacional Á. Díaz, J. González, P. Sánchez
"Security of Low Power Wireless Sensor Meshed Network"
TRUDEVICE 2013. 2013-05
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Conferencia Internacional Á. Díaz, J. González, P. Sánchez, P. González
"Virtual platform for power and security analysis of wireless sensor network"
SPIE 2013. 2013-04
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Conferencia Internacional J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez
"Implantable Sensor System for Remote Detection of a Restenosis Condition"
4th Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems (DoCEIS 2013). 2013-04
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Conferencia Internacional J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez
"Modeling of an implantable device for remote arterial pressure measurement"
SPIE Microtechnologies 2013. 2013-04
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Conferencia Internacional Á. Díaz, P. Sánchez, J. Sancho, J. Rico
"Wireless Sensor Network Simulation for Security and Performance Analysis"
DATE 2013. 2013-03
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Revista Internacional P. González, J. González, P. Sánchez
"OpenMP performance analysis for many-core platforms with non-uniform memory access"
IJCSI Volume 10, Issue 2. 2013-03
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, H. Posadas, P. Peñil, E. Villar, P. Sánchez, P. González, F. Ferrero (GMV), R. Valencia (GMV)
"A MDD Methodology for the Specification and Performance Estimation of Embedded Systems"
Tutorial B: Advanced Techniques for Power-Aware System-Level Prototyping, DATE'13. 2013-03
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Patente Internacional Á. Díaz, P. Sánchez
OFICINA ESPAÑOLA DE PATENTES Y MARCAS Paseo de la Castellana, 75 - 28071 Madrid (España). 2013-03
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar, H. Posadas
"SW simulation technologies in virtual platforms"
Class 6: "Embedded SW Development on Virtual Platforms - Ready for Industrial Deployment?", Embedded World 2013, Nuremberg. 2013-02
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Revista Internacional J. Pérez, A Buron, M Roman, M.A. Checa, M Sala, M Comas, C Murta-Nacismiento, X Castells, F Marcia
"Can the Gail model increase the predictive value of a positive mammogram in a European population screening setting? Results from a Spanish cohort "
The Breast Volume 22, Issue 1 , Pages 83-88, February 2013.. 2013-02
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Conferencia Internacional J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez
"Analysis of Fault Injection in Implantable Capacitive Blood-Pressure Sensors"
International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (Biodevices 2013). 2013-02
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Conferencia Internacional P. González, J. González, P. Sánchez
"An OpenMP-based framework for performance analysis of many-core platforms with non-uniform memory access"
High Performance Energy Efficient Embedded Systems (HIP3ES)-2013. 2013-01
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Conferencia Internacional J. Miguel, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez
"Modelling an implantable sensor system for restenosis monitorization in the pulmonary artery"
XXVII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS12) . 2012-11
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, P. Peñil, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"Automatic synthesis of Embedded SW Communications from UML/MARTE models supporting memory-space separation"
XXVII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'12. 2012-11
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Revista Internacional F. Herrera, I. Ugarte, E. Villar
"Towards automated implementation of adaptive systems from abstract SystemC specifications"
Design Automation of Embedded Systems, Springer. 2012-11
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Revista Internacional R. Varona, E. Villar, A-I. Rodríguez (GMV), F. Ferrero (GMV), E. Alaña (GMV)
"Architectural Optimization & Design of Embedded Systems based on AADL Performance Analysis"
American Journal of Computer Architecture, V.1, N.2, Scientific & Academic Publishing. 2012-11
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Conferencia Internacional Á. Díaz, P. Sánchez, J. Sancho, J. Rico
"Simulation of attacks in Wireless Sensor Network"
DCIS 2012. 2012-11
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Conferencia Internacional P. González, P. Sánchez, J. González
"A virtual Platform for performance estimation of OpenMP Programs"
DCIS 2012. 2012-11
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Conferencia Internacional P. González, J. González, P. Sánchez
"An approach for algorithm parallelization oriented to a many-core implementation"
ISPA 2012. 2012-11
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Conferencia Internacional P. González, J. González, P. Sánchez
"A virtual platform for performance estimation of many-core implementations"
DSD 2012. 2012-11
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, P. Peñil, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"UML/MARTE methodology for high-level system estimation and optimal synthesis"
MeCoES - Metamodeling and Code Generation for Embedded Systems, ESWeek 2012. 2012-10
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, H. Posadas, P. Peñil, E. Villar, F. Ferrero (GMV), R. Valencia (GMV)
"A MDD Methodology for Specification of Embedded Systems and Automatic Generation of Fast Configurable and Executable Performance Models"
ESWeek 2012 Compilation Proceedings, CoDes+ISSS’12, ACM. 2012-10
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, H. Posadas, P. Peñil, E. Villar, F. Ferrero (GMV), R. Valencia (GMV)
"The CompleX Eclipse Framework for UML/MATE Specification and design Space Exploration of Embedded Systems"
Proceedings of the 2012 Conference on Design & Architectures for Signal & Image Processing, DASIP 2012, IEEE. 2012-10
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Using Technical Documents as Support for Developing Competences in HW/SW Design"
IEEE International Symposium on Computers in Education, SIIE 2012. 2012-10
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, H. Posadas, E. Villar, D. Calvo
"Enhanced IP-XACT Platform Descriptions for Automatic Generation from UML/MARTE of Fast Performance Models for DSE"
15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD'2012. 2012-09
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Conferencia Internacional K. Gruttner, P.A. Hartmann, K. Hylla, S. Rosinger, W. Nebel, F. Herrera, E. Villar, C. Brandolese, W. Fornaciari, G. Palermo, C. Ykman-Couvreur, D. Quaglia, F. Ferrero, R. Valencia
"COMPLEX - COdesign and power Management in PLatform-based design space EXploration "
15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD'2012. 2012-09
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Conferencia Nacional F. Herrera, P. Peñil, E. Villar, F. Ferrero (GMV), R. Valencia (GMV)
"An Embedded System Modelling Methodology for Design Space Exploration "
III Jornadas de Computación Empotrada, Sarteco 2012. 2012-09
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, P. Peñil, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"A Model-Driven Methodology for the Development of SystemC Executable Environments "
Proceedings of the 2012 Forum on Specification and Design Languages, FDL'2012, IEEE. 2012-09
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Conferencia Internacional P. Peñil, H. Posadas, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"Automatic synthesis from UML/MARTE models using channel semantics"
International Workshop on Model-Based Arquitecting and Construction of Embedded Systems, ACES-MB 2012, doi: 10.1145/2432631.2432640. 2012-09
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Conferencia Internacional Á. Díaz, P. Peñil, P. Sánchez, J. Sancho, J. Rico
"Modeling and Simulation of Secure Wireless Sensor networks"
Proceedings of the 2012 Forum on Specification and Design Languages, FDL'2012, IEEE. 2012-09
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Conferencia Internacional Á. Díaz, R. Diego, P. Sánchez
"Virtual Platform for Wireless Sensor Network"
DSD Euromicro 2012. 2012-09
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo Á. Díaz, P. Sánchez
"Design space exploration of trusted computing platforms for supporting run-time data and task management"
Deliverable D4.3a of the TOISE project. 2012-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo Á. Díaz, P. Sánchez
"TOISE Demostrators specifications and architecture report"
Deliverable D2.4 of the TOISE project. 2012-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo F. Colas-Bigey, A. Terechko, H. Posadas, E. Villar, P. Peñil, F. Broekaert, C. Couvreur, M. Bourdelles, S. Li, L. Lavagno, A. Cohen
"Definition of tool interfaces and integrated design flow"
Deliverable D1.2 of the FP7 Pharaon Project. 2012-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo H. Posadas, E. Villar, P. Peñil, F. Broekaert, C. Chantal, L. Lavagno, A. Terechko, M. Bourdelles, S. Li
"System specification methodology"
Deliverable D1.3 of the FP7 Pharaon Project. 2012-06
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez, V. Fernández
"Motivation of students in the learning of digital electronics through the double integration: Remote/presential work and theoretical/laboratory classes "
Proceedings - 2012 Technologies Applied to Electronics Teaching (TAEE 2012). 2012-06
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Capítulo de libro P. Peñil, F. Herrera, E. Villar
"Formal Support for Untimed MARTE-SystemC Interoperability"
T. Kazmierski & A. Morawiec (Eds.): "Systems Specification and Design Languages", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, V.106, Springer. 2012-06
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, P. Peñil, E. Villar, F. Ferrero (GMV), R. Valencia (GMV)
"The COMPLEX Eclipse framework for UML/MARTE Specification of Embedded Systems and automatic generation of executable models for Design-Space Exploration"
University Booth, DATE 12, Dresden. 2012-03
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo Á. Díaz, P. Sánchez
"TOISE intermediate report on Hardware/Software architecture"
Deliverable D2.2a of the TOISE project. 2012-03
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Capítulo de libro P. Peñil, F. Herrera, E. Villar
"Formal Foundations for the Generation of Heterogeneous Executable Specifications in SystemC from UML/MARTE Models"
Kiyofumi Tanaka: "Embedded Systems - Theory and Design Methodology", InTech, Croatia. 2012-02
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Capítulo de libro F. Herrera, I. Ugarte
"Concurrent Specification of Embedded Systems: An Insight into the Flexibility vs Correctness trade-off "
Kiyofumi Tanaka: "Embedded Systems - Theory and Design Methodology", InTech, Croatia. 2012-02
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Conferencia Internacional J. Miguel, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez
"Behavioural Analysis of an Implantable Flow and Pressure Sensing Device"
International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (Biodevices 2012). 2012-02
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar, H. Posadas
"SW simulation technologies in virtual platforms"
Class 6: "Embedded SW Development on Virtual Platforms - Ready for Prime Time?", Embedded World 2012, Nuremberg. 2012-02
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Capítulo de libro H. Posadas, Á. Díaz, E. Villar
"SW Annotation Techniques and RTOS Modeling for Native Simulation of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems"
Kiyofumi Tanaka: "Embedded Systems - Theory and Design Methodology", InTech, Croatia. 2012-02
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Conferencia Internacional Elena Alaña, Francisco Ferrero, Ana Isabel Rodríguez, Raúl Valencia, Eric Conquet, Juan Antonio Puente, Juan Zamorano, F. Herrera, R. Varona
"Component-based technologies for HW/SW Co-Design"
Embedded Real Time Software and Systems-ERTS2. Toulouse. France. 2012-02
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Conferencia Internacional P. González, P. Sánchez, J. González
"Hardware Performance Estimation by Dynamic Scheduling"
Proceedings FDL. 2011-12
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Conferencia Internacional P. González, J. González, P. Sánchez
"Hardware Performance estimation by Dynamic Scheduling II"
Proceedings DCIS2011. 2011-12
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo Á. Díaz, P. Sánchez
"TOISE use case requirements"
Deliverable D2.1 of the TOISE project.. 2011-12
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo P. Sánchez, Á. Díaz
"List of requirements for firmware and trusted operating environment"
Deliverable D4.1 of the TOISE project. 2011-12
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Conferencia Internacional P. González, P. Sánchez
"An approach for modelling parallelization in the P2012"
P2012 Developers Conference. Grenoble.. 2011-12
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Automatic Communication Modeling for Early Exploration of HW/SW Allocation Based on Native Co-simulation"
XXVI Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'11. 2011-11
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Conferencia Internacional D. Calvo, J. Pérez, P. González, R. Diego, Á. Díaz, P. Sánchez
"Design, modeling and development of an efficient comunication infrastructure for networking applications"
XXVI Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'11. 2011-11
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Revista Internacional H. Posadas, E. Villar, Dominique Ragot, Marcos Martinez
"Early, time-approximate modeling of multi-OS linux platforms in a systemC co-simulation environment"
Int. Journal on Computer Systems Science & Engineering, Vol 26 No 6. 2011-11
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Libro completo C. Silvano, W. Fornaciari, E. Villar
"Multi-objective Design Space Exploration of Multiprocessor SoC Architectures: the MULTICUBE Approach"
Springer, New York, USA . 2011-10
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Capítulo de libro C. Silvano, W. Fornaciari, G. Palermo, V. Zaccaria, F. Castro, M. Martínez, S. Bocchio, R. Zafalon, P. Avasare, G. Vanmeerbeeck, C. Ykman-Couvreur, M. Wouters, C. Kavka, L. Onesti, A. Turco, U. Bondi, G. Mariani, H. Posadas, E. Villar, C. Wu, F. Dongrui, Z. Hao
"The MULTICUBE Design Flow"
C. Silvano, W. Fornaciari & E. Villar (Eds.): "Multi-objective Design Space Exploration of Multiprocessor SoC Architectures: the MULTICUBE Approach", Springer, New York, USA. 2011-10
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Capítulo de libro H. Posadas, S. Real, E. Villar
"M3-SCoPE: Performance Modeling of Multi-Processor Embedded Systems for Fast Design Space Exploration"
C. Silvano, W. Fornaciari & E. Villar (Eds.): "Multi-objective Design Space Exploration of Multiprocessor SoC Architectures: the MULTICUBE Approach", Springer, New York, USA. 2011-10
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Capítulo de libro M. Martínez, D. Ferrúz, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"High-level modeling and exploration of a powerline communication network based on System-on-Chip"
C. Silvano, W. Fornaciari & E. Villar (Eds.): "Multi-objective Design Space Exploration of Multiprocessor SoC Architectures: the MULTICUBE Approach", Springer, New York, USA. 2011-10
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Capítulo de libro C. Silvano, W. Fornaciari, G. Palermo, V. Zaccaria, F. Castro, M. Martinez, S. Bocchio, R. Zafalon, P. Avasare, G. Vanmeerbeeck, C. Ykman-Couvreur, M. Wouters, C. Kavka, L. Onesti, A. Turco, U. Bondi, G. Mariani, H. Posadas, E. Villar, C. Wu, F. Dongrui, Z. Hao, T. Shibin
"MULTICUBE: Multi-Objective Design Space Exploration of Multi-Core Architectures"
N. Voros, A. Mukherjee, N. Sklavos, K. Masselos, M. Huebner (Eds.): "VLSI 2010 Annual Symposium Selected Papers", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, V.57. 2011-10
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Conferencia Nacional F. Herrera, P. Peñil
"An Eclipse-based Framework for Modelling and Design Space Exploration of Embedded Systems: The COMPLEX approach "
2nd Spanish Eclipse Embedded's Day. 2011-10
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Capítulo de libro W. Mueller, D. He, F. Mischkalla, A. Wegele, A. Larkham, P. Whiston, P. Peñil, E. Villar, N. Mitas, D. Kritharidis, F. Azcarate, M. Carballeda
"The SATURN Approach to SysML-Based HW/SW Codesign"
N. Voros, A. Mukherjee, N. Sklavos, K. Masselos, M. Huebner (Eds.): "VLSI 2010 Annual Symposium Selected Papers", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, V.57, pp. 151-164, Springer. 2011-10
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar, H. Posadas
"Native Power Estimation for Embedded System Design-Space Exploration"
PATMOS'11, Facultad de Informática, UCM, Madrid. 2011-09
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, E. Villar
"A Framework for the Generation from UML/MARTE Models of IP/XACT HW Platform Descriptions for Multi-Level Performance Estimation "
Proceedings of the Forum of Design and Specification Languages 2011 (FDL'2011). 2011-09
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, E. Villar, Philipp Harmann
"SystemC Refinement of Abstract Adaptive Processes for Implementation into Dynamically Reconfigurable Hardware "
Proceedings of the Forum of Design and Specification Languages 2011 (FDL'2011). 2011-09
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Tesis doctoral H. Posadas
"Estimación de prestaciones para Exploración de Diseño en Sistemas Embebidos Complejos HW/SW"
Santander, UC. 2011-07
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo F. Herrera, P. Peñil, E. Villar, F. Ferrero (GMV), R. Valencia (GMV), L. Lavagno (PoliTo), D. Quaglia (EdaLab)
"SystemC Generation Tools from MARTE and Stateflow"
Deliverable D2.1.2 of the COMPLEX project. 2011-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo Emmanuel Vaumorin (Magillem), Bart Vanthournout (Synopsys), Sara Bocchio (ST-I), Davide Quaglia (EdaLab), F. Herrera, P. Peñil, E. Villar, Kai Hylla (OFFIS), Tiemo Fandrey (OFFIS)
"Preliminary report on virtual system generation"
Deliverable D2.5.1 of the COMPLEX project. 2011-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo Carlo Brandolese (PoliMi), Gianluca Palermo (PoliMi), William Fornaciari (PoliMi), F. Herrera, H. Posadas, E. Villar, Massimo Poncino (PoliTo), Chantal Ykman-Couvreur (IMEC)
"Preliminary report on design space exploration"
Deliverable 3.4.1 of COMPLEX project. 2011-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo R. Varona, V. Fernández, E. Villar
"HWSW Co-Design Survey"
Deliverable R1-2 of the ESTEC HW/SW Co-Design Project. 2011-05
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Revista Internacional R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Structural Test Approach for Embedded Analog Circuits based on a Built-In Current Sensor"
Journal of Electronic Testing (Springer). 2011-04
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Conferencia Internacional Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Design-for-Test Method for High-Speed ADCs: Behavioral Description and Optimization"
IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS´11), Cottbus (Germany) . 2011-04
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Automatic vector generation guided by a functional metric"
SPIE Microtechnologies. 2011-04
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo D. Calvo, P. González, L. Diaz, Alvaro Diaz, Pablo Sanchez, D. Gutiérrez (TTI), F. Alcalá (VS)
"Smart video processing in MPSoC demonstrator"
Deliverable DA2.3b of Artemis SCALOPES Project. 2011-03
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Conferencia Internacional P. Peñil, F. Herrera, E. Villar
"Towards SystemC Code Generation from UML/MARTE Concurrent System-Level Models "
W6: 2nd Workshop on Model Based Engineering for Embedded Systems Design, DATE 2011. 2011-03
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, E. Villar
"Generation of Abstract IP/XACT Platform Descriptions from UML/MARTE for System-Level Performance Estimation "
W6: 2nd Workshop on Model Based Engineering for Embedded Systems Design, DATE 2011. 2011-03
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Conferencia Internacional D. Calvo, P. González, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez, E. Villar, Andrea Acquaviva, Enrico Macii, Claudio Parrella, Mateo Giaconia
"SCoPE: SystemC Cosimulation and Performance Estimation. Application to Power and Thermal-Aware Design"
University Booth, DATE 11, Grenoble. 2011-03
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Conferencia Internacional D. Calvo, P. Botella, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Automatic Generation of HdS System Model for System Simulation using IP-XACT"
Workshop W7: Hardware Dependent Software Solutions for SoC Design, DATE 2011. 2011-03
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Conferencia Internacional R. Varona, E. Villar, A-I. Rodríguez (GMV)
"Ravenscar Computational Model compliant AADL Simulation on LEON2"
International Symposium on Information System and Software Engineering, ISSE 2011 . 2011-03
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Revista Internacional D. Calvo, P. González, L. Diaz, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez, E. Villar, Andrea Acquaviva, Enrico Macii
"A Multi-Processing Systems-on-Chip Native Simulation Framework for Power and Thermal-Aware Design"
ASP Journal on Low-Power Electronics (JOLPE): Special Issue on Low Power Design and Verification Techniques . 2011-02
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, L. Diaz, E. Villar
"Fast Data-Cache Modeling for Native Co-Simulation "
Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, ASP-DAC 2011. 2011-01
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo Wolfgang Mueller, Da He, Fabian Mischkalla, P. Peñil, E. Villar
"The SATURN Methodology for the Co-Verification of Embedded Systems(Final Version)"
Deliverable D3.5 the FP7-216807 SATURN Project. 2010-12
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo Artur Wegele, P. Peñil, E. Villar, Wolfgang Mueller, Da He, Fabian Mischkalla, et. al.
"Updated frameworks"
Deliverable D4.5 the FP7-216807 SATURN Project. 2010-12
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo E. Villar, P. Peñil, et. al.
"Final Project Activity report and Project Management Report"
Deliverable D1.3 of the FP7-216807 SATURN Project. 2010-12
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo Nikolaos Mitas, Dimitrios Kritharidis, Florent Azcarate, Manuel Carballeda, Philippe Hébrard, P. Peñil
"Test Cases Design Implementation and Evaluation (second increment)"
Deliverable D5.4 the FP7-216807 SATURN Project. 2010-12
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo Adrian Larkham, P. Peñil, E. Villar, et. al.
"Final Plan for Use and Dissemination of Foreground"
Deliverable D6.5 the FP7-216807 SATURN Project. 2010-12
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo Adrian Larkham, P. Peñil, E. Villar, et. al.
"Final Project Report"
Deliverable D1.4 the FP7-216807 SATURN Project. 2010-12
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo Francisco Ferrero (GMV), R. Valencia (GMV), F. Herrera, E. Villar, L. Lavagno, D. Quaglia
"System specification methodology using MARTE and Stateflow "
Deliverable D2.1.1 of the COMPLEX project.. 2010-12
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo Carlo Brandolese (PoliMi), Gianluca Palermo (PoliMi), William Fornaciari (PoliMi), F. Herrera, E. Villar, Francisco Ferrero (GMV), Raúl Valencia (GMV), Bart Vanthournout (Synopsys)
"Preliminary report on Embedded Software Estimation and Model Generation "
Deliverable D2.2.1 of the COMPLEX project. 2010-12
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo Kai Hylla (OFFIS), Saif A. Butt (CV), F. Herrera, S. Real, P. González, P. Sánchez
"Preliminary report on Custom Hardware Estimation and Model Generation "
Deliverable D2.4.1 of the COMPLEX project. 2010-12
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo D. Calvo, H. Posadas, E. Villar, Francisco Alcalá, David Gutierrez
"Guidelines for System-level design, integration and optimization"
Deliverable DT4.3.6 of the Artemis Scalopes Project. 2010-12
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Conferencia Internacional L. Diaz, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Obtaining Memory Address Traces from Native Co-Simulation for Data Cache Modeling in SystemC"
XXV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'10. 2010-11
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Conferencia Internacional P. González, P. Sánchez, L. Diaz
"Embedded software execution time estimation at different abstraction levels"
XXV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'10. 2010-11
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Conferencia Internacional P. Botella, P. Sánchez, H. Posadas
"Automatic Generation of SystemC SMP Models for HW/SW Co-Simulation"
XXV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'10. 2010-11
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Native Co-Simulation of TCP/IP-Based Embedded Systems in SystemC"
XXV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'10. 2010-11
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Conferencia Internacional Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Fault Evaluation of a Distributed Preamplifying Stage of a High-Speed Folded ADC"
XXV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'10. 2010-11
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo D. Calvo, P. Botella, L. Diaz, Saeid Azmoodeh, Francisco Barat, E. Villar, Philippe Millet
"Final report on CPD System component and model implementation"
Deliverable DT2.3.2 of the Artemis Scalopes project. 2010-11
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Conferencia Internacional J. Pérez, P. Sánchez
"Real-Time Voxel-Based Visual Hull Reconstruction"
XXV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'10. 2010-11
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo Gianluca Palermo, Carlo Brandolese, Francisco Ferrero, Gunnar Schomaker, Claus Brunzema, Kim Gruettner, Kai Hylla, Bart Vanthournout, Davide Quaglia, Luciano Lavago, Massimo Poncino, Emanuel Vaumorin, Chantal Couvreur, Saif Ali Butt, F. Herrera
"Definition of application, stimuli and platform specification, and definition of tool interfaces"
Documento Entregable D1.2.1 del proyecto COMPLEX, . 2010-10
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo D. Calvo, E. Villar, Phillipe Millet, Francisco Barat, Saeid Azmoodeh, et all
"CPD Design Flow & Modeling Framework (Final version)"
Deliverable DT2.4.2 of the Artemis Scalopes project. 2010-10
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Patente Nacional H. Posadas, L. Diaz, E. Villar
"Método y sistema de modelado de memoria caché"
Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas. OEPM. 2010-10
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Conferencia Internacional D. Calvo, E. Villar, A. Aquaviva, E. Macii
"An Approach For High-Level Thermal Modeling using Native Simulation"
EUROMICRO Conference on Digital Systems Design. 2010-09
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Conferencia Internacional P. Peñil, F. Herrera, E. Villar
"Formal Foundations for MARTE-SystemC Interoperability"
Forum on specification & Design Languages 2010, FDL'2010, IEEE. 2010-09
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Conferencia Internacional V. Fernández, F. Herrera, E. Villar
"Formal Support for Untimed SystemC specifications: Application to high-level synthesis"
Forum on specification & Design Languages 2010, FDL'2010, IEEE. 2010-09
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo P. Peñil, E. Villar, Wolfgang Mueller, Da He, Fabian Mischkalla
"Code Generation and Heterogeneous Run-Time Environments for the Co-Verification of Embedded Systems (second increment)"
Deliverable D3.4 the FP7-216807 SATURN Project. 2010-09
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Conferencia Internacional S. Real, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"L2 Cache Modeling for Native Co-Simulation in SystemC"
Symposium of Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2010). 2010-07
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Conferencia Internacional W. Mueller, D. He, F. Mischkalla, A. Wegele, P. Whiston, P. Peñil, E. Villar, N. Mitas, D. Kritharidis, F. Azcarate, M. Carballeda
"The SATURN Approach to SysML-Based HW/SW Codesign"
IEEE Annual Symposium on VLSI, ISVLSI'10. 2010-07
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Conferencia Internacional C. Silvano, W. Fornaciari, G. Palermo, V. Zaccaria, F. Castro, M. Martinez, S. Bocchio, R. Zafalon, P. Avasare, G. Vanmeerbeeck, C. Ykman-Couvreur, M. Wouters, C. Kavka, L. Onesti, A. Turco, U. Bondi, G. Mariani, H. Posadas, E. Villar, C. Wu, F. Dongrui, Z. Hao, T. Shibin
"Multi-Objective Design Space Exploration of Multi-Core Architectures"
IEEE Annual Symposium on VLSI, ISVLSI'10. 2010-07
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Conferencia Nacional M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Un Proyecto de Master Europeo de Electrónica Médica"
IX Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Electromedicina e Ingeniería Clínica. 2010-06
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar
"SW simulation and Performance Analysis in Multi-Processing Embedded Systems"
ARTEMIS Technology Conference, Budapest, Hungary. 2010-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo D. Calvo, E. Villar, Phillipe Millet, Saeid Azmoodeh, Francisco Barat, et all
"CPD Design Flow & Modelling Framework"
Deliverable DT2.4.1 of the Artemis Scalopes project. 2010-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo Patricia Botella, P. González, Pablo Sánchez, Francisco Alcalá, Mario Virgliar, et all
"Embedded and low-power surveillance systems: Final specification release"
Deliverable DA2.2 of the Artemis Scalopes project. 2010-06
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, E. Villar, Dominique Ragot, M. Martínez (DS2)
"Early Modeling of Linux-based RTOS Platforms in a SystemC Time-Approximate Co-Simulation Environment"
IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC'10). 2010-05
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Conferencia Internacional J. Castillo, H. Posadas, E. Villar, M. Martínez (DS2)
"Fast Instruction Cache Modeling for Approximate Timed HW/SW Co-Simulation "
20th Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI'10), Providence, USA. 2010-05
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Conferencia Internacional R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Test of Embedded Analog Circuits based on a Built-In Current Sensor"
European Test Symposium 2010, ETS10. 2010-05
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar
"Formalization of the MARTE/SystemC interoperability for HW/SW co-design (Invited Speech)"
Artist MoBE-RTES Workshop, Carmona (Sevilla). 2010-05
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo F. Broekaert, N. Ventroux, D. Calvo, Á. Díaz, E. Villar, F. Alcalá, D. Gutiérrez
"System-level performance simulation: User Manuals & Prototype tools"
Deliverable DT4.3.1a of the Artemis Scalopes project. 2010-05
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Conferencia Internacional J. Pérez, V. Fernández
"3GPP2/802.20 RC/QC-LDPC Encoding"
IEEE European Wireless 2010, Lucca, Italy. 2010-04
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Conferencia Nacional F. Díaz, F. Azcondo, C. Brañas, R. Casanueva
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo M. Carballeda, N. Mitas, D. Kritharidis, F. Azcárate, P. Hebrard, E. Villar, P. Peñil
"Test Cases Specification (second increment)"
Deliverable D5.3 the FP7-216807 SATURN Project. 2010-04
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Conferencia Internacional J. Pérez, V. Fernández, P. Sánchez
"Optimizing Data-Flow Graphs with Min/Max, Adding and Relational Operations"
Design Automation and Test in Europe 2010, DATE'10. 2010-03
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Conferencia Internacional R. Varona, E. Villar
"AADS+: AADL simulation including the Behavioral Annex"
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems. 2010-03
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Conferencia Nacional P. Peñil, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Formal Modeling for UML/MARTE Concurrency Resources"
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems. 2010-03
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo D. Calvo, E. Villar, A. Aquaviva, F. Bruschi
"Final Report on Architecture Modeling"
Deliverable DT4.2.2 of the Artemis Scalopes project. 2010-03
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Modeling Separate Memory Spaces in Native Co-­simulation with SystemC for Design Space Exploration "
2PARMA Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures . 2010-02
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo E. Villar, D. Calvo, A. Aquaviva, F. Bruschi
"Preliminary Report on architecture modeling and tool prototyping"
Deliverable DT4.2.1 of the Artemis Scalopes project. 2010-02
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Capítulo de libro R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Test based on Built-In Current Sensors for Mixed-Signal Circuits"
Emerging Trends in Technological Innovation, IFIP AICT 314, Springer. 2010-02
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Capítulo de libro Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Structural DfT Strategy for High-speed ADCs"
Emerging Trends in Technological Innovation, IFIP AICT 314, Springer*. 2010-02
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo H. Posadas, S. Real, E. Villar
"Refined Performance and Power Estimation Prototype Tool"
Deliverable D2.1.2 of the FP7 216693 MULTICUBE Project. 2010-02
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Conferencia Internacional J. Pérez, P. Sánchez
"Belief propagation for high-definition real-time stereo matching systems"
3D Image Processing (3DIP) and Applications (IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging), California, USA. 2010-01
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Revista Internacional R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, Lidia Alcedo, Jorge Jiménez
"Advanced Cutting Experiences for a Nuclear Power Plant Application"
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 2010-01
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Conferencia Internacional J. Pérez, P. Sánchez
"Memory efficient belief propagation for high-definition real-time stereo matching systems"
IEEE International Conference in Electronics Circuits and Systems, Medina, Tunisia. 2009-12
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Capítulo de libro P. Peñil, J. Medina (CTR), H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Generating Heterogeneous Executable Specifications in SystemC from UML/MARTE Models"
in "Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering", V.6, N.1-2, March, Springer. 2009-12
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo E. Villar, P. Peñil, et. al.
"Updated Plan for Use and Dissemination of Foreground"
Deliverable D6.4 the FP7-216807 SATURN Project. 2009-12
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo E. Villar, P. Peñil, et. al.
"Second Project Activity Report and Project Management Report "
Deliverable D1.2 the FP7-216807 SATURN Project. 2009-12
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Conferencia Internacional J. Pérez, P. Sánchez, M. Martínez (DS2)
"High definition Belief-Propagation based stereo matching FPGA architecture"
XXIV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS2009), Zaragoza, Spain. 2009-11
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Conferencia Internacional P. Garralda, J. Pérez, P. Sánchez, M. Martínez (DS2)
"Hardware-aware algorithmic improvements of voxel-based Visual Hull reconstruction"
XXIV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS2009), Zaragoza, Spain. 2009-11
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, G. de Miguel, E. Villar
"Automatic generation of modifiable platform models in SystemC for Automatic System Architecture Exploration "
XXIV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS 2009, Zaragoza, Spain. 2009-11
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Conferencia Internacional C. Fernández, J. Pérez, P. Sánchez, M. Martínez (DS2)
"Co-Design Methodology for Real-Time and High-Definition 3D reconstruction algorithms"
XXIV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS2009), Zaragoza, Spain. . 2009-11
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Conferencia Internacional J. Pérez, P. Sánchez
"Real-Time Stereo Matching using memory-efficient Belief Propagation for High-definition 3D tele-presence systems"
Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP-2009). Guadalajara, Mexico. 2009-11
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Conferencia Internacional J. Pérez, P. Sánchez
"High memory throughput FPGA architecture for High-Definition Belief-Propagation Stereo Matching"
IEEE International Conference on Signals, Circuits and Systems (SCS), Djerba, Tunisia. 2009-11
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva
"Simplified Analysis of a PWM-controlled Parallel Resonant Inverter for Electronic Ballast Applications"
The 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 09, Oporto, Portugal. 2009-11
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Conferencia Internacional F. Pétrot (TIMA), E. Villar
"High Speed Multi-Processors System-On-Chip Simulation Platforms for Hardware Dependent Software Development"
1st SoftSoC Workshop, Grenoble. 2009-10
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Conferencia Internacional C. Fabre (CEA), E. Villar, E. Vaumorin (MDS)
"Hardware-defined Software: Concepts & Architecture"
1st SoftSoC Workshop, Grenoble. 2009-10
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, F. Díaz, C. Brañas
"DC and Pulsed DC TIG Welding with a Scalable Power Supply"
2009 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, EE.UU.. 2009-10
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva
"Reduced Order Model for Envelope and Small-Signal Analysis of a Phase-Controlled Triple LCpCs Resonant Inverter for Electronic Ballast Applications"
2009 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting. 2009-10
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Capítulo de libro H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Automatic HW/SW interface modeling for scratch-pad & memory mapped HW components in native source-code co-simulation (Best Paper Award)"
A. Rettberg, M. Zanella, M. Amann, M. Keckeiser & F. Rammig (Eds.): "Analysis, Architectures and Modelling of Embedded Systems", Springer, 2009. 2009-09
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, E. Villar
"Local Application of Simulation Directed for Exhaustive Coverage of Schedulings in SystemC Specifications"
Proceedings of the Forum on specification and Design Languages, FDL'09, IEEE, 2009. 2009-09
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Tesis doctoral R. Mozuelos
"Test Basado en Sensores de Corriente Internos para Circuitos Integrados Mixtos (Analógicos-Digitales)"
Universidad de Cantabria. 2009-09
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Tesis doctoral Y. Lechuga
"Métodos de Test Estructural Aplicados a Circuitos Mixtos de Altas Prestaciones"
Universidad de Cantabria. 2009-09
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Patente Nacional J. Pérez, V. Fernández
"Codificador ldpc e interleaver para dvb-s2"
Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas. OEPM . 2009-09
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Conferencia Internacional F. Díaz, F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva, C. Brañas
"Microcontroller software applied to electronic ballast design"
European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2009. 2009-09
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva
"Envelope modeling and small-signal analysis of a PWM-controlled parallel resonant inverter for electronic ballast applications"
IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 09), San José, CA, EE.UU.. 2009-09
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Capítulo de libro H. Posadas, J. Castillo, D. Quijano, V. Fernández, E. Villar, Marcos Martínez (DS2)
"SystemC Platform Modeling for Behavioral Simulation and Performance Estimation of Embedded Systems"
L. Gomes and J. M. Fernandes (Eds.): “Behavioral Modeling for Embedded Systems and Technologies: Applications for Design and Implementation”, IGI Global. 2009-07
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Conferencia Nacional F. Díaz, Ryan Schnell, C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, Regan Zane, R. Casanueva
"Control digital de fase para el encendido resonante de lámparas de alta intensidad de descarga, utilizando núcleo de saturación suave"
Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación, SAAEI 2009. 2009-07
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo R. Varona, E. Villar
"AADS User's Manual"
Deliverable 3.4.1 of the SPICES project. 2009-07
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Conferencia Internacional R. Varona, E. Villar
"AADL simulation and performance analysis in SystemC"
14th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Postdam. 2009-06
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Conferencia Internacional P. Peñil, E. Villar, H. Posadas, Julio Medina (CTR)
"Executable SystemC specification of the MARTE generic concurrent and communication resources under different Models of Computation"
Workshop on the Definition, evaluation, and exploitation of modelling and computing standards for Real-Time Embedded Systems, STANDRTS'09 Satellite Workshop of the the 21st EuroMicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, Dublin. 2009-06
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar
"SATURN presentation"
Workshop on the Definition, evaluation, and exploitation of modelling and computing Standards for Real-Time Embedded Systems, STANDRTS'09. Satellite Workshop of the the 21st EuroMicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, Dublín. 2009-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo P. Peñil, E. Villar, et al.
"Code generation and co-verification of embedded systems with SystemC"
Deliverable D3.3 of the FP7-216807 SATURN Project. 2009-06
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Tesis doctoral I. Ugarte
"Functional Verification Techniques of Digital System (Técnicas de Verificación Funcional de Sistemas Digitales)"
Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de Cantabria.. 2009-06
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Conferencia Internacional Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Optimization of a Structural DfT Targeting Fault Detection on High‐Speed ADCs"
European Test Symposium (ETS'09). Sevilla(E). 2009-05
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Conferencia Internacional F. Azcondo, C. Brañas, R. Casanueva, F. Díaz
"Flexible power architecture for high quality welding application"
International Exhibition & Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Power Quality, PCIM Europe 2009. Nüremberg, Alemania. 2009-05
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo R. Varona, E. Villar
"User Manual of AADS v.2.0"
Deliverable D3.4.1: "SystemC Generator-final release" of the SPICES project. 2009-05
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Conferencia Internacional R. Varona, E. Villar
"AADS: AADL simulation and performance analysis in SystemC"
Software demonstration at the DATE’09 University Booth, Nice, April, 2009. 2009-04
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo E. Villar, P. Peñil, et. al.
"Draft Roadmap Definition"
Deliverable D6.3 the FP7-216807 SATURN Project. 2009-04
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Tesis doctoral F. Herrera
"Especificación Heterogénea y Generación Automática de Software para Sistemas Embebidos desde SystemC"
Universidad de Cantabria. 2009-02
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Conferencia Internacional M.Martínez, S.Bracho, R.Mozuelos, M.A.Allende
"Tecnologías Colaborativas en un Curso de Circuitos Microelectrónicos"
Informática 2009, Segundo Simposio Internacional de Computación y Electrónica, La Habana (Cuba). 2009-02
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo P. Peñil, E. Villar, et. al.
"Specification of a MDA-based framework with embedded systems verification support"
Deliverable D4.2 of the FP7-216807 SATURN Project. 2009-02
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo H. Posadas, G. de Miguel, E. Villar
"Initial Performance and Power Estimation Prototype Tool"
Deliverable D2.1.1 of the FP7 216693 MULTICUBE Project. 2009-02
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo S. Real, F. Herrera, E. Villar
"Modelling of SW. Final library elements."
Deliverable D1.2b of the ANDRES project. 2009-01
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo E. Villar, P. Peñil, et. al.
"First Project Activity Report and Project Management Report"
Deliverable D1.1 the FP7-216807 SATURN Project. 2008-12
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Conferencia Internacional J. Pérez, P. Sánchez, E. de las Heras
"Low-Cost Real Time Scalable Hardware Platform For Capturing And Calibrating Video"
Orlando, Florida. 2008-11
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Conferencia Internacional J. Pérez, V. Fernández
"Reducing the error floor using a two-level permutation in structured eIRA LDPCs"
XIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS2008), Grenoble, France. 2008-11
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Conferencia Internacional Y. Lechuga, Ahcène Bounceur, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho, Salvador Mir
"Test Limit Evaluation for an ADC Structural Design-for-Test Approach by using a CAT Platform"
Proceedings of the Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS 2008, Grenoble (Francia). 2008-11
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Optimized Coverage-directed Random Simulation"
IEEE International High Level Design Validation and Test. 2008-11
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva
"Envelope Analysis of a Phase-Controlled Triple LCpCs Resonant Inverter for Electronic Ballast Applications"
2008 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS 08), Edmonton, Canada. 2008-10
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, E. Villar, P. A. Hartmann
"Specification of HW/SW adaptive Embedded Systems in SystemC"
Proceedings of the Forum on specification and Design Languages, FDL'08, IEEE, 2008. 2008-09
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Revista Internacional F. Díaz, F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva, C. Brañas, R. Zane
"Digital control of a low-frequency square-wave electronic ballast with resonant ignition"
IEEE Transactions Industrial Electronics. 2008-09
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, C. Brañas
"Generador de impulsos bipolar de electroerosión basado en un inversor resonante"
XV Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación, SAAEI’08, Cartagena, España. 2008-09
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Conferencia Internacional F. Díaz, F. Azcondo, R. Zane, R. Casanueva, C. Brañas
"Balasto electrónico LFSW con convertidor SEPIC de bobinas acopladas actuando como CFP y fuente de potencia"
XV Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación, SAAEI’08, Cartagena, España. 2008-09
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Capítulo de libro V. Fernández, E. Villar
ARTIST Survey of Programming Languages. Alan Burns (Editor). 2008-08
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Revista Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva
"A Generalized Study of Multi-Phase Parallel Resonant Inverters for High-Power Applications"
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, vol. 55, pp. 2128-2138. 2008-08
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo M. Díez, E. Villar, M. Martínez (DS2)
"HdS code generation tool development"
Deliverable DS2-T4.5-Q2-08 of the Medea+ 2A708 LoMoSa+ Project. 2008-08
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo E. Villar, P. Peñil, et. al.
"Plan for Use and Dissemination of Foreground"
Deliverable D6.2 the FP7-216807 SATURN Project. 2008-08
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo R. Varona, E. Villar
"User Manual of AADS"
Deliverable D3.4.1: "SystemC Generator-first release" of the SPICES project. 2008-07
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo F.Oppenheimer, K.Gruettner, A. Jantsch, F. Colas-Bigey, J. Haase, M. Martinez, F. Herrera, E. Villar
"Intermediate Dissemination and Demonstration Plan"
Deliverable D4.1c of the ANDRES project. 2008-07
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Conferencia Internacional M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Collaborative Technologies for a Microelectronic Course using Moodle"
Proc of the 5th WSEAS Int Conference on Engineering Education Heraklion (Creta-Gr). 2008-07
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Conferencia Internacional J. Barreda, P. Sánchez, Jorge Ocón
"Integration of Domain-Specific Models into a MDA Framework for Time-Critical Embedded Systems"
Sixth Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems WISES 08. 2008-07
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Capítulo de libro F. Herrera, E. Villar, C.Grimm, M.Damm, J.Haase
"Heterogeneous Specification with HetSC and SystemC-AMS. Widening the support of MoCs in SystemC "
E. Villar (Ed.): "Embedded Systems Specification and Design Languages", The CHDL Series V.10, Springer, pp-107-121. 2008-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo P. Peñil, E. Villar, et. al.
"State-of-Art Analysis for Embedded Systems design"
Deliverable D3.1 of the FP7-216807 SATURN Project. 2008-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo J. Haase, P. A. Hartmann, F. Herrera
"Initial Version of Integrated Framework."
Deliverable D1.6a of the ANDRES project. 2008-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo K.Gruettner, A. Herrholz, P. A. Hartmann, F. Herrera, E. Villar
"Interface Synthesis Concept"
Deliverable D2.3a of the ANDRES project. 2008-06
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Tesis doctoral J. Pérez
UC. 2008-06
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Libro completo E. Villar
"Embedded Systems Specification and Design Languages: Selected contributions from FDL'07"
The CHDL Series V.10, Springer. 2008-06
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva
"Envelope analysis applied to multi-phase resonant inverters"
2008 IEEE 39th Annual Power Electronics Specialist Conference (PESC 08), Rodas, Grecia. 2008-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo P. Peñil, E. Villar, et. al.
"Baseline for MDA-based modeling and code generation"
Deliverable D4.1 of the FP7-216807 SATURN Project. 2008-06
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Revista Internacional J. Haase, M. Damm, C. Grimm, F. Herrera, E. Villar
"Bridging MoCs in SystemC Specifications of Heterogeneous Systems"
EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, Special Issue "C-Based Design of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems", Volume 2008 (2008), Article ID 738136, 16 pages. 2008-05
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Conferencia Internacional M. Martínez, M. Allende, R. Mozuelos, S. Bracho
"Microelectronics Distance Program with Extended Practical Work"
European Workshop on Microelectronics Education(EWME'2008). Budapest (Hungria). 2008-05
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Conferencia Internacional F. Azcondo, A. de Castro
"Power factor correction controllers based on current rebuilding technique implemented on FPGA"
International Exhibition & Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Power Quality, PCIM Europe 2008. Nüremberg, Alemania. 2008-05
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Revista Internacional C. Grimm, A. Jantsch, S. Shukla, E. Villar
"Editorial: C-Based Design of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems"
EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, Special Issue "C-Based Design of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems", Volume 2008 (2008). 2008-05
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo R. Varona, E. Villar
"AADS (AADL SystemC Simulator)"
Deliverable D3.4.1: "SystemC Generator-first release", del proyecto SPICES. 2008-04
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Revista Internacional J. Pérez, V. Fernández
"Low-Cost Enconding of IEEE 802.11n"
IET Electronics Letters Volume 44, Issue 4, pp. 307-308. 14 Feb 2008. 2008-03
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, C. Brañas
"A new bipolar power supply for spark erosion based on a series-parallel resonant inverter"
2008 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exhibition (APEC 2008), Austin, TX, EE.UU.. 2008-02
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Conferencia Internacional R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Structural DfT Approach on Folded ADCs"
14th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems(ICECS'2007). Marrakech(Marruecos). 2007-12
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Conferencia Internacional R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Behavioral Modeling for a Top-Down Design Methodology of Folded and Interpolated ADCs"
XXII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems. Sevilla. 2007-11
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Providing a Formal Meaning to Coverage Metrics "
XXII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems. 2007-11
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Conferencia Internacional J. Castillo, H. Posadas, E. Villar, Marcos Martínez (DS2)
"Energy Consumption Estimation Technique in Embedded Processors with Stable Power Consumption based on Source-Code Operator Energy Figures"
XXII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'07 . 2007-11
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Revista Internacional J. Pérez, K. Andrews
"Low-Density Parity-Check Code Design Techniques to Simplify Encoding"
The Interplanetary Network Progress Report, Volume 42-171, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. 2007-11
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Conferencia Internacional J. Haase, M. Damm, C. Grimm, F. Herrera, E. Villar
"Using Converter Channels within a Top-Down Design Flow in SystemC"
The 15th Austrian Workhop on Microelectronics, Graz, Austria. 2007-10
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, E. Villar, C. Grimm, M. Damm, J. Haase
"A general approach to the interoperability of HetSC and SystemC-AMS"
Proceedings of the Forum on Design Languages 2007, FDL'07. Barcelona. 2007-09
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Conferencia Nacional M. Allende, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Microelectronics interactive distance course with advanced experiments on MOS transistors in an on-line measurement laboratory"
Simposio Nacional de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones en la Educación VIII Congreso Nacional de Informática Educativa [SINTICE 2007]. Zaragoza(E). 2007-09
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, D. Quijano, E. Villar, Marcos Martínez (DS2)
"Protocol Bus Modeling using inheritance with TLM2.0"
Proceedings of the Forum on Design Languages, FDL'07. Barcelona. 2007-09
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar, E. de las Heras
"SystemC-AADL interoperability"
ECSI Industrial Workshop: “System Design in Avionics and Space Industry”, Barcelona. 2007-09
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, L. Alcedo, F. Azcondo, J. Jiménez
"Advanced Cutting Experiences for a Nuclear Power Plant Application"
2007 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS 2007), New Orleans, EE.UU.. 2007-09
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva, F. Díaz
"Penta-phase Series-Parallel LCsCp Resonant Inverter to drive 1kW HPS Lamps"
2007 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS 2007), New Orleans, EE.UU.. 2007-09
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Conferencia Internacional F. Díaz, F. Azcondo, C. Brañas, R. Casanueva, R. Zane
"Digitally controlled low frequency square wave electronic ballast with resonant ignition and power loop"
2007 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS 2007), New Orleans, EE.UU.. 2007-09
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Conferencia Internacional F. Azcondo, A. Ortiz, M. Mañana, F. Díaz, C. Brañas, C. Renedo, S. Pérez, F. Delgado, R. Casanueva
"Effects of Flicker on Different Types of 150-W High-Pressure Sodium Lamps and Ballasts"
2007 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS 2007), New Orleans, EE.UU.. 2007-09
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Conferencia Internacional F. Díaz, F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva, C. Brañas
"Diseño de balasto electrónico resonante con corrector de factor de potencia actuando como fuente de potencia para alimentar lámparas de halogenuros metálicos"
XIV Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación, SAAEI’07, Puebla, Mexico. 2007-09
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Revista Internacional F. Herrera, E. Villar
"A Framework for Heterogeneous Specification and Design of Electronic Embedded Systems in SystemC"
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, Special Issue on Demonstrable Software Systems and Hardware Platforms, V.12, Issue 3, N.22. 2007-08
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Conferencia Internacional A.Herrholz, F. Oppenheimer, P.A.Hartmann, A.Schallenberg, W. Nebel, C.Grimm, M.Damm, J.Haase, F.Brame, F. Herrera, E. Villar, I.Sander, A.Jantsch, A.-M.Foulliart, M.Martínez
"The ANDRES project: Analysis and Design of Run-time REconfigurable, heterogeneous Systems"
17th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications. Amsterdam. 2007-08
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, H.-P. Schulze, F. Azcondo, M. Leone
"Fuentes de alimentación de electroerosión: aplicaciones y propuestas"
2nd Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference MESIC- CISIF’07, Madrid, España. 2007-07
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo J. Castillo, H. Posadas, D. Quijano, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"HdS modeling library"
DS2-T3.4-Q2/07 Deliverable of the Medea+ 2A708 LoMoSa+ Project. 2007-06
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Conferencia Internacional R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"A Methodology for Structural Test of Folded ADCs"
International Mixed-signal Testing Workshop(IMSTW'07). Póvoa do Varzim(P). 2007-06
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Revista Internacional R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, C. Brañas
"Output Current Sensitivity Analysis of the LCpCs Resonant Inverter: Current Source Design Criteria"
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 54, pp. 1560-1568. 2007-06
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Conferencia Internacional E. de las Heras, E. Villar
"Specification for SystemC-AADL interoperability"
IEEE Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems (WISES’07). 2007-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo F. Herrera, E. Villar
"Modeling of Software. Initial Library elements"
Deliverable D1.2a of the IST 5-033511 ANDRES Project. 2007-06
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Conferencia Internacional M. Mañana, A. Ortiz, C. Renedo, S. Pérez, F. Delgado, F. Azcondo, F. Díaz, C. Brañas, R. Casanueva
"Comparison of flicker sensitivity in HPS lamps"
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2007. 2007-06
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Conferencia Internacional F. Díaz, F. Azcondo, C. Brañas, R. Casanueva, R. Zane
"Control of low-frequency square-wave electronic ballast with resonant ignition using a dsPIC30F2010"
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2007. 2007-06
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar, H. Posadas, Marcos Martínez (DS2)
"Efficient HdS simulation for MpSoC with NoC"
MEDEA+ Design Automation Conference, Grenoble. 2007-05
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Analysis of Random Testbench for Data-Dominated Hardware Descriptions"
XII IEEE European Test Symposium. 2007-05
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Revista Internacional F. Azcondo, F. Díaz, C. Brañas, R. Casanueva
"Microcontroller power mode stabilized power factor correction stage for high intensity discharge lamp electronic ballast"
Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 22, pp. 845-853. 2007-05
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Revista Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva
"Phase-controlled quadruple LCp resonant inverter to drive 600W HPS lamps"
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 22, pp. 831-838. 2007-05
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Conferencia Internacional F. Azcondo, F. Díaz, C. Brañas, R. Casanueva
"New Devices for Power Correction Applications"
International Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Power Quality, PCIM Europe 2007, Nüremberg, Alemania. 2007-05
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Conferencia Internacional A. Herrholz, F. Oppenheimer, A. Schallenberg, W. Nebel, C. Grimm, M. Damm, F. Herrera, E. Villar, A-M. Fouilliart, M. Martínez
"ANDRES- ANalysis and Design of run-time REconfigurable, heterogeneous Systems"
Workshop on "Adaptive Heterogeneous Systems-On-Chip and European Dimensions" in the Design Automation and Test in Europe 2007, DATE'07. 2007-04
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, C. Brañas
"AC Current Source Resonant Inverter for an EDM Power Supply"
International Symposium on Electromachining (ISEM XV), Pittsburgh, EE.UU.. 2007-04
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, D. Quijano, E. Villar, M. Martínez (DS2)
"SCoPE: SoC co-simulation and performance estimation in SystemC"
Software demonstration at the DATE’07 University Booth, Nice, April, 2007. 2007-04
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo E. de las Heras, E. Villar
"UC Contribution to D2.1: Definition of Semantic for AADL"
Deriverable D2.1 of the SPICES project. 2007-02
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Revista Internacional H. Posadas, J. Adámez, E. Villar, F. Escuder (DS2), F. Blasco (DS2)
"RTOS modeling in SystemC for Real-Time embedded SW simulation: A POSIX model"
Design Automation for Embedded Systems, V.10, N.4, Springer, pp.209-227. 2006-12
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, D. Quijano, E. Villar, F. Escuder (DS2), M. Martínez (DS2)
"TLM interrupt modelling for HW/SW co-simulation in SystemC"
XXI Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'06 . 2006-11
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Conferencia Internacional R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Behavioral Model of Folded and Interpolated ADC using MathLab"
XXI Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems(DCIS 2006) Barcelona (E). 2006-11
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar, F. Herrera
"SystemC as an Heterogeneous System Specification Language"
ARTIST2 Workshop on Models of Computation and Communication (MoCC'06), ETH, Zurich. 2006-11
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo F. Herrera, E. Villar, Cristoph Grimm (TUV), Ingo Sanders (KTH), Axel Jantsch (KTH)
"Methodology for Specification of Adaptivity"
Deliverable D1.1a of the IST 5-033511 ANDRES Project. 2006-11
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Conferencia Internacional F. Azcondo, F. Díaz, R. Casanueva, C. Brañas
"Microcontroller power mode stabilized power factor correction stage for electronic ballast applied to metal halide lamps"
Proc. of the 32nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 1733-1738. Paris, Francia. 2006-11
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Optimizations in the Verification Technique of Automatic Assertion Checking with Non-linear Solver"
XXI Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems. 2006-11
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Assertion-based Verification of Behavioral Descriptions with Non-linear Solver"
IEEE International High Level Design Validation and Test. 2006-11
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Conferencia Internacional J. Pérez, V. Fernández, Fernando Vallejo, Ana Jalón
"Novel DVB-S2 FEC Encoder Architecture"
9th International Workshop on Signal Processing for Space Communications. ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. 2006-09
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, E. Villar
"Extension of the SystemC kernel for Simulation Coverage Improvement of System-Level Concurrent Specifications"
Proceedings of the Forum on Design Languages (FDL’06), Darmstadt, ECSI. 2006-09
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Conferencia Internacional J. Pérez, V. Fernández
"Improved Architectures for VLC MAP decoders"
IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Valencia, Spain. 2006-09
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Conferencia Internacional F. Díaz, F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva, C. Brañas, Regan Zane
"Balasto electrónico de onda cuadrada de baja frecuencia con encendido resonante, utilizando control digital en modo potencia"
Actas del XIII Seminario Annual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación. Gijón, España. 2006-09
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Conferencia Internacional J. Pérez, V. Fernández
"Hierarchical and Pseudo-Random eIRA Codes Based on BIBDs and Primitive Interleavers"
IEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, Setubal, Portugal. 2006-08
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, E. Villar
"A Framework for Embedded System Specification under Different Models of Computation in SystemC"
Proc. of DAC'06, ACM. 2006-07
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Capítulo de libro F. Herrera, E. Villar
"Mixing Synchronous Reactive and Untimed MoCs in SystemC"
"Applications of Specification and Design Languages for SoCs", A. Vachoux (Ed.), CHDL Series, Springer. 2006-07
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Conferencia Internacional M. Allende, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Microelectronic Interactive Distance Course with On-line Measurement Laboratory"
3rd WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Education. Vouliaghmeni(Gr). 2006-07
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Assertion Checking of Control Dominated Systems with Nonlinear Solvers"
IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Co-Design. 2006-07
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Conferencia Internacional R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"DfT Behavioural Description for Folded ADCs"
12th IEEE International Mixed-Signals Testing Workshop (IMSTW´06) Edinburgh(UK). 2006-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo D. Quijano, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez, E. Villar, Marcos Martínez (DS2)
"Specification of HdS modeling methodology"
DS2-T3.4-Q2/06 Deliverable of the Medea+ 2A708 LoMoSa+ Project. 2006-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo H. Posadas, J. Adámez, E. Villar, Emilio Arias (DS2)
"SystemC Execution Support Implementation"
D3.8.1 Deliverable of the ITEA IP 03002 Merced Project. 2006-06
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Conferencia Internacional J. Pérez, V. Fernández
"Near Random Performance of Structured eIRA Codes"
IEEE and IEE co-sponsored Signal Processing for Wireless Communications (SPWC) Workshop, London. 2006-05
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Revista Internacional M. Allende, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Microelectronics Interactive Distance Course with Advanced Experiments on MOS Transistors in an On-line Measurement Laboratory"
WSEAS Transaction on Advances in Engineering Education, issue 5, Vol 3, 263-268. 2006-05
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva
"A Generalized Study of Multi-Phase Parallel Resonant Inverters for High Power Applications"
Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuit and Systems, pp. 2265-2268. Kos, Grecia.. 2006-05
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Revista Internacional R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, C. Brañas, S. Bracho
"High Spark, Low Loss. Paralleled LCsCp Resonant Converters for Spark Erosion Applications"
IEEE Industry Applications Magazine. 2006-04
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Conferencia Internacional F. Azcondo, F. Díaz, R. Casanueva, C. Brañas, Regan Zane
"Low frequency square-wave electronic ballast with resonant ignition using digital mode and power control"
IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exhibition, APEC 2006. Dallas, Texas (EE.UU.). 2006-03
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva, S. Bracho
"Phase-controlled quadruple LCp resonant inverter to drive 600W HPS lamps"
IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exhibition, APEC 2006. Dallas, Texas (EE.UU.). 2006-03
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, J. Adámez, P. Sánchez, E. Villar, Francisco Blasco (DS2)
"POSIX modeling in SystemC"
proc. of the 11th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, ASP-DAC'06, IEEE. 2006-01
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Revista Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Verification of Embedded Systems Based on Interval Analysis"
International Journal of Parallel Programming, Vol. 33, No. 6,. 2005-12
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Revista Internacional Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Allende, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Fault detection in switched current circuits using built-in transient current sensors"
Journal of Electronic Testing-Theory and Applications 21 (6): 583-598. 2005-12
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo H. Posadas, J. Adámez, E. Villar
"SystemC Execution Support Implementation: First Draft"
Documento Entregable UC_T3.8_Q2/06. 2005-12
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Revista Internacional
"Around the world: XII Seminar on Automation, Industrial Electronics and instrumentation"
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Newsletter . 2005-12
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Revista Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Design of LCpCs Resonant Inverters as a Power Source for HID Lamp Ballast Applications"
IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications 41 (6): 1584-1595 . 2005-11
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Revista Internacional R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Test of a Switched Capacitor ADC by a Built-In Charge Sensor"
Microelectronics Journal 36 (12): 1064-1072. 2005-11
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, E. Villar, Francisco Blasco
"Real-time Operating System modeling in SystemC for HW/SW co-simulation"
XX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'05, IST Lisboa.. 2005-11
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Conferencia Internacional Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Design for Test of High-Speed Folded ADCs"
XX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems(DCIS 2005) Lisboa(P). 2005-11
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, C. Brañas, S. Bracho
"Output current sensitivity analysis of the LCpCs resonant inverter. Current source design criteria"
IEEE. The 31st Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society IECON 2005 . 2005-11
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva, S. Bracho
"Parallel connection of multiple resonant inverters to drive high-power high-intensity discharge lamps"
IEEE. The 31st Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society IECON 2005 . 2005-11
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Resonant converters: properties and applications for variable loads"
IEEE. The 31st Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society IECON 2005. 2005-11
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Revista Internacional Markus Laüter, R. Casanueva, Hans-Peter Schulze, F. Azcondo, Günter Wollenberg
"Development trends of process energy sources for special applications of the spark erosion"
Nonconventional Technologies Review - Academia Romana Filiala Timisoara. 2005-11
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Use of Non-linear Solver to Check Assertions of Behavioral Descriptions"
XX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS2005). Lisboa(P). 2005-11
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Formal Meaning of Coverage Metrics in Simulation-based Hardware Design Verification"
IEEE International High-Level Design Validation and Test Workshop California. 2005-11
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Capítulo de libro F. Herrera, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Heterogeneous system-level specification in SystemC"
"Advances in Design and Specification Languages for SoC", P. Boulet (Ed.), CHDL Series, Springer. 2005-10
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Capítulo de libro E. Villar
"Advances in Design and Specification Languages for SoC", P. Boulet (Ed.), CHDL Series, Springer. 2005-10
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Assertion Checking of Behavioral Descriptions with Non-linear Solver"
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design. 2005-10
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Conferencia Nacional Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Test de Preamplificadores en Convertidores A/D Doblados"
Proc. of the XII Annual Seminar on Automatic Control, Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation (SAAEI 2005), Santander. 2005-09
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Conferencia Internacional J. Pérez, V. Fernández
"Hardware Aware eIRA LDPC Code Generation"
IEEE International Symposium of Wireless Communication Systems 2005(ISWCS 2005), Siena, Italy. 2005-09
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, C. Brañas, S. Bracho
"Análisis de Sensibilidad de la Intensidad de Salida del Inversor Resonante Paralelo-Serie."
Proc. of the XII Annual Seminar on Automatic Control, Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation (SAAEI 2005), Santander. 2005-09
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva, S. Bracho
"Multi-Phase Parallel Resonant Inverters"
Proc. of the XII Annual Seminar on Automatic Control, Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation (SAAEI 2005), Santander. 2005-09
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Conferencia Internacional F. Díaz, F. Azcondo, C. Brañas, R. Casanueva
"Control de Balastos Electrónicos desde un Microcontrolador PIC16F628"
Proc. of the XII Annual Seminar on Automatic Control, Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation (SAAEI 2005), Santander. 2005-09
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Libro completo F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva, Arturo Fernández, M. Allende, S. Bracho
"Resúmenes de las actas del XII Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación"
Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cantabria. 2005-09
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, E. Villar
"Mixing synchronous reactive and untimed models of computation in SystemC"
Proceedings of the Forum on Design Languages (FDL’05), Lausanne, ECSI. 2005-09
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Conferencia Internacional J. Pérez, V. Fernández
"Optimizations in max-log-map LLRe VLSI architecture"
IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS). Iasi (Romania) . 2005-07
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Polynomial model-based evaluation of the branch coverage metric for functional verification of hardware systems"
ACM & IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Co-Design (MEMOCODE'05). Italy. 2005-07
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Conferencia Internacional M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Design of a Microelectronic Circuits Course Using Interactive Methods"
IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic System Education. Anaheim (CA-USA). 2005-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo H. Posadas, J. Adámez, E. Villar
"Requirements for a ‘trying’ environment in System context"
D2.5.1 Deliverable of the ITEA IP 03002 Merced Project. 2005-06
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Conferencia Internacional R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Test of Averaged Preamplifiers in Folded ADCs "
11th IEEE International Mixed-Signals Testing Workshop (IMSTW 2005) Cannes(F). 2005-06
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva, S. Bracho
"Multi-Phase Parallel Resonant Inverter Applied to HID Lamp Control"
26th International Exhibition & Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Power Quality, PCIM Europe 2005. Nüremberg, Alemania. 2005-06
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Conferencia Internacional F. Azcondo, C. Brañas, R. Casanueva, Dragan Maksimovic
"Approaches to Modeling Converters with Current Programmed Control"
1st Power Electronics Education Workshop, PEEW 2005-PESC05. Recife, Brasil. 2005-06
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Theoretical fundamentals of functional verification based on random test benches"
IEEE European Test Symposium ETS'05 Estonia. 2005-05
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Revista Internacional R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, C. Brañas, S. Bracho
"Analysis, Design and Experimental Results of a High Frequency Power Supply for Spark Erosion"
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 2005-03
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Conferencia Internacional F. Azcondo, Regan Zane, C. Brañas
"Design of Resonant Inverters for Optimal Efficiency over Lamp Life in Electronic Ballast with Phase Control"
IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exhibition. APEC 2005. Austin-Texas. USA.. 2005-03
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Conferencia Internacional Montu Doshi, Jianjian Bian, Regan Zane, F. Azcondo
"Low Frequency Architecture for Multi-Lamp CCFL Systems with Capacitive Ignition"
IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exhibition. Austin-Texas. USA. 2005-03
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Patente Nacional F. Azcondo, S. Bracho, R. Casanueva
"Sistema electrónico de potencia con control digital reconfigurable para máquinas de electroerosión"
Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas. OEPM . 2005-03
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Revista Internacional F. Azcondo, C. Brañas, R. Casanueva, S. Bracho
"Power Mode Controlled Power Factor Corrector for Electronics Ballast"
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Vol. 52 No.1 pp.56-65. 2005-02
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo H. Posadas, J. Adámez, E. Villar
"Requirements and definition of a common simulation environment: University of Cantabria contribution (First draft)"
Preliminar_DS2_D2.5.2. 2004-12
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Revista Internacional H. Posadas, F. Herrera, V. Fernández, P. Sánchez, E. Villar, F. Blasco
"Single Source Design Environment for Embedded Systems Based on SystemC"
Design Automation for Embedded Systems, V.9, N.4, Springer, pp.293-312. 2004-12
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Conferencia Internacional M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Métodos interactivos de aprendizaje a distancia aplicados a los Sistemas Electrónicos."
6º Simposium Internacional de Informatica Educativa (SIIE04). Caceres (E). 2004-11
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Conferencia Internacional R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Allende, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Experimental Evaluation of a Built-in Current Sensor for Analog Circuits"
XIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS2004). Bordeaux (France). 2004-11
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Conferencia Internacional Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Allende, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Experimental Analysis of Transient Current Test Based on dIDD Variations in S2I Memory Cells"
XIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS2004). Bordeaux (France). 2004-11
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Conferencia Nacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Assertion Checking of Cyclic Behavioral Descriptions"
XIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS'04 France. 2004-11
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, C. Brañas, S. Bracho
"Paralleled LCsCp Resonant Converters for Spark Erosion Applications"
Proc. of the IEEE IAS 39th Annual Meeting (IAS 2004). Seattle. USA.. 2004-10
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Conferencia Internacional F. Azcondo, C. Brañas, R. Casanueva, S. Bracho
"Power Fed Electronic Ballast"
Proc. of the IEEE IAS 39th Annual Meeting (IAS 2004) Seattle. USA.. 2004-10
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Conferencia Internacional J. Pérez, V. Fernández
"Optimizations in DVB-RCS Turbo Decoder Based on Trellis Structure"
XIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS2004). Bordeaux. 2004-09
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Heterogeneous system-level specification in SystemC"
Proceedings of the Forum on Design Languages (FDL’04), Lille, ECSI. 2004-09
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva, S. Bracho
"Phase Control of LCp Resonant Inverters for HID Lamp Ballast Applications"
Proc. of the Annual Seminar on Automatic Control, Industrial Electronics and Automation (SAAEI’04). 2004-09
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Conferencia Internacional M. Valderrama, S. Bracho, F. Azcondo, F. Díaz
"“Laboratorio remoto de Electrónica Industrial”"
Proc. of the Annual Seminar on Automatic Control, Industrial Electronics and Automation (SAAEI’04)Toulouse. 2004-09
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Conferencia Nacional M. Valderrama, S. Bracho, F. Azcondo, C. Brañas
"“Automatización de un banco de pruebas para la caracterización de Balastos electrónicos y lámparas de descarga mediante Labview”. "
Congreso de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica (TAEE 2004). Valencia. 2004-09
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Conferencia Nacional C. Brañas, R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Convertidores Resonantes: Propiedades y Aplicaciones para la Alimentación de Cargas Irregulares"
Actas del VI Congreso de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica (TAEE’04). 2004-07
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Capítulo de libro F. Herrera, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Modeling and design of CSP, KPN and SR systems in SystemC"
"Languages for System Specification", C. Grimm (Ed.), CHDL Series, Kluwer Academic Publisher. 2004-06
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Revista Internacional R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Series-parallel resonant converter for an EDM power supply"
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 149 (2004) 172-177. 2004-06
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Conferencia Internacional R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Characterization of an SC ADC by a Built-In Charge Sensor"
10th International Mixed-Signal Testing Workshop (IMSTW2004). Portland (USA). 2004-06
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva, S. Bracho
"Phase Controlled LCpCs Resonant Inverter Applied to HID Lamp Control"
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE 35th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC’04). pp. 2434-2440. 2004-06
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Path-oriented Assertion Checking of Cyclic Behavioral Descriptions"
Formal Methods and Models for Co-Design MEMOCODE'04 California. 2004-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo J. Pérez, V. Fernández, H. Posadas, V. Fernández
"Estudio de viabilidad de DVB-S2 en Banda Ka"
Memoria técnica justificativa del proyecto PROFIT PNE-001/2003-EMP. 2004-04
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Tesis doctoral R. Casanueva
"Generación y control de descargas en procesos de electroerosión utilizando convertidores resonantes"
ETSIIT. Universidad de Cantabria. 2004-03
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Series-parallel resonant converter for an EDM power supply"
14th International Symposium on Electromachining (ISEM XIV), Edinburgh (UK). 2004-03
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Conferencia Internacional M. Bolado, H. Posadas, Javier Castillo, Pablo Huerta, P. Sánchez, Carlos Sánchez, Häkan Fouren, Francisco Blasco
"Platform based on open-source cores for industrial applications"
Proc. of DATE'04, IEEE CS Press. 2004-02
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, F. Herrera, P. Sánchez, E. Villar, F. Blasco
"System-Level Performance Analysis in SystemC"
proc. of DATE'04, IEEE CS Press. 2004-02
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Revista Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Study of the Output Power Variation due to Component Tolerances in LCC. Resonant Inverters Applied to HPS Lamps Control"
IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics. 2004-02
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo M. Bolado, J. Castillo, P. Huerta, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez
"Implementation of a microprocessor core"
DS2-WP5-Q4/03 Deliverable of the Medea+ A511 TOOLIP Project. 2003-12
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Conferencia Internacional J. Pérez, P. Sánchez, V. Fernández
"FGPA Implementation of a MAP Decoder for DVB-S Satellite Reception"
XVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS2003). Ciudad Real. 2003-11
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar, P. Sánchez, F. Blasco, M. Radetzki, A. Vörg, Y. Wenhao
"Reusability of Microprocessor cores"
proc. of the MEDEA+ Design Automation Conference, Stuttgart. 2003-11
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Conferencia Internacional Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Dynamic Current Testing Strategies for S2I Algorithmic A/D Converters"
XVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS2003). Ciudad Real (Spain). 2003-11
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Conferencia Internacional R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"SC Algorithmic ADC Test with a Built-In Charge Sensor"
XVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS2003). Ciudad Real (Spain). 2003-11
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Conferencia Internacional M. Bolado, J. Castillo, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez, E. Villar, C. Sanchez, F. Blasco, H. Fouren
"Using Open Source Cores in Real Applications"
XVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS2003). Ciudad Real (Spain). 2003-11
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Functional Vector Generation for Assertion-Based Verification at Behavioral Level Using Interval Analysis"
IEEE International High Level Design Validation and Test Workshop HLDVT’03, San Francisco, CA. 2003-11
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Using Modified Interval Analysis in System Verification"
XVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Circuits DCIS'03 Ciudad Real. 2003-11
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"HF Resonant Power Supply for an Electrical Discharge Machining Impulse Generator"
10th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE 2003), Toulouse (France). 2003-09
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo M. Bolado, J. Castillo, P. Huerta, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez
"Executable specification of a microprocessor core"
UC-T2.1-Q3/03 Deliverable of the Medea+ A511 TOOLIP Project. 2003-09
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Modeling and design of CSP, KPN and SR systems in SystemC"
Proceedings of the Forum on Design Languages FDL'03, Frankfurt, ECSI. 2003-09
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Design of a Resonant Power Source to Drive HPS Lamps"
10th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications. EPE 2003. 2003-09
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Conferencia Internacional M. Valderrama, F. Azcondo, C. Brañas, F. Díaz
"Programación en Labview de un banco de pruebas para la caracterización de Balastos electrónicos y lámparas de descarga."
Proc. of the Annual Seminar on Automatic Control, Industrial Electronics and Automation (SAAEI’03)Vigo. 2003-09
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Conferencia Internacional Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Test generation in algorithmic switched current ADCs"
9th International Mixed-Signal Testing Workshop (IMSTW2003). Sevilla. 2003-06
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Revista Internacional Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Built-In Sensor Based on Current Supply High-Frequency Behaviour"
Electronic Letters, Vol 39, No. 9. 2003-05
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Low Cost LCp Resonant Inverter as a Power Source fo HPS Lamp Ballast Applications"
24th International conference on Power Electronics, Power Quality and Intelligent Motion (PCIM 2003). Nuremberg (Germany). 2003-05
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"System Verification Based on Modified Interval Analysis"
European test Workshop, ETW’03. 2003-05
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Conferencia Internacional Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Fault Detection in Algorithmic ADC Monitoring Charge in SC Converters and Dynamic Current in SI Converters"
IX Workshop IBERCHIP (IWS´2003). La Habana (Cuba). 2003-03
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Design of LCpCs Resonant Inverters as a Power Source for HID Lamp Ballast Applications"
18th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition. (APEC 2003). Miami Beach (FL), USA. 2003-02
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Systematic Embedded Software Generation from SystemC"
proc. of DATE'03, IEEE CS Press. 2003-02
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Capítulo de libro F. Herrera, V. Fernández, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Embedded Software Generation from SystemC for Platform Based Design"
"SystemC Methodologies and Applications", Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2003-01
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Capítulo de libro F. Herrera, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Systematic Embedded software generation from SystemC"
"Embedded Software for SoC", Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2003-01
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Revista Internacional E. Villar
"FDL 2002"
The ECSI Letter. 2002-12
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo M. Bolado, J. Castillo, C. Sánchez, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez
"Functional specification of a microprocessor core"
UC-T2.1-Q4/02 Deliverable of the Medea+ A511 TOOLIP Project. 2002-12
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo H. Posadas, F. Herrera, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Library for microprocessor core analysis"
UC-T1.3-Q4/02 Deliverable of the Medea+ A511 TOOLIP Project. 2002-12
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Libro completo S. Bracho, M. Martínez, Teresa Riesgo, M. Allende
"Proceedings of the XVII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems"
Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cantabria. 2002-11
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Experimental study of HPS lamp ignition by using LC network resonance"
The 28th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’02). Sevilla. 2002-11
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Evaluation of an Electronic Ballast Circuit for HID Lamps with Passive Power Factor Correction"
The 28th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’02). Sevilla. 2002-11
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, Luis A. Chiquito, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Electrical Discharge Machining Experiences with a Resonant Power Supply"
The 28th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’02). Sevilla. 2002-11
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Conferencia Internacional Francisco Blasco, E. Villar, F. Herrera
"System-Level Dynamic Estimation of Time Performance for Codesign based on SystemC and HW/SW platform"
XVII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS'02, Santander. 2002-11
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar, Susana López, M. Bolado
"Design of first and second layers of a residential gateway ITD interface"
XVII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS'02, Santander. 2002-11
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, Luis A. Chiquito, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"A control strategy for EDM with a novel power supply"
XVII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS 2002). Santander. 2002-11
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Analysis of Tolerances in LCpCs Resonant Inverters Applied to HPS Lamp Control"
XVII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS 2002). Santander. 2002-11
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Conferencia Internacional V. Fernández, A. Jalón, L. Berrojo, Yves Leroy
"Design, Functional Verification and Test of a MPEG2-TS Multiplexer for an On-Board Satellite Processor"
XVII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS 2002). Santander. 2002-11
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Conferencia Internacional Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Fault detection in algorithmic switched-current ADC using built-in sensors"
XVII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS 2002). Santander. 2002-11
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Conferencia Internacional J. Pérez, P. Sánchez
"FPGA implementation of DVB-RCS turbo coder and decoder"
Proceedings of the XVII Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cantabria. 2002-11
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo F. Herrera, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Documento de requisitos técnicos de la biblioteca de perfilado"
UC/ToolIP/IR/03 Internal Report of the Medea+ A511 TOOLIP Project. 2002-11
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"HW/SW interface implementation from SystemC for platform-based design"
Forum on Design Languages FDL'02, ECSI. 2002-10
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Conferencia Nacional R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Control digital específico para un nuevo sistema de electroerosión de tamaño reducido"
Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación (SAAEI’2002), Alcalá de Henares. 2002-09
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar, P. Sánchez, H. Posadas
"System-level reusability of microprocessor cores in a SystemC specification environment"
MEDEA+ Design Automation Conference. 2002-09
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo F. Herrera, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Comparative study for the selection of the processor core for SystemC specification"
UC/ToolIP/IR/01 Internal Report of the Medea+ A511 TOOLIP Project. 2002-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo F. Herrera, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"First draft of the library for microprocessor core analysis"
UC/ToolIP/IR/02 Internal Report of the Medea+ A511 TOOLIP Project. 2002-06
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Capítulo de libro M. Allende, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Distance access to test equipment in an on-line IC test course"
Microelectronics Education, EWME 2002. Universidad de Vigo (España) Marcombo Boixareu Editores. 2002-05
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Conferencia Internacional Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Built-in Dynamic Current Sensor for Hard-to-Detect Faults in Mixed-Signal ICs"
Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE 2002. Paris (France). 2002-03
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Capítulo de libro E. Villar
"A framework for specification and verification of timing constraints"
A. Mignotte, E. Villar & L. Horobin (Eds.): "System on Chip Design Languages: Best of FDL’01 & HDLCon’01", Kluwer Academic Publisher, pp.267-74. 2002-03
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Metodología de Verificación y diseño para testabilidad digital"
Documento Entregable R3 del proyecto FEDER 1FD97-0791. 2002-03
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Conferencia Nacional R. Mozuelos, M. Allende, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Laboratorio Remoto de Test: Caracterización de un Convertidor Analógico - Digital"
V Congreso de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica (TAEE 2002). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 2002-02
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Conferencia Nacional Y. Lechuga, F. Azcondo, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Resultados del empleo de Internet en asignaturas de la Ingeniería Industrial"
V Congreso de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica (TAEE 2002). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 2002-02
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Conferencia Internacional Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Hard-to-Detect Faults by Dynamic Current Sensor in Analogue Circuits"
3rd IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop, LATW2002. Montevideo (Uruguay). 2002-02
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo V. Fernández, F. Herrera, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Conclusiones: Metodología industrial de diseño de sistemas embebidos HW/SW"
Documento Entregable DF del proyecto FEDER 1FD97-0791. 2002-02
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, Luis A. Chiquito, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Current Source LCC Resonant Converter for an EDM Power Supply"
The 27th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON01. Denver, CO (USA). 2001-12
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Study of Output Power Variation due to Component Tolerances in LCsCp Resonant Inverters Applied to HPS Lamp Control"
The 27th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON01. Denver, CO (USA). 2001-12
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Conferencia Internacional B. Ruíz, P. Sánchez
"FPGA implementation of a MIPS processor"
XVI Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference, Porto. 2001-11
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Evaluation of an Electronic Ballast Circuit for HID Lamps with Passive Power Factor Correction"
16th Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference, DCIS 2001. Oporto (Portugal). 2001-11
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Conferencia Internacional V. Fernández, L. Berrojo, J. Prat, Y. Leroy
"Verification of a Digital Video Broadcasting Satellite System"
16th Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference, DCIS 2001. Oporto (Portugal). 2001-11
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Conferencia Internacional V. Fernández, E. Villar, F. Herrera
"System-Level Specification in SystemC of a Residential Gateway"
16th Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference, DCIS 2001. Oporto (Portugal). 2001-11
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Conferencia Internacional R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Built-In Sensor Based on the Time-Variation of the Transient Current Supply in Analogue Circuits"
16th Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference, DCIS 2001. Oporto (Portugal). 2001-11
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Optimization of the generation and control of the electric arc in electrical discharge machining processes and in high power discharge lamps"
1st Workshop of the Industry Application Society - IEEE Spanish Chapter. Madrid. 2001-09
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, C. Camargo, E. Villar
"Embedded system design methodology based on SystemC"
Proc. of the Forum on Design Languages FDL01, Lyon, ECSI. 2001-09
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Libro completo E. Villar
"Design of HW/SW Embedded Systems"
Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cantabria. 2001-07
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Capítulo de libro E. Villar
"HW/SW embedded system specification"
"Design of HW/SW Embedded Systems". (Ed. E. Villar). Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cantabria. 2001-07
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Capítulo de libro F. Herrera, V. Fernández
"Introduction to SystemC"
"Design of HW/SW Embedded Systems". (Ed. E. Villar), Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cantabria. 2001-07
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Capítulo de libro P. Sánchez
"Embedded Software and RTOS"
"Design of HW/SW Embedded Systems", Edited by E. Villar, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cantabria. 2001-07
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo V. Fernández, F. Herrera, E. Villar
"Especificación ejecutable del demostrador industrial"
Documento Entregable R2-C2 del proyecto FEDER 1FD97-0791. 2001-04
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Conferencia Internacional M. Allende, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"On line IC test course with distance access to test equipment"
2nd IEEE Latin American Test Workshop. Cancún (Mexico). 2001-02
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, M. Ochoa, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Current Mode Controlled LCC Resonant Converter for Electrical Discharge Machining Applications"
The 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE2000, Puebla (Mexico), Vol. 2 pg. 505-510. 2000-12
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Class D LCsCp Series-Parallel Resonant Inverter with Inherent Maximum Output Power Suitable for driving HPS Lamps"
The 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2000. Puebla (Mexico). 2000-12
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, M. Ochoa, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Contribution To EDM Based On Power Resonant Converters"
15th Design of Circuits and Integrated Circuit Conference, DCIS2000, Montpellier (Francia), pg. 726-731. 2000-11
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"HPS Lamp Ignition Using Resonance of LC Networks and Considering the Aging Effect"
15th Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference (DCIS 2000). Montpellier (Francia). 2000-11
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Conferencia Internacional Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Dynamic Current Test of Switched-current Building-blocks"
15th Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference (DCIS 2000). Montpellier (Francia). 2000-11
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Conferencia Internacional R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Test Laboratory"
1st Workshop of Test Network SetNet. Newcastle (UK). 2000-10
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo F. Herrera, V. Fernández, R. Rodríguez, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Especificación del demostrador industrial"
Documento Entregable R2-C1 del proyecto FEDER 1FD97-0791. 2000-10
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Conferencia Nacional F. Herrera, R. Rodríguez, V. Fernández, E. Villar
"Desarrollo de Metodologías Industriales de Diseño de Sistemas Embebidos HW/SW"
I Seminario del Programa Nacional de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TEDEA 2000). Almagro (Ciudad Real). 2000-09
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Conferencia Nacional M. Valderrama, F. Azcondo, F. Díaz
"Entorno de Instrumentación Basado en el Estándar IEEE 488 Aplicado a la Medida del Control de un Motor Trifásico Asíncrono en las Prácticas de Electrónica Industrial"
IV Congreso de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica (TAEE 2000). Barcelona. 2000-09
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Conferencia Nacional Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Una experiencia de empleo de Internet en la enseñanza de la asignatura Sistemas Electrónicos en la Ingeniería Industrial"
IV Congreso de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica (TAEE 2000). 2000-09
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Revista Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Contributions to the Design and Control of LCsCp Resonant Inverters to Drive High-Power HPS Lamps"
IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics. 2000-08
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Revista Internacional S. Dey, D. Panigrahi, L. Chen, C. N. Taylor, K. Sekar, P. Sánchez
"Using a Soft Core in a SOC Design: Experiences with picoJava"
IEEE Design & Test of Computers. Pág. 60-71. 2000-07
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Revista Internacional G. Gorla, E. Moser, W. Nebel, E. Villar
"System Specification Experiments on a Common Benchmark"
IEEE Design & Test of Computers, Pág. 22-32. 2000-07
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Conferencia Internacional L. Chen, S. Dey, P. Sánchez, K. Sekar, Y.H. Chen
"Embedded Hardware and Software Self-Testing Methodologies for Processor Cores"
37th Design Automation Conference, Los Angeles, California. 2000-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo R. Rodríguez, E. Villar
"Metodología de co-diseño"
Documento Entregable R1 del proyecto FEDER 1FD97-0791. 2000-06
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Conferencia Internacional M. Martínez, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"A web application experience in electronic education in the enginnering syllabus"
3rd European Workshop on Microelectronics Education (EWME´00). Aix-in-Provence (France). 2000-05
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo R. Rodríguez, E. Villar
"Contribución al Deliverable D.3.1.B: "Evaluation of co-simualtion of the space application""
Deliverable D.3.1.B of the ESPRIT 26971 CoMES project. 1999-12
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Conferencia Internacional R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Catastrophic and Parametric Fault Detection By a Transient Current Test"
XIV Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference.. 1999-11
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Electronic Ballast for High Pressure Sodium Lamps Based on the Class D Series-Parallel Resonant Inverter with Soft Start-up and Compensated Output Power"
XIV Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference.. 1999-11
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Conferencia Internacional P. Sánchez, S. Dey
"Simulation-based system-level verification using polynomials"
IEEE International High Level Design Validation and Test Workshop HLDVT’99, San Diego, CA. 1999-11
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, C. Sánz, I. Ugarte, E. Villar
"Specification Components: Reusability at the HW/SW system specification level"
proc. of the VHDL International Users Forum, IEEE CS. 1999-10
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo R. Rodríguez, E. Villar
"Contribución al Deliverable D.2.2.B: "Architecture design and performance evaluation""
Deliverable D.2.2.B of the ESPRIT 26971 CoMES project. 1999-10
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo R. Rodríguez, E. Villar
"Contribución al Deliverable D.3.1.A: "Specification of the case study detailed design""
Deliverable D.3.1.A of the ESPRIT 26971 CoMES project. 1999-09
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Electronic Ballast for 250W HPS Lamps Based on the LCC Resonant Inverter with Soft Start-up and Quasi-optimum Control"
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. ISIE 99. 1999-07
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Revista Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Electronic ballast for 150W HPS lamps with compensated output power"
Electronics Letters, Vol. 35, No. 13. 1999-06
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Conferencia Internacional B. Foucault, J.P. Calvez, X. Lobao, S. Olcóz, E. Villar
"CoMES: CoDesign Methodology for Embedded Systems"
proc. European Multimedia, Microprocessor Systems and Electronic Commerce Conference, EMMSEC'99, Stockholm, Sweden. 1999-06
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Conferencia Internacional L. González, D. Pando, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Dynamic Current Test of Switched-current Buildings-blocks"
IEEE International Mixed Signal test Symposium. Vancouver (Canada). 1999-06
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Revista Internacional M. J. López, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"A Method for designing a Deterministic Test Pattern Generator based on Cellular Automata"
Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications. 1999-06
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo E. Villar
"Contribución al Deliverable D.2.2.A: "Functional design of the case study""
Deliverable D.2.2.A of the ESPRIT 26971 CoMES project. 1999-04
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Capítulo de libro E. Villar, A. López
"Especificación de sistemas embebidos"
Sistemas digitales: Elementos para un diseño de alto nivel. Ed. Ediciones Uniandes. 1999-02
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar, D.B. de Vries and S. M. H. de Groot
"Functional design and Ada specification of the ATM sender for HW/SW co-design"
8th HCM BELSIGN Workshop. 1999-01
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Capítulo de libro A. López, M. Veiga, E. Villar
"Hardware/Software embedded system specification and design using Ada and VHDL"
Reliable Software Technologies-Ada-Europe'1999, Springer-Verlag.. 1999-01
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Conferencia Internacional L. González, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Fault Detection in Switched-current Building-blocks by Dynamic Current Test"
XIII Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference (DCIS98). Madrid. 1998-11
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Conferencia Internacional A. Antón, E. Villar, D.B. de Vries & S.M. H. de Groot
"Design and functional description of a sender and receiver for ATM adaptation layer protocols"
XIII Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference (DCIS98). Madrid. 1998-11
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Conferencia Internacional C. Diez, F. Azcondo, M. Allende
"Sub-optimal PWM Control Integrated Circuit for Induction Motor Drives"
XIII Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference (DCIS98). Madrid. 1998-11
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Design of an Integrated Circuit for the Control of an Electronic Ballast Loaded by a 150 W High Pressure Sodium Discharge Lamp"
XIII Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference (DCIS98). Madrid. 1998-11
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Conferencia Internacional J.P. Deschamps, E. Villar
"Ada to VHDL translation in HW/SW co-design"
8th HCM BELSIGN Workshop. 1998-10
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Tesis doctoral V. Fernández
"Síntesis de Alto Nivel de Sistemas Digitales Altamente Testables"
Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de Cantabria.. 1998-09
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Conferencia Nacional F. Azcondo, R. Casanueva, M. Martínez, S. Bracho, L. González, G. Ateca
"Tutorial Multimedia para la Enseñanza del Diseño y Test de Circuitos Integrados"
I Certamen Iberoamericano de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica (CITA98). Madrid. 1998-09
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Conferencia Nacional L. González, M. Allende, S. Bracho
"Un Método para la Enseñanza Práctica de los Filtrros SC en las Asignaturas de Laboratorio"
III Congreso de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica (TAEE´98). Madrid. 1998-09
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Conferencia Internacional J. Argüelles, M. J. López
"Chances of Supply Current Test Techniques for Mixed Signal Integrated Circuits"
IEE Systems on a Chip, UCD (Dublín). 1998-09
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Electronic Ballast for HPS Lamps with Power Control by Variation of the Switching Frequency. Soft start-up Method for HPS and Fluorescent Lamps"
24th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON98). Aachen (Germany). 1998-08
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"PWM Control of an Electronic Ballast for a High Pressure Na Lamp in Comparison to Fluorescent Lamps"
24th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON98). Aachen (Germany). 1998-08
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Conferencia Internacional R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Dynamic Power Supply Current Measurements for Catastrophic and Parametric Fault Detection"
4th International Mixed Signal Testing Workshop (IMSTW98). The Hague (The Netherlands). 1998-06
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Conferencia Internacional J. Argüelles, M. J. López
"Reliability analysis for a power-supply current test"
IEEE European Test Workshop. Barcelona. 1998-05
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Conferencia Internacional V. Fernández, P. Sánchez
"A Novel Approach To High-Level Test Synthesis Based On Controller Redefinition"
Proceedings of the European Test Workshop. Sitges, Spain. 1998-05
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Multimedia Training on Integrated Circuit Design with Low Cost Hardware"
2nd European Workshop on Microelectronics Education (EWME98). Noordwijkerhout (The Netherlands). 1998-05
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Revista Internacional E. Villar
"Associate Centres: University of Cantabria, Faculty of Industrial and Telecommunication Engineering, Microelectronics Engineering Group"
ECSI Letter, Nº 15, pág. 3. 1998-04
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Conferencia Internacional R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Sensor Performances in Dynamic Power Supply Current Test"
IEEE Hot Topic Workshop on Current Testing for Analogue and Mixed Signal Devices (CTAMS98). Paris (Francia). 1998-02
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Libro completo Ll. Terés, Y. Torroja, S. Olcoz, E. Villar
"VHDL: Lenguaje estándar de Diseño Electrónico"
McGraw Hill. 1998-01
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Capítulo de libro E. Villar, P. Sánchez
VHDL: Lenguaje estándar de diseño electrónico McGraw-Hill. 1998-01
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Revista Internacional A. Modino, R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Enseñanza Multimedia del Diseño Microelectrónico con Celdas Estándares"
Información Tecnológica, Vol. 9, Nº. 1, págs. 131-136. 1998-01
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Capítulo de libro V. Fernández, P. Sánchez
Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1998-01
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Capítulo de libro E.Villar, M. Veiga
"Embedded system specification"
Advanced Techniques for Embedded Systems Design & Test, págs. 1-30. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1998-01
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar, M. Veiga & M. G. Harbour
"Embedded system specification and design using Ada and VHDL"
First International Forum on Design Languages (FDL98). 1998-01
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Capítulo de libro R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Multimedia Training on Integrated Circuits Design with Low Cost Hardware"
Microelectronics Education. Ed. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1998-01
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Revista Internacional A. Antón, E. Villar, D.B. de Vries, S. M. H. de Groot.
"Flexible architecture for processing ATM adaptation layer protocols (AAL1-5)"
IEEE Journal of Electrical Engineering, V.49, N.3-4, pp. 70-75. 1998-01
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Revista Internacional P. Tabuenca, E. Villar
"An algorithm for clock cycle selection in behavioral synthesis"
Journal of Systems Architecture, V.44, N.9-10, North-Holland, pp. 773-786. 1998-01
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Conferencia Internacional M. J. López, S. Bracho
"Cellular Automata-based Mixed Test Pattern Generator for Built-in Self-Test"
XII Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference (DCIS97). Sevilla. 1997-11
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Conferencia Internacional A. López, M. Veiga, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"ADA embedded system specification"
XII Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference DCIS'97, Sevilla. 1997-11
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Conferencia Internacional J. Argüelles, S. Bracho
"A Design for Test Proposal for Improving Dynamic Current Testing Reliability on Regenerative Sense Amplifiers"
IEEE International Workshop on IDDQ Testing. Washington, DC (USA). 1997-11
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Conferencia Internacional A. Antón, E. Villar, D. B. de Vries, S.M. Heemstra de Groot
"Design and functional description of a receiver for ATM Adaptation Layer Protocols"
6th HCM BELDESIGN Workshop. Aveiro (Portugal). 1997-10
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Conferencia Internacional J. Argüelles, M. J. López
"A Novel Built-in Dynamic Supply Current Monitor for Mixed IC Testing"
IEE Colloquium on Testing Mixed Signal Circuits and Systems. London (England). 1997-10
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Conferencia Internacional S. Bracho, M. Martínez
"Catastrophic and Parametric Fault Detection by Dinamic Power Supply Current Test"
IEE Colloquium on Testing Mixed Signal Circuits and Systems. London (England). 1997-10
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Revista Internacional V. Fernández, P. Sánchez
"High-Level Test Synthesis based on controller redefinition"
IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 33, No. 19, pp. 1596-1597. 1997-09
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Conferencia Internacional A. Antón, E. Villar, S.M. Heemstra de Groot, D. B. de Vries
"Flexible Architecture for Processing ATM Adaptation Layer Protocols (AAL1-5)"
First Electronic Circuits and Systems Conference (ECS97). Bratislava (Slovakia). 1997-09
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Conferencia Internacional C. Brañas, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"PWM-Controlled Electronic Ballast for Dimming Control of Fluorescent Lamps"
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE97). Guimaraes (Portugal). 1997-07
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Conferencia Internacional Ana M. Díez, Luis M. Díez, F. Azcondo, S. Bracho
"Digital Image Processing for Edge Detection and Pattern Recognition"
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE97). Guimaraes (Portugal). 1997-07
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Conferencia Internacional M. J. López, S. Bracho
"Cellular Automata-based Mixed Test Pattern Generator for Built-in Self-test"
IEEE European Test Workshop (ETW97). Cagliari (Italia). 1997-05
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Conferencia Internacional S. Bracho
"Dynamic Current Testing Methods in Mixed Signal Integrated Circuits"
Open Workshop AMATIST Project & Final Review Meeting. University of Twente (NL). 1997-05
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Revista Internacional T. Olbrich, R. Mozuelos, A. Richardson, S. Bracho
"Design for Test (DfT) study on a current mode DAC"
IEE Circuits, Devices and Systems. Volume 143, Number 6, pp 374-379. 1996-12
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Conferencia Internacional J. L. Barreda, P. Sánchez
"Current fault modeling in VITAL"
XI Conference Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (DCIS´96). Sitges (Barcelona).. 1996-11
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Conferencia Internacional H.W.A. Teunissen, D. B. de Vries, S.M. Heemstra de Groot, A. Antón, E. Villar
"Design of a Flexible Architecture for Processing ATM Adaptation Layer Protocols"
ProRISC/IEEE Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing. Mierlo (The Netherlands). 1996-11
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, F. Porres, F. Azcondo
"Diseño de un Circuito Integrado para el Control de Maniobras de Ascensores"
XI Conference Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (DCIS96). Sitges (Barcelona). 1996-11
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Conferencia Internacional V. Fernández, P. Sánchez
"Test Points Insertion For High-Level Test Synthesis"
Proceedings of the 4th Belsign Workshop. Santander, Spain. 1996-10
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Conferencia Internacional H.W.A. Teunissen, D. B. de Vries, S.M. Heemstra de Groot, A. Antón, E. Villar
"A Flexible Architecture for Processing ATM Adaptation Layer Protocols"
4th HCM BELSIGN Workshop, Santander. 1996-10
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Conferencia Internacional H.W.A. Teunissen, D. B. de Vries, S.M. Heemstra de Groot, A. Antón, E. Villar
"HW/SW Co-Design of the ATM AAL3-5 Protocols"
4th HCM BELSIGN Workshop, Santander. 1996-10
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Conferencia Nacional A. Modino, R. Casanueva, F. Azcondo, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Introducción de Tecnologías Multimedia en la Enseñanza de la Microelectrónica"
II Congreso de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica (TAEE96). Sevilla. 1996-09
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Conferencia Internacional R. Casanueva, F. Porres, F. Azcondo
"Flexible Control for Elevator Systems. ASIC Implementation Criteria"
22nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON96). Taipei, Taiwan. 1996-08
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Revista Internacional J. Argüelles, S. Bracho
"Signature Analysis for Fault Detection of Mixed-Signal ICs Based on Dynamic Power-Supply current"
Journal of Electronics Testing (Special issue on Analog and Mixed Signal Testing), Vol. 9, Nº. 1/2. 1996-08
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Conferencia Internacional M. J. López, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"A Method to calculate a Deterministic Test Pattern Generator based on Cellular Automata"
IEEE European Test Workshop, Montpellier (F). 1996-06
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Conferencia Internacional J. L. Barreda, P. Sánchez
"Current modeling in VITAL"
ATW Workshop. 1996-06
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Conferencia Internacional V. Puente, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Analog Circuit Test Based in Hypothesis Test of Dynamic Current Consumption"
International Mixed Signal Testing Workshop. Canada. 1996-05
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Revista Internacional M. Imai, E. Villar
"ASPDAC 1995: HDL synthesizability and interoperability"
IEEE Design & Test of Computers. Panel Summaries, pp 3-4. 1996-04
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Conferencia Internacional I. Hidalgo, P. Sánchez
"System Level Fault Simulation"
BELSIGN Workshop. Corcega. 1996-04
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Revista Internacional W. Ecker, E. Villar
"VHDL multi-wait descriptions for synthesis"
Working Conference of VHDL Forum for CAD in Europe, Dresden Germany, pp 59-69. 1996-04
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Conferencia Internacional V. Fernández, P. Sánchez
"Partial Scan High-Level Synthesis"
European Design & Test Conference. Paris, France. 1996-03
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar
"VHDL in Spain"
VHDL International User´s Forum. Santa Clara, CA, USA. 1996-03
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Conferencia Internacional J. L. Barreda, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Current fault modeling in VITAL"
VHDL International User´s Forum. Santa Clara, CA, USA. 1996-02
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Revista Internacional P. Tabuenca, E. Villar, H. Veit, H.T. Vierhaus
"HS/SW co-design environment based on the CASTLE and FIRES tools: Use of C and VHDL as specification language"
SYDIS Publications 1993-1995, GMD. 1996-02
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Revista Internacional H.W.A. Teunissen, D.B. de Vries, S.M. Heemstra de Groot, A. Antón, E. Villar
"Design of a flexible architecture for processing ATM adaptation layer protocols"
CTIT Technical Report series, N. 96-40 University of Twente, The Netherlands. 1996-01
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Revista Internacional M. Selz, W. Ecker, E. Villar
"VHDL synthesis description portability: The need for Level-x synthesis subsets"
Journal of System Architecture 42, North-Holland, pp 105-116. 1996-01
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Revista Internacional E. Villar
"The Level-0 VHDL Synthesis Syntax and Semantics - 2nd Part"
The VHDL Newsletter, No. 20, pp.1 and 12. 1995-12
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Tesis doctoral Pedro Tabuenca Dopico
"Desarrollo de un Sistema Inteligente para Síntesis de Comportamiento: Aplicación al Co-diseño HW/SW"
Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de Cantabria. 1995-12
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo E. Villar
"Level-0 VHDL synthesis syntax and semantics"
Technical report of the ESPRIT 8370 ESIP project. 1995-12
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo E. Villar
"Level-0 VHDL synthesis syntax and semantics"
CENELEC TC117 ENV. 1995-12
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Conferencia Nacional I. González, E. Villar, S. Bracho
"Inserción automática de estructuras BIST en entornos de síntesis usando VHDL"
X Congreso de Diseño de Circuitos Integrados y Sistemas (DCIS95). Zaragoza. 1995-11
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Conferencia Nacional I. Hidalgo, P. Sánchez
"Técnica para simulación de fallos en un entorno VHDL"
Congreso de Diseño de Circuitos Integrados y Sistemas (DCIS95). Zaragoza. 1995-11
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Conferencia Nacional R. Mozuelos, J. Argüelles, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Test basado en Iddt de un convertidor digital-analógico"
Congreso de Diseño de Circuitos Integrados y Sistemas (DCIS95). Zaragoza. 1995-11
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Conferencia Nacional M. J. López, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Generador de vectores de test determinista basado en autómatas celulares: un método del cálculo de sus reglas"
Congreso de Diseño de Circuitos Integrados y Sistemas (DCIS95). Zaragoza. 1995-11
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Conferencia Nacional V. Puente, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Test de Hipótesis basado en el consumo dinámico de intensidad"
X Congreso de Diseño de Circuitos Integrados y Sistemas (DCIS95). Zaragoza. 1995-11
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Conferencia Nacional COMITE PRENDA
"Importancia de una metodología para las nuevas técnicas de diseño de ASICs"
X Congreso de Diseño de Circuitos Integrados y Sistemas (DCIS95). Zaragoza. 1995-11
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Conferencia Nacional P. Tabuenca, E. Villar
"Entorno de co-diseño HW/SW basado en las herramientas CASTLE y FIRES: Uso de C y VHDL como lenguajes de especificación"
X Congreso de Diseño de Circuitos Integrados y Sistemas (DCIS95). Zaragoza. 1995-11
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Conferencia Nacional V. Fernández, P. Sánchez
"Síntesis de alto nivel para scan parcial"
Actas del Congreso de Diseño de Circuitos Integrados y Sistemas. Zaragoza. 1995-11
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Revista Internacional E. Villar
"The Level-0 VHDL Synthesis Syntax and Semantics - 1st Part"
The VHDL Newsletter, No. 19, pp. 10-11. 1995-10
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo E. Villar
"Part of Standardization activities: The synthesis package", Part 1, Vol.I"
Deliverable 204 of the ESPRIT 8370 ESIP project. 1995-10
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Conferencia Internacional P. Tabuenca, E. Villar
"HW/SW co-design based on the CASTLE and FIRES tools: Methodology and application"
proc. of the 2nd HCM BELSIGN Workshop, Duisburg, Germany. 1995-09
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Revista Internacional M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Weighted BIST Structures in the Aritmetic Unit of a Communication Processor"
IEE Proceedings-E, Computers and Digital Techniques, Vol. 142, No. 5. 1995-09
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Conferencia Nacional M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Métodos de Test de Intensidad en Circuitos Mixtos"
Seminario Anual de Automática y Electrónica Industrial. Tarragona. 1995-09
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo L. Entrena, S. Olcoz, P. Sánchez, E.Villar, J. Uceda, T. Riesgo
"Final report on the achievements of the ESIP fault modeling and simulation activity"
Deliverable 216 of the ESPRIT 8370 ESIP project. 1995-09
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Conferencia Internacional M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Test Methodologies in Mixed Signal Testing"
37th Midwest Symposium on Circuit and Systems. Rio (Brasil). 1995-08
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Conferencia Internacional V. Fernández, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"A Novel High-Level Allocation Technique for Test"
Fourth Annual Atlantic Test Workshop. Corsica, France. 1995-07
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar, P. Sánchez
"CAD tools for synthesis"
proc. of the IEEE International Synposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE'95, Athens, Greece. 1995-07
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Conferencia Internacional M. Allende, F. J. Llacer, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Partial Scan Insertion Tool for Highly Sequential Digital Circuits"
1st IEEE International on-line Testing Workshop. Nice (F). 1995-07
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Revista Internacional E. Villar
"Objectives and activities of the European VHDL Synthesis Working Group (EVSWG)"
The VHDL Newsletter, N.18, pp.9-10.. 1995-06
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Revista Internacional F. Azcondo, Julia C. Blanco, Juan Peire
"New Digital Compensation Technique for the Design of a Microcomputer Compensated Crystal Oscillator"
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 42, No. 3. 1995-06
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Conferencia Internacional J. Argüelles, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Signature Analysis in a Dynamic Current Test of Mixed-signals ICs"
International Mixed Signal Testing Workshop. Grenoble (F). 1995-06
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Conferencia Internacional V. Fernández, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Partial Scan High-Level Synthesis Strategy"
Second International Test Synthesis Workshop. Santa Barbara, CA (USA). 1995-05
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Conferencia Internacional J. L. Barreda, I. Hidalgo, V. Fernández, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Fault Modeling in VITAL"
Proceedings of the Workshop on Libraries, Component Modeling, and Quality Assurance. Nantes, France. 1995-04
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Conferencia Internacional J. Argüelles, M. J. López, J. Blanco, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Iddt testing of continuos-time filters"
13th VLSI Test Symposium. Princeton (USA). 1995-04
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Conferencia Internacional M. Selz, W. Ecker, E. Villar
"VHDL synthesis description portability: The need for Level-x Synthesis Subsets"
Spring´95 Working Conference of the VHDL Forum for CAD in Europe. Nantes (France). 1995-04
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo Pedro Tabuenca, E. Villar, L. Muñoz, R. Sanz
"Estudio de viabilidad de la implementación ASIC"
Documento Final del proyecto GAME "Análisis de viabilidad de un ASIC para chasis de baja". 1995-03
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo L. Entrena, L. Berrojo, S. Olcoz, P. Sánchez, E. Villar, J. Uceda, T. Riesgo
"Report on logic and RTL fault modeling"
Deliverable 214 of the ESPRIT 8370 ESIP project. 1995-03
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Libro completo Comité PRENDA
"Metodología para el diseño de ASICs"
Documento Entregable PRENDA/ENT/T14-01/CON del proyecto GAME PRENDA. 1995-02
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Conferencia Internacional M. J. López, M. Martínez, J. Argüelles, S. Bracho
"Deterministic Test Pattern Generation based on Cellular Automata"
2nd Archimedes Open Workshop on Synthesis of Testable Circuits. Barcelona. 1995-02
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Conferencia Internacional P. Tabuenca, E. Villar
"Integrating a design space exploration system for high-level synthesis into a HW/SW co-design environment"
1st HCM BELSIGN Workshop, Toledo, Spain. 1995-02
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Conferencia Internacional S. Bracho, M. Martínez, F. Azcondo
"Experiencias sobre formación en el diseño VLSI de la Universidad de Cantabria"
1er Workshop de IBERCHIP. Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). 1995-02
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Conferencia Nacional P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Docencia del VHDL: Experiencia en la E.T.S.I. Industriales y de Telecomunicación de la Universidad de Cantabria"
Jornadas de Tecnología Electrónica JTEC95. Las Palmas. 1995-02
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Libro completo E. Villar, M. Altmäe
"Language requirements for high-level synthesis"
CENELEC TC117 report. 1995-01
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Revista Nacional C. Delgado Kloos, E. Villar
"VHDL: El lenguaje estándar de diseño electrónico"
Novática. 1995-01
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Libro completo Comité PRENDA
"Guia de referencia general de la metodología"
Documento entregable del proyecto GAME PRENDA. 1994-10
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Conferencia Nacional Comité PRENDA
"Proyecto para la especificación y normalización en el diseño de ASICs (PRENDA)"
III Jornadas Técnicas de Calidad en Tecnologías Electrónicas, T.I+D, Madrid. 1994-10
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo E. Villar, A. Debreil
"Synthesis and formal proof language support"
CENELEC TC117 report. 1994-09
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo E. Villar, L. Berrojo, A. Debreil, B. Fjellborj, M. Mentes, C-W. Lee, N. Jansson
"Standardization activities: The synthesis package"
Deliverable 203 of the ESPRIT 8370 ESIP project. 1994-07
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Conferencia Internacional V. Fernández, P. Sánchez, Marta García, E. Villar
"Fault Modeling and Injection in VITAL Descriptions"
Proceedings of the Third Annual Atlantic Test Workshop, Nimes, France. 1994-06
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Conferencia Internacional V. Fernández, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"High Level Synthesis Guided by Testability Measures"
First International Test Synthesis Workshop, Santa Barbara, CA (USA). 1994-05
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Conferencia Internacional F. Azcondo, P. Sánchez, Juan Peire
"Frequency Correction and Frequency Locked Loop for a Microcomputer - Compensated Crystal Oscillator"
Proc. of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference IECON’93, pp. 1979-1984. 1993-11
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Conferencia Nacional V. Fernández, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Síntesis de alto nivel con criterios de testabilidad"
VIII Congreso de Diseño de Circuitos Integrados, Málaga. 1993-11
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Conferencia Internacional E. Villar, P. Sánchez, V. Fernández
"High Level Synthesis with Testability Criteria"
2nd IEEE Annual Atlantic Test Workshop, Hanover, USA. 1993-06
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Conferencia Internacional F. Azcondo, Juan Peire
"Digitally Compensated Crystal Oscillator Based on the Self Crystal as Temperature Sensor"
Proc. of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference IECON’92, pp. 1582-1587. 1992-11
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Conferencia Nacional V. Fernández, Marta García, Irene Rivera, Javier Martín, P. Sánchez
"Mezclador integrado de señales de vídeo no sincronizadas"
VII Congreso de Diseño de Circuitos Integrados, Toledo. 1992-11
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Conferencia Internacional F. Azcondo, Juan Peire
"Quartz Crystal Oscillator Used as Temperature Sensor"
Proc. of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference IECON’91, pp. 2580-2585. 1991-11
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Conferencia Internacional F. Azcondo, Juan Peire
"DC Power Chopper SPICE Simulation"
Proc. of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference IECON’90, pp. 1205-1210. 1990-11
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