Grupo de Ingeniería Microelectrónica

Grupo de Ingeniería Microelectrónica

Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica, Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática Universidad de Cantabria
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Título:Early, time-approximate modeling of multi-OS linux platforms in a systemC co-simulation environment
Tipo:Articulo en revista internacional
Lugar:Int. Journal on Computer Systems Science & Engineering, Vol 26 No 6
Autores: Héctor Posadas
Eugenio Villar
Dominique Ragot
Marcos Martinez
Líneas: Diseño y verificación de sistemas embebidos HW/SW
Proyectos: FP7 IP 247999 COMPLEX
ISBN:0267 6192
Resumen:The increase of computational power in embedded systems has allowed integrating together hard real-time tasks and rich applications. Complex SW infrastructures containing both RTOS and GPOS are required to handle this complexity. To optimally map system functionality to the hard-RT SW domain, to the general purpose SW domain or to HW peripherals, early performance evaluations at the first steps of the design process are required. Approximate timed co-simulation has been proposed as a fast solution for system modeling at early design steps. This co-simulation technique allows simulating systems at speed close to functional execution, while considering timing effects. As a consequence, system performance estimations can be obtained early, allowing efficient design space exploration and system refinement. To achieve fast simulation speed, the SW code is pre-annotated with time information. The annotated code is then natively executed, performing what is called native-based co-simulation. Previous native-based simulation environments are not prepared to model multi-OS systems, so the performance evaluation of the different SW domains is not possible. This paper proposes a new embedded system modeling solution considering dual RTOS/GPOS systems. A real Linux-based infrastructure has been modeled an integrated into a state-of-the-art co-simulation environment. The resulting solution is capable of modeling and evaluating all HW and SW system components providing the designer with valuable information for early system optimization and design space exploration.

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