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GIM>investigación>proyecto>FP7 288307 PHARAON... |
| FP7 288307 PHARAON |
Seguir este link para ver las PUBLICACIONES dentro de este proyecto |
Título: | FP7 288307 PHARAON |
Acrónimo: | |
Financia: | CE |
Socios: | Thales, PoliTo, ENS, IMEC, Tededsys, VectorFabrics |
Presupuesto: | 354000€ |
Año comienzo: | 2011 |
final: | 2014 |
Director: | Eugenio Villar |
Temas: |
Diseño y verificación de sistemas embebidos HW/SW
Personas: |
Eugenio Villar
Héctor Posadas
Alejandro Nicolás
Pablo Peñil
Descripción: | The main objective of PHARAON is to improve competitiveness of the European electronic industry, especially with respect to reducing power consumption and improving performance, by providing new paradigms for multicore architectures programming, monitoring and control, as well as new dynamic power adaptation strategies, algorithms and interfacing standards. Raising the expertise of European industry in system architecture, software development and power management is crucial to ease the transition to multicore platforms. It will enlarge the range of applicability of a hardware platform and plays in favour of re-use, cost and time-to-market reduction, which have become crucial requirements in a worldwide competition.
Project Description.
project |