Grupo de Ingeniería Microelectrónica

Grupo de Ingeniería Microelectrónica

Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica, Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática Universidad de Cantabria
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   PUBLICACIONES originadas dentro del proyecto: "Behavior design methodologies for ..." ordenadas por fecha
Revista Internacional G. Gorla, E. Moser, W. Nebel, E. Villar
"System Specification Experiments on a Common Benchmark"
IEEE Design & Test of Computers, Pág. 22-32. 2000-07
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, C. Sánz, I. Ugarte, E. Villar
"Specification Components: Reusability at the HW/SW system specification level"
proc. of the VHDL International Users Forum, IEEE CS. 1999-10
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Capítulo de libro E. Villar, A. López
"Especificación de sistemas embebidos"
Sistemas digitales: Elementos para un diseño de alto nivel. Ed. Ediciones Uniandes. 1999-02
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Capítulo de libro A. López, M. Veiga, E. Villar
"Hardware/Software embedded system specification and design using Ada and VHDL"
Reliable Software Technologies-Ada-Europe'1999, Springer-Verlag.. 1999-01
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Conferencia Internacional A. Antón, E. Villar, D.B. de Vries & S.M. H. de Groot
"Design and functional description of a sender and receiver for ATM adaptation layer protocols"
XIII Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference (DCIS98). Madrid. 1998-11
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Conferencia Internacional J.P. Deschamps, E. Villar
"Ada to VHDL translation in HW/SW co-design"
8th HCM BELSIGN Workshop. 1998-10
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Capítulo de libro E.Villar, M. Veiga
"Embedded system specification"
Advanced Techniques for Embedded Systems Design & Test, págs. 1-30. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1998-01
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Revista Internacional A. Antón, E. Villar, D.B. de Vries, S. M. H. de Groot.
"Flexible architecture for processing ATM adaptation layer protocols (AAL1-5)"
IEEE Journal of Electrical Engineering, V.49, N.3-4, pp. 70-75. 1998-01
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Conferencia Internacional A. Antón, E. Villar, S.M. Heemstra de Groot, D. B. de Vries
"Flexible Architecture for Processing ATM Adaptation Layer Protocols (AAL1-5)"
First Electronic Circuits and Systems Conference (ECS97). Bratislava (Slovakia). 1997-09
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Conferencia Internacional H.W.A. Teunissen, D. B. de Vries, S.M. Heemstra de Groot, A. Antón, E. Villar
"A Flexible Architecture for Processing ATM Adaptation Layer Protocols"
4th HCM BELSIGN Workshop, Santander. 1996-10
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Conferencia Internacional H.W.A. Teunissen, D. B. de Vries, S.M. Heemstra de Groot, A. Antón, E. Villar
"HW/SW Co-Design of the ATM AAL3-5 Protocols"
4th HCM BELSIGN Workshop, Santander. 1996-10
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Revista Internacional P. Tabuenca, E. Villar, H. Veit, H.T. Vierhaus
"HS/SW co-design environment based on the CASTLE and FIRES tools: Use of C and VHDL as specification language"
SYDIS Publications 1993-1995, GMD. 1996-02
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Conferencia Internacional P. Tabuenca, E. Villar
"HW/SW co-design based on the CASTLE and FIRES tools: Methodology and application"
proc. of the 2nd HCM BELSIGN Workshop, Duisburg, Germany. 1995-09
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Conferencia Internacional P. Tabuenca, E. Villar
"Integrating a design space exploration system for high-level synthesis into a HW/SW co-design environment"
1st HCM BELSIGN Workshop, Toledo, Spain. 1995-02
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