The eighth edition of our ISLIST summer school (VIII-ISLIST) is scheduled for June 16-20, 2025 with the core topic " Light in Energy, Environment and laser manufacturing" . See here the final report from the previous edition.

This school is envisioned to be a worldwide top International forum (every fourth week of June) on Light Sciences and Technologies in the framework of a “special top university” that is recognized as the “university of universities” and in a privileged environment “the Royal Magdalena Palace” in Santander, Cantabria, Spain. Each edition of this international school will have an intensification or main core in a specific application area and additional current hot topics. Light in Energy, Environment and laser manufacturing  will be the core of 2025 edition.





ISLiST has been conceived as a great opportunity to review, actualize and improve the knowledge of scientists, professionals and technicians; to contribute to the education and to enhance the motivation of PhD students; to offer an ideal frame for networking and also to contribute to the education of the citizens. It is also a great opportunity to ensure that policymakers, entrepreneurs, and other key “actors” will be aware of the problem-solving potential of Photonics.


¡New! the final report of the 2024 edition is here.


Invited Speakers for the 2025 edition

 Javier Cavada


Dr. Javier Cavada

 President and Chief Executive Officer, CEO


Mitssubishi Power for Europe, Middled East and Africa


The pillars of the decarbonization: impact on the development of a new world.


 Antonio Gomez Exposito


Prof. Antonio Gómez Expósito 

 Director of “Endesa Red” Chair



University of Sevilla, Spain


Centralized vs distributed photovoltaics: drivers and barriers.

Ivan Gordon


Prof. Ivan Gordon

Head of Photovoltaic Technology and Energy Systems group


Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (IMEC), Belgium.


Photovoltaic Solar Cells technologies: Currents, Challenges and Opportunities.

 Christian Sattler


Prof. Christian Sattler

Head of Solar Chemical Engineering


German A. Center, Germany


Concentrating Solar Power for electric energy and fuels production: Currents and trends.

 Carlos Algora


Prof. Carlos Algora

 Head of III-V Semiconductors Group

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain


Photovoltaic laser power converters for Power-by-light Systems.

 Carlos Molpeceres


Prof. Carlos Molpeceres

Director, Centro Láser


Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain


Laser Technology in Photovoltaics.

 Tong Sun


Prof. Tong Sun 



Instrumentation & Sensors Research Centre, City-University of London, UK 


Optical Fibre Sensors on Environmental applications.

 Christian Pedersen


Prof. Christian Pedersen 




Optical Sensor Technology Group, Technical University of Denmark 



Optimization of wind turbines using LIDAR remote sensing technology
Environmental gas LIDAR sensing to support the green transition.








Copsesa-RIC Energy and IH 


GREEN and BLUE H2 production in Cantabria: Besaya H2 & Bahia H2 Offshore projects 






 lopez higuera


Prof. José Miguel López Higuera



 ISLIST and Head of Photonics Engineering Group, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain


Sensing using Light: doctrinal conception, currents and trends



More Information


DIRECTOR: José Miguel López Higuera
Head of the Photonics Engineering Group
University of Cantabria
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Marian Quintela  SECRETARIAT: Marian Quintela

  Photonics Engineering Group
  University of Cantabria
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