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GIM>Research>Publications |
PUBLICATIONS in which "Yolanda Lechuga" participates ordered by research line |
Test methods of digital and mixed integrated circuits |
J. Miguel, David Rivas, Y. Lechuga, M. Allende, M. Martínez
"A novel computer-assisted design tool for implantable MEMS pressure sensors"
Microprocessors and Microsystems. Eselvier. Accepted |
J. Miguel, David Rivas, M. Allende, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez
"Low-Power Analog Front-End for Intelligent Stents"
David Rivas, J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, M. Allende, M. Martínez
Proceedings of the 26th micromechanics and microsystems Europe Workshop. 2015-09 |
J. Miguel, David Rivas, M. Allende, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez
"Implantable MEMS Pressure Sensors Modelling Tool"
Proceedings of the Euromicro Conference
on Digital System Design (DSD2015). 2015-08 |
David Rivas, J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, M. Allende, M. Martínez
"Energy-Efficient Implantable Transmitter for Restenosis
Monitoring with Intelligent-Stents"
37th Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2015). 2015-08 |
J. Miguel, David Rivas, Y. Lechuga, M. Allende, M. Martínez
"Oscillation-based Approach Applied to a Low-Power
Analog Front-End for an Implantable Cardiac Device"
Proceedings of the 20th International Mixed-Signal Testing Workshop (IMSTW 2015). 2015-08 |
J. Miguel, David Rivas, M. Allende, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez
"Pressure-based intelligent stent for restenosis control"
2015 11th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME 2015). 2015-06 |
J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, Jose R. Berrazueta
"Fault Modeling of Implantable MEMS sensors"
Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices. BIODEVICES 2015. 2015-01 |
J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez
"A MEMS Design Tool for Blood-Pressure Sensing"
Proceedings of the Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Circuits (DCIS 2014). 2014-11 |
J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez
"CMD, an automated design program for blood pressure sensing capacitive MEMS"
11th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN14). 2014-07 |
J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Modeling of Faulty Implantable MEMS Pressure
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2014). 2014-05 |
J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez
"Fault injection in an implantable MEMS-based pressure sensing device"
Proceedings of the 28th Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference (DCIS 2013). 2013-11 |
R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Behavioral model of folded and interpolated ADCs for test evaluation—Case study: Structural DfT method"
Microelectronics Journal, Volume 44, Issue 5, May 2013, Pages 382–392. 2013-05 |
J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez
"Implantable Sensor System for Remote Detection
of a Restenosis Condition"
4th Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems (DoCEIS 2013). 2013-04 |
J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez
"Modeling of an implantable device for remote arterial pressure
SPIE Microtechnologies 2013. 2013-04 |
J. Miguel, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez
"Analysis of Fault Injection in Implantable Capacitive Blood-Pressure Sensors"
International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (Biodevices 2013). 2013-02 |
R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Structural Test Approach for Embedded Analog Circuits based on a Built-In Current Sensor"
Journal of Electronic Testing (Springer). 2011-04 |
Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Fault Evaluation of a Distributed Preamplifying Stage of a High-Speed Folded ADC"
XXV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'10. 2010-11 |
R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Test of Embedded Analog Circuits based on a Built-In Current Sensor"
European Test Symposium 2010, ETS10. 2010-05 |
R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Test based on Built-In Current Sensors for Mixed-Signal Circuits"
Emerging Trends in Technological Innovation, IFIP AICT 314, Springer. 2010-02 |
Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Structural DfT Strategy for High-speed ADCs"
Emerging Trends in Technological Innovation, IFIP AICT 314, Springer*. 2010-02 |
Y. Lechuga
"Métodos de Test Estructural Aplicados a Circuitos Mixtos de Altas Prestaciones"
Universidad de Cantabria. 2009-09 |
Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Optimization of a Structural DfT Targeting Fault Detection on High‐Speed ADCs"
European Test Symposium (ETS'09). Sevilla(E). 2009-05 |
Y. Lechuga, Ahcène Bounceur, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho, Salvador Mir
"Test Limit Evaluation for an ADC Structural Design-for-Test Approach by using a CAT Platform"
Proceedings of the Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS 2008, Grenoble (Francia). 2008-11 |
R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Structural DfT Approach on Folded ADCs"
14th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems(ICECS'2007). Marrakech(Marruecos). 2007-12 |
R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"DfT Behavioural Description for Folded ADCs"
12th IEEE International Mixed-Signals Testing Workshop (IMSTW´06)
Edinburgh(UK). 2006-06 |
Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Allende, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Fault detection in switched current circuits using built-in transient current sensors"
Journal of Electronic Testing-Theory and Applications 21 (6): 583-598. 2005-12 |
R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Test of a Switched Capacitor ADC by a Built-In Charge Sensor"
Microelectronics Journal 36 (12): 1064-1072. 2005-11 |
Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Design for Test of High-Speed Folded ADCs"
XX Conference on
Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems(DCIS 2005) Lisboa(P). 2005-11 |
Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Test de Preamplificadores en Convertidores A/D Doblados"
Proc. of the XII Annual Seminar on Automatic Control, Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation (SAAEI 2005), Santander. 2005-09 |
R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Test of Averaged Preamplifiers in Folded ADCs "
11th IEEE International Mixed-Signals Testing Workshop (IMSTW 2005) Cannes(F). 2005-06 |
R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Allende, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Experimental Evaluation of a Built-in Current Sensor for Analog Circuits"
XIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS2004). Bordeaux (France). 2004-11 |
Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Allende, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Experimental Analysis of Transient Current Test Based on dIDD Variations in S2I Memory Cells"
XIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS2004). Bordeaux (France). 2004-11 |
R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Characterization of an SC ADC by a Built-In Charge Sensor"
10th International Mixed-Signal Testing Workshop (IMSTW2004). Portland (USA). 2004-06 |
Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Dynamic Current Testing Strategies for S2I Algorithmic A/D Converters"
XVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS2003). Ciudad Real (Spain). 2003-11 |
R. Mozuelos, Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"SC Algorithmic ADC Test with a Built-In Charge Sensor"
XVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS2003). Ciudad Real (Spain). 2003-11 |
Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Test generation in algorithmic switched current ADCs"
9th International Mixed-Signal Testing Workshop (IMSTW2003). Sevilla. 2003-06 |
Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Built-In Sensor Based on Current Supply High-Frequency Behaviour"
Electronic Letters, Vol 39, No. 9. 2003-05 |
Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Fault Detection in Algorithmic ADC Monitoring Charge in SC Converters and Dynamic Current in SI Converters"
IX Workshop IBERCHIP (IWS´2003). La Habana (Cuba). 2003-03 |
Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Fault detection in algorithmic switched-current ADC using built-in sensors"
XVII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS 2002). Santander. 2002-11 |
Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Built-in Dynamic Current Sensor for Hard-to-Detect Faults in Mixed-Signal ICs"
Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE 2002. Paris (France). 2002-03 |
Y. Lechuga, R. Mozuelos, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Hard-to-Detect Faults by Dynamic Current Sensor in Analogue Circuits"
3rd IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop, LATW2002. Montevideo (Uruguay). 2002-02 |
Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Dynamic Current Test of Switched-current Building-blocks"
15th Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference (DCIS 2000). Montpellier (Francia). 2000-11 |
Formation of engineers in design and test techniques for VLSI circuits |
Y. Lechuga, R. Casanueva, M. Martínez
"Analisys of teaching methodologies for electronics in non-specialized engineering Studies"
Proceedings of the XXX Conference on Design of Systems and Integrated Circuits. DCIS 2015. 2015-11 |
Y. Lechuga, F. Azcondo, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Resultados del empleo de Internet en asignaturas de la Ingeniería Industrial"
V Congreso de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica (TAEE 2002). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 2002-02 |
Y. Lechuga, M. Martínez, S. Bracho
"Una experiencia de empleo de Internet en la enseñanza de la asignatura Sistemas Electrónicos en la Ingeniería Industrial"
IV Congreso de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica (TAEE 2000). 2000-09 |