Electronics Technology, Systems and Automation Engineering Department Microelectronics Engineering Group University of Cantabria
Sat 27-Jul-24 03:44

SCoPE: Publications

Published papers

"System-Level Performance Analysis in SystemC"[DATE04]

"Single Source Design Environment for Embedded Systems Based on SystemC"[DAES04]

"Real-time Operating System modeling in SystemC for HW/SW co-simulation"[DCIS05]

"POSIX modeling in SystemC"[ASP-DAC06]

"TLM interrupt modelling for HW/SW co-simulation in SystemC"[DCIS06]

"RTOS modeling in SystemC for Real-Time embedded SW simulation: A POSIX model"[DAES06]

"Protocol Bus Modeling using inheritance with TLM2.0"[FDL07]

"Energy Consumption Estimation Technique in Embedded Processors with Stable Power Consumption based on Source-Code Operator Energy Figures"[DCIS07]

"SystemC Platform Modeling for Behavioral Simulation and Performance Estimation of Embedded Systems"[IGI Global09]

"Automatic HW/SW interface modeling for scratch-pad & memory mapped HW components in native source-code co-simulation"[IESS09]

"AADL simulation and performance analysis in SystemC"[ICECCS09]

"Modeling Separate Memory Spaces in Native Co-­simulation with SystemC for Design Space Exploration "[2PARMA10]

"Early Modeling of Linux-based RTOS Platforms in a SystemC Time-Approximate Co-Simulation Environment"[ISORC10]

"L2 Cache Modeling for Native Co-Simulation in SystemC"[SIES10]

"Automatic Generation of SystemC SMP Models for HW/SW Co-Simulation"[DCIS10]

"Obtaining Memory Address Traces from Native Co-Simulation for Data Cache Modeling in SystemC"[DCIS10]

"Native Co-Simulation of TCP/IP-Based Embedded Systems in SystemC"[DCIS10]

"Embedded software execution time estimation at different abstraction levels"[DCIS10]

"An Approach For High-Level Thermal Modeling using Native Simulation"[Euromicro10]

Related research activities

Design and verification of HW/SW embedded systems

Multicube project: Extensions for Design Space Exploration

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