Grupo de Ingeniería Microelectrónica

Grupo de Ingeniería Microelectrónica

Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica, Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática Universidad de Cantabria
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   PUBLICACIONES en las que participa: "Iñigo Ugarte" ordenadas por fecha
Revista Internacional V. Fernández, Carlos Abad, Angel Alvarez, I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Pre-silicon FEC decoding verification on SoC FPGAs"
IEEE Communications Letters. 2021-01
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Conferencia Internacional Angel Alvarez, I. Ugarte, V. Fernández, P. Sánchez
"Design Space Exploration in Heterogeneous Platforms Using OpenMP"
DCIS 2019. 2019-11
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Capítulo de libro Angel Alvarez, I. Ugarte, V. Fernández, P. Sánchez
"OpenMP Dynamic Device Offloading in Heterogeneous Platforms"
Fan X., de Supinski B., Sinnen O., Giacaman N. (eds) OpenMP: Conquering the Full Hardware Spectrum. IWOMP 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11718. Springer, Cham. 2019-08
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Conferencia Internacional Angel Alvarez, I. Ugarte, P. Martínez, V. Fernández
"HW-SW Codesign of a Positioning System. UML to Implementation Case Study"
DCIS16. 2016-11
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Conferencia Internacional Á. Díaz, A. Nicolás, I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Designing embedded HW/SW systems with OpenMP"
FDL Forum on specification & Design Languages September 12-14, 2016 Bremen, Germany. 2016-09
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Conferencia Internacional H. Posadas, V. Fernández, I. Ugarte
"Teaching a Hardware Description Language with an Affordable, Easy-to-use Robotic Arm"
IEEE International Symposium on Computers in Education, SIIE. 2015-11
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Revista Internacional F. Herrera, I. Ugarte, E. Villar
"Towards automated implementation of adaptive systems from abstract SystemC specifications"
Design Automation of Embedded Systems, Springer. 2012-11
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez, V. Fernández
"Motivation of students in the learning of digital electronics through the double integration: Remote/presential work and theoretical/laboratory classes "
Proceedings - 2012 Technologies Applied to Electronics Teaching (TAEE 2012). 2012-06
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Capítulo de libro F. Herrera, I. Ugarte
"Concurrent Specification of Embedded Systems: An Insight into the Flexibility vs Correctness trade-off "
Kiyofumi Tanaka: "Embedded Systems - Theory and Design Methodology", InTech, Croatia. 2012-02
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Automatic vector generation guided by a functional metric"
SPIE Microtechnologies. 2011-04
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Tesis doctoral I. Ugarte
"Functional Verification Techniques of Digital System (Técnicas de Verificación Funcional de Sistemas Digitales)"
Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de Cantabria.. 2009-06
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Optimized Coverage-directed Random Simulation"
IEEE International High Level Design Validation and Test. 2008-11
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Providing a Formal Meaning to Coverage Metrics "
XXII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems. 2007-11
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Analysis of Random Testbench for Data-Dominated Hardware Descriptions"
XII IEEE European Test Symposium. 2007-05
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Optimizations in the Verification Technique of Automatic Assertion Checking with Non-linear Solver"
XXI Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems. 2006-11
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Assertion-based Verification of Behavioral Descriptions with Non-linear Solver"
IEEE International High Level Design Validation and Test. 2006-11
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Assertion Checking of Control Dominated Systems with Nonlinear Solvers"
IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Co-Design. 2006-07
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Revista Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Verification of Embedded Systems Based on Interval Analysis"
International Journal of Parallel Programming, Vol. 33, No. 6,. 2005-12
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Use of Non-linear Solver to Check Assertions of Behavioral Descriptions"
XX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS2005). Lisboa(P). 2005-11
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Formal Meaning of Coverage Metrics in Simulation-based Hardware Design Verification"
IEEE International High-Level Design Validation and Test Workshop California. 2005-11
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Assertion Checking of Behavioral Descriptions with Non-linear Solver"
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design. 2005-10
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Polynomial model-based evaluation of the branch coverage metric for functional verification of hardware systems"
ACM & IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Co-Design (MEMOCODE'05). Italy. 2005-07
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Theoretical fundamentals of functional verification based on random test benches"
IEEE European Test Symposium ETS'05 Estonia. 2005-05
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Conferencia Nacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Assertion Checking of Cyclic Behavioral Descriptions"
XIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS'04 France. 2004-11
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Path-oriented Assertion Checking of Cyclic Behavioral Descriptions"
Formal Methods and Models for Co-Design MEMOCODE'04 California. 2004-06
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Functional Vector Generation for Assertion-Based Verification at Behavioral Level Using Interval Analysis"
IEEE International High Level Design Validation and Test Workshop HLDVT’03, San Francisco, CA. 2003-11
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"Using Modified Interval Analysis in System Verification"
XVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Circuits DCIS'03 Ciudad Real. 2003-11
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Conferencia Internacional I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez
"System Verification Based on Modified Interval Analysis"
European test Workshop, ETW’03. 2003-05
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Informe, Estudio o Dictamen por encargo I. Ugarte, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Metodología de Verificación y diseño para testabilidad digital"
Documento Entregable R3 del proyecto FEDER 1FD97-0791. 2002-03
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Conferencia Internacional F. Herrera, C. Sánz, I. Ugarte, E. Villar
"Specification Components: Reusability at the HW/SW system specification level"
proc. of the VHDL International Users Forum, IEEE CS. 1999-10
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