Grupo de Ingeniería Microelectrónica

Grupo de Ingeniería Microelectrónica

Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica, Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática Universidad de Cantabria
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   PUBLICACIONES en las que participa: "Héctor Posadas" ordenadas por línea de investigación
   Diseño y verificación de sistemas electrónicos para comunicaciones
informe J. Pérez, V. Fernández, H. Posadas, V. Fernández
"Estudio de viabilidad de DVB-S2 en Banda Ka"
Memoria técnica justificativa del proyecto PROFIT PNE-001/2003-EMP. 2004-04
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   Diseño y verificación de sistemas embebidos HW/SW
revista E. Villar, J. Merino, H. Posadas, R. Henia (Thales TRT), L. Rioux (Thales TRT)
"Mega-Modeling of complex, distributed, heterogeneous CPS systems"
Microprocessors and Microsystems (accepted). 2020-08
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revista H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Using Professional Resources for Teaching Embedded SW Development"
Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, V. 11, I. 4, IEEE, pp. 248 – 255. 2016-11
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conferencia P. Peñil, H. Posadas, Julio Medina, E. Villar
"UML-Based Single-Source Approach for Evaluation and optimization of Mixed-Critical Embedded Systems "
XXX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS 2015, IEEE. 2015-11
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revista H. Posadas, P. Peñil, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"Automatic synthesis of communication and concurrency for exploring component-based system implementations considering UML channel semantics"
Journal of System Architecture, V.61, I.8, pp.341–360. 2015-09
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revista H. Posadas, A. Nicolás, P. Peñil, E. Villar, Florian Broekaert, Michel Bourdelles, Albert Cohen, Mihai T. Lazarescu, Luciano Lavagno, Andrei Terechko, Miguel Glassee, Manuel Prieto
"Improving the Design Flow for Parallel and Heterogeneous Architectures running Real-Time applications: The PHARAON FP7 project"
Microprocessors and Microsystems,V.38, I.8, Part B, pp. 960–975. 2014-11
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conferencia A. Nicolás, P. Peñil, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Automatic Deployment Of Component-Based Embedded Systems From UML/MARTE Models Using MCAPI"
XXIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS 2014. 2014-11
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revista H. Posadas, P. Peñil, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"Automatic synthesis of embedded SW for evaluating physical implementation alternatives from UML/MARTE models supporting memory space separation"
Microelectronics Journal, V.45, I.10, pp.1281–1291, doi: 10.1016/j.mejo.2013.11.003. 2014-10
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conferencia A. Nicolás, P. Peñil, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Automatic Synthesis over multiple APIs from UML/MARTE Models for easy Platform Mapping and Reuse"
Proceedings of the EuroMicro DSD Conference, IEEE, 2014. 2014-08
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conferencia L. Lavagno (PoliTo), M. Lazarescu (PoliTo), H. Posadas, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"Parallel and Heterogeneous Architectures for Real-Time Applications"
University Booth, DATE 14, Dresden. 2014-03
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libro_c F. Herrera, P. Peñil, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Model-Driven Methodology for the Development of Multi-level Executable Environments"
J. Haase (Ed.): "Models, Methods and Tools for Complex Chip Design", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, V.265, Springer. 2014-01
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revista F. Herrera, H. Posadas, P. Peñil, E. Villar, F. Ferrero (GMV), R. Valencia (GMV), G. Palermo
"The COMPLEX methodology for UML/MARTE modeling and design-space exploration of embedded systems"
Journal of Systems Architecture, V.60, N.1, Elsevier, pp.55–78. 2014-01
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conferencia E. Ebeid (U.Ver.), F. Fummi (U.Ver.), D. Quaglia (U.Ver.), H. Posadas, E. Villar
"A Framework for Design-Space Exploration and Performance Analysis of Networked Embedded Systems"
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Rapid Simulation and Performance Evaluation: Methods and Tools, ACM. 2014-01
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conferencia E. Villar, A. Nicolás, P. Peñil, H. Posadas
"Modeling and SW Synthesis for Heterogeneous Embedded Systems in UML/MARTE"
Tutorial SD1: "High-Level Specifications to Cope With Design Complexity" in ASP-DAC 2014, Singapore . 2014-01
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conferencia A. Nicolás, H. Posadas, P. Peñil, E. Villar
"Automatic Concurrency generation through Communication Data Splitting based on UML-MARTE Models"
XXVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, San Sebastian, Noviembre, 2013 . 2013-11
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conferencia_n P. Peñil, H. Posadas, A. Nicolás, E. Villar, D. Calvo (TED)
"Code Synthesis of UML/MARTE models for physical platforms considering resource-specific codes"
IV Jornadas de Computación Empotrada, Sarteco 2013. 2013-09
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conferencia R. Fernández, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Early performance evaluation of Multi-OS embedded platforms using native simulation"
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2013, IEEE, doi: 10.1109/DSD.2013.131. 2013-09
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conferencia H. Posadas, E. Villar, et al.
"EU FP7-288307 PHARAON project: Parallel and heterogeneous architecture for real-time applications"
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2013, IEEE, doi: 10.1109/DSD.2013.47. 2013-09
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conferencia H. Posadas, P. Peñil, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"System synthesis from UML/MARTE models: The PHARAON approach"
Electronic System Level Synthesis Conference, ESLsyn, 2013, IEEE. 2013-05
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conferencia F. Herrera, H. Posadas, P. Peñil, E. Villar, P. Sánchez, P. González, F. Ferrero (GMV), R. Valencia (GMV)
"A MDD Methodology for the Specification and Performance Estimation of Embedded Systems"
Tutorial B: Advanced Techniques for Power-Aware System-Level Prototyping, DATE'13. 2013-03
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conferencia E. Villar, H. Posadas
"SW simulation technologies in virtual platforms"
Class 6: "Embedded SW Development on Virtual Platforms - Ready for Industrial Deployment?", Embedded World 2013, Nuremberg. 2013-02
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conferencia H. Posadas, P. Peñil, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"Automatic synthesis of Embedded SW Communications from UML/MARTE models supporting memory-space separation"
XXVII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'12. 2012-11
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conferencia H. Posadas, P. Peñil, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"UML/MARTE methodology for high-level system estimation and optimal synthesis"
MeCoES - Metamodeling and Code Generation for Embedded Systems, ESWeek 2012. 2012-10
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conferencia F. Herrera, H. Posadas, P. Peñil, E. Villar, F. Ferrero (GMV), R. Valencia (GMV)
"A MDD Methodology for Specification of Embedded Systems and Automatic Generation of Fast Configurable and Executable Performance Models"
ESWeek 2012 Compilation Proceedings, CoDes+ISSS’12, ACM. 2012-10
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conferencia F. Herrera, H. Posadas, P. Peñil, E. Villar, F. Ferrero (GMV), R. Valencia (GMV)
"The CompleX Eclipse Framework for UML/MATE Specification and design Space Exploration of Embedded Systems"
Proceedings of the 2012 Conference on Design & Architectures for Signal & Image Processing, DASIP 2012, IEEE. 2012-10
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conferencia H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Using Technical Documents as Support for Developing Competences in HW/SW Design"
IEEE International Symposium on Computers in Education, SIIE 2012. 2012-10
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conferencia P. Peñil, H. Posadas, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"Automatic synthesis from UML/MARTE models using channel semantics"
International Workshop on Model-Based Arquitecting and Construction of Embedded Systems, ACES-MB 2012, doi: 10.1145/2432631.2432640. 2012-09
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informe F. Colas-Bigey, A. Terechko, H. Posadas, E. Villar, P. Peñil, F. Broekaert, C. Couvreur, M. Bourdelles, S. Li, L. Lavagno, A. Cohen
"Definition of tool interfaces and integrated design flow"
Deliverable D1.2 of the FP7 Pharaon Project. 2012-06
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informe H. Posadas, E. Villar, P. Peñil, F. Broekaert, C. Chantal, L. Lavagno, A. Terechko, M. Bourdelles, S. Li
"System specification methodology"
Deliverable D1.3 of the FP7 Pharaon Project. 2012-06
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conferencia E. Villar, H. Posadas
"SW simulation technologies in virtual platforms"
Class 6: "Embedded SW Development on Virtual Platforms - Ready for Prime Time?", Embedded World 2012, Nuremberg. 2012-02
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libro_c H. Posadas, Á. Díaz, E. Villar
"SW Annotation Techniques and RTOS Modeling for Native Simulation of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems"
Kiyofumi Tanaka: "Embedded Systems - Theory and Design Methodology", InTech, Croatia. 2012-02
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conferencia H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Automatic Communication Modeling for Early Exploration of HW/SW Allocation Based on Native Co-simulation"
XXVI Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'11. 2011-11
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revista H. Posadas, E. Villar, Dominique Ragot, Marcos Martinez
"Early, time-approximate modeling of multi-OS linux platforms in a systemC co-simulation environment"
Int. Journal on Computer Systems Science & Engineering, Vol 26 No 6. 2011-11
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libro_c H. Posadas, S. Real, E. Villar
"M3-SCoPE: Performance Modeling of Multi-Processor Embedded Systems for Fast Design Space Exploration"
C. Silvano, W. Fornaciari & E. Villar (Eds.): "Multi-objective Design Space Exploration of Multiprocessor SoC Architectures: the MULTICUBE Approach", Springer, New York, USA. 2011-10
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libro_c M. Martínez, D. Ferrúz, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"High-level modeling and exploration of a powerline communication network based on System-on-Chip"
C. Silvano, W. Fornaciari & E. Villar (Eds.): "Multi-objective Design Space Exploration of Multiprocessor SoC Architectures: the MULTICUBE Approach", Springer, New York, USA. 2011-10
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conferencia E. Villar, H. Posadas
"Native Power Estimation for Embedded System Design-Space Exploration"
PATMOS'11, Facultad de Informática, UCM, Madrid. 2011-09
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conferencia D. Calvo, P. González, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez, E. Villar, Andrea Acquaviva, Enrico Macii, Claudio Parrella, Mateo Giaconia
"SCoPE: SystemC Cosimulation and Performance Estimation. Application to Power and Thermal-Aware Design"
University Booth, DATE 11, Grenoble. 2011-03
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conferencia D. Calvo, P. Botella, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Automatic Generation of HdS System Model for System Simulation using IP-XACT"
Workshop W7: Hardware Dependent Software Solutions for SoC Design, DATE 2011. 2011-03
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revista D. Calvo, P. González, L. Diaz, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez, E. Villar, Andrea Acquaviva, Enrico Macii
"A Multi-Processing Systems-on-Chip Native Simulation Framework for Power and Thermal-Aware Design"
ASP Journal on Low-Power Electronics (JOLPE): Special Issue on Low Power Design and Verification Techniques . 2011-02
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conferencia H. Posadas, L. Diaz, E. Villar
"Fast Data-Cache Modeling for Native Co-Simulation "
Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, ASP-DAC 2011. 2011-01
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informe D. Calvo, H. Posadas, E. Villar, Francisco Alcalá, David Gutierrez
"Guidelines for System-level design, integration and optimization"
Deliverable DT4.3.6 of the Artemis Scalopes Project. 2010-12
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conferencia H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Native Co-Simulation of TCP/IP-Based Embedded Systems in SystemC"
XXV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'10. 2010-11
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conferencia P. Botella, P. Sánchez, H. Posadas
"Automatic Generation of SystemC SMP Models for HW/SW Co-Simulation"
XXV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'10. 2010-11
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patente_nac H. Posadas, L. Diaz, E. Villar
"Método y sistema de modelado de memoria caché"
Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas. OEPM. 2010-10
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conferencia C. Silvano, W. Fornaciari, G. Palermo, V. Zaccaria, F. Castro, M. Martinez, S. Bocchio, R. Zafalon, P. Avasare, G. Vanmeerbeeck, C. Ykman-Couvreur, M. Wouters, C. Kavka, L. Onesti, A. Turco, U. Bondi, G. Mariani, H. Posadas, E. Villar, C. Wu, F. Dongrui, Z. Hao, T. Shibin
"Multi-Objective Design Space Exploration of Multi-Core Architectures"
IEEE Annual Symposium on VLSI, ISVLSI'10. 2010-07
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conferencia H. Posadas, E. Villar, Dominique Ragot, M. Martínez (DS2)
"Early Modeling of Linux-based RTOS Platforms in a SystemC Time-Approximate Co-Simulation Environment"
IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC'10). 2010-05
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conferencia J. Castillo, H. Posadas, E. Villar, M. Martínez (DS2)
"Fast Instruction Cache Modeling for Approximate Timed HW/SW Co-Simulation "
20th Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI'10), Providence, USA. 2010-05
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conferencia_n P. Peñil, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Formal Modeling for UML/MARTE Concurrency Resources"
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems. 2010-03
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conferencia H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Modeling Separate Memory Spaces in Native Co-­simulation with SystemC for Design Space Exploration "
2PARMA Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures . 2010-02
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libro_c P. Peñil, J. Medina (CTR), H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Generating Heterogeneous Executable Specifications in SystemC from UML/MARTE Models"
in "Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering", V.6, N.1-2, March, Springer. 2009-12
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conferencia H. Posadas, G. de Miguel, E. Villar
"Automatic generation of modifiable platform models in SystemC for Automatic System Architecture Exploration "
XXIV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS 2009, Zaragoza, Spain. 2009-11
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libro_c H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Automatic HW/SW interface modeling for scratch-pad & memory mapped HW components in native source-code co-simulation (Best Paper Award)"
A. Rettberg, M. Zanella, M. Amann, M. Keckeiser & F. Rammig (Eds.): "Analysis, Architectures and Modelling of Embedded Systems", Springer, 2009. 2009-09
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libro_c H. Posadas, J. Castillo, D. Quijano, V. Fernández, E. Villar, Marcos Martínez (DS2)
"SystemC Platform Modeling for Behavioral Simulation and Performance Estimation of Embedded Systems"
L. Gomes and J. M. Fernandes (Eds.): “Behavioral Modeling for Embedded Systems and Technologies: Applications for Design and Implementation”, IGI Global. 2009-07
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conferencia P. Peñil, E. Villar, H. Posadas, Julio Medina (CTR)
"Executable SystemC specification of the MARTE generic concurrent and communication resources under different Models of Computation"
Workshop on the Definition, evaluation, and exploitation of modelling and computing standards for Real-Time Embedded Systems, STANDRTS'09 Satellite Workshop of the the 21st EuroMicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, Dublin. 2009-06
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conferencia J. Castillo, H. Posadas, E. Villar, Marcos Martínez (DS2)
"Energy Consumption Estimation Technique in Embedded Processors with Stable Power Consumption based on Source-Code Operator Energy Figures"
XXII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'07 . 2007-11
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conferencia H. Posadas, D. Quijano, E. Villar, Marcos Martínez (DS2)
"Protocol Bus Modeling using inheritance with TLM2.0"
Proceedings of the Forum on Design Languages, FDL'07. Barcelona. 2007-09
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informe J. Castillo, H. Posadas, D. Quijano, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"HdS modeling library"
DS2-T3.4-Q2/07 Deliverable of the Medea+ 2A708 LoMoSa+ Project. 2007-06
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conferencia E. Villar, H. Posadas, Marcos Martínez (DS2)
"Efficient HdS simulation for MpSoC with NoC"
MEDEA+ Design Automation Conference, Grenoble. 2007-05
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conferencia H. Posadas, D. Quijano, E. Villar, M. Martínez (DS2)
"SCoPE: SoC co-simulation and performance estimation in SystemC"
Software demonstration at the DATE’07 University Booth, Nice, April, 2007. 2007-04
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revista H. Posadas, J. Adámez, E. Villar, F. Escuder (DS2), F. Blasco (DS2)
"RTOS modeling in SystemC for Real-Time embedded SW simulation: A POSIX model"
Design Automation for Embedded Systems, V.10, N.4, Springer, pp.209-227. 2006-12
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conferencia H. Posadas, D. Quijano, E. Villar, F. Escuder (DS2), M. Martínez (DS2)
"TLM interrupt modelling for HW/SW co-simulation in SystemC"
XXI Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'06 . 2006-11
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informe D. Quijano, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez, E. Villar, Marcos Martínez (DS2)
"Specification of HdS modeling methodology"
DS2-T3.4-Q2/06 Deliverable of the Medea+ 2A708 LoMoSa+ Project. 2006-06
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informe H. Posadas, J. Adámez, E. Villar, Emilio Arias (DS2)
"SystemC Execution Support Implementation"
D3.8.1 Deliverable of the ITEA IP 03002 Merced Project. 2006-06
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conferencia H. Posadas, J. Adámez, P. Sánchez, E. Villar, Francisco Blasco (DS2)
"POSIX modeling in SystemC"
proc. of the 11th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, ASP-DAC'06, IEEE. 2006-01
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informe H. Posadas, J. Adámez, E. Villar
"SystemC Execution Support Implementation: First Draft"
Documento Entregable UC_T3.8_Q2/06. 2005-12
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conferencia H. Posadas, E. Villar, Francisco Blasco
"Real-time Operating System modeling in SystemC for HW/SW co-simulation"
XX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'05, IST Lisboa.. 2005-11
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informe H. Posadas, J. Adámez, E. Villar
"Requirements for a ‘trying’ environment in System context"
D2.5.1 Deliverable of the ITEA IP 03002 Merced Project. 2005-06
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informe H. Posadas, J. Adámez, E. Villar
"Requirements and definition of a common simulation environment: University of Cantabria contribution (First draft)"
Preliminar_DS2_D2.5.2. 2004-12
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revista H. Posadas, F. Herrera, V. Fernández, P. Sánchez, E. Villar, F. Blasco
"Single Source Design Environment for Embedded Systems Based on SystemC"
Design Automation for Embedded Systems, V.9, N.4, Springer, pp.293-312. 2004-12
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conferencia M. Bolado, H. Posadas, Javier Castillo, Pablo Huerta, P. Sánchez, Carlos Sánchez, Häkan Fouren, Francisco Blasco
"Platform based on open-source cores for industrial applications"
Proc. of DATE'04, IEEE CS Press. 2004-02
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conferencia H. Posadas, F. Herrera, P. Sánchez, E. Villar, F. Blasco
"System-Level Performance Analysis in SystemC"
proc. of DATE'04, IEEE CS Press. 2004-02
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informe M. Bolado, J. Castillo, P. Huerta, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez
"Implementation of a microprocessor core"
DS2-WP5-Q4/03 Deliverable of the Medea+ A511 TOOLIP Project. 2003-12
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informe M. Bolado, J. Castillo, P. Huerta, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez
"Executable specification of a microprocessor core"
UC-T2.1-Q3/03 Deliverable of the Medea+ A511 TOOLIP Project. 2003-09
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conferencia F. Herrera, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Systematic Embedded Software Generation from SystemC"
proc. of DATE'03, IEEE CS Press. 2003-02
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libro_c F. Herrera, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Systematic Embedded software generation from SystemC"
"Embedded Software for SoC", Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2003-01
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informe M. Bolado, J. Castillo, C. Sánchez, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez
"Functional specification of a microprocessor core"
UC-T2.1-Q4/02 Deliverable of the Medea+ A511 TOOLIP Project. 2002-12
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informe H. Posadas, F. Herrera, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Library for microprocessor core analysis"
UC-T1.3-Q4/02 Deliverable of the Medea+ A511 TOOLIP Project. 2002-12
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informe F. Herrera, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Documento de requisitos técnicos de la biblioteca de perfilado"
UC/ToolIP/IR/03 Internal Report of the Medea+ A511 TOOLIP Project. 2002-11
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conferencia E. Villar, P. Sánchez, H. Posadas
"System-level reusability of microprocessor cores in a SystemC specification environment"
MEDEA+ Design Automation Conference. 2002-09
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   Diseño de sistemas embebidos HW/SW
conferencia F. Herrera, H. Posadas, E. Villar, D. Calvo
"Enhanced IP-XACT Platform Descriptions for Automatic Generation from UML/MARTE of Fast Performance Models for DSE"
15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD'2012. 2012-09
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conferencia F. Herrera, P. Peñil, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"A Model-Driven Methodology for the Development of SystemC Executable Environments "
Proceedings of the 2012 Forum on Specification and Design Languages, FDL'2012, IEEE. 2012-09
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libro_c C. Silvano, W. Fornaciari, G. Palermo, V. Zaccaria, F. Castro, M. Martínez, S. Bocchio, R. Zafalon, P. Avasare, G. Vanmeerbeeck, C. Ykman-Couvreur, M. Wouters, C. Kavka, L. Onesti, A. Turco, U. Bondi, G. Mariani, H. Posadas, E. Villar, C. Wu, F. Dongrui, Z. Hao
"The MULTICUBE Design Flow"
C. Silvano, W. Fornaciari & E. Villar (Eds.): "Multi-objective Design Space Exploration of Multiprocessor SoC Architectures: the MULTICUBE Approach", Springer, New York, USA. 2011-10
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informe Carlo Brandolese (PoliMi), Gianluca Palermo (PoliMi), William Fornaciari (PoliMi), F. Herrera, H. Posadas, E. Villar, Massimo Poncino (PoliTo), Chantal Ykman-Couvreur (IMEC)
"Preliminary report on design space exploration"
Deliverable 3.4.1 of COMPLEX project. 2011-06
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conferencia L. Diaz, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Obtaining Memory Address Traces from Native Co-Simulation for Data Cache Modeling in SystemC"
XXV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'10. 2010-11
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informe H. Posadas, S. Real, E. Villar
"Refined Performance and Power Estimation Prototype Tool"
Deliverable D2.1.2 of the FP7 216693 MULTICUBE Project. 2010-02
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informe H. Posadas, G. de Miguel, E. Villar
"Initial Performance and Power Estimation Prototype Tool"
Deliverable D2.1.1 of the FP7 216693 MULTICUBE Project. 2009-02
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   Especificación de sistemas embebidos
conferencia F. Herrera, H. Posadas, E. Villar, D. Calvo
"Enhanced IP-XACT Platform Descriptions for Automatic Generation from UML/MARTE of Fast Performance Models for DSE"
15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD'2012. 2012-09
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informe Carlo Brandolese (PoliMi), Gianluca Palermo (PoliMi), William Fornaciari (PoliMi), F. Herrera, H. Posadas, E. Villar, Massimo Poncino (PoliTo), Chantal Ykman-Couvreur (IMEC)
"Preliminary report on design space exploration"
Deliverable 3.4.1 of COMPLEX project. 2011-06
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